Wednesday, December 16, 2020

What We Lost in 2020

The year 2020 has been a hard one, perhaps the hardest most of us have ever experienced.  In looking back at this year, there are several things that we have lost or that have been severely damaged.  It is yet to be seen if these are permanent.

  • Loss of life.  Probably the first thing that comes to mind is the pandemic caused by a novel virus that originated in China.  The deaths due to COVID-19 have cast a shadow on this year.  The reactions to it ranged from panic and fear to isolation and anger, as people tried to deal with all the ramifications of a widespread, unknown, and silent disease.
  • Loss of connections and physical touch.  We had isolation of those in the hospitals and care facilities.  We avoid handshakes and hugs, which were replaced with elbow bumps and virtual high 5's.  When walking down the street or passing someone in a store, we can see the worry and fear of physical contact or even close proximity.  
  • Loss of jobs, dreams, and opportunities to pursue happiness.  We've experience unequally applied lockdowns and unjustified persecution of people desperate to preserve their small businesses, while the government favored others.  People have lost livelihoods, savings, and homes.  Private businesses lost jobs and income, while government employees got paid for not working.  Riots and violence against innocent people and businesses destroyed lives and dreams.
  • Loss of homes due to wildfires.  Across the county, we lost many homes, lives, and forests to out of control fires.  Whether from decades of forest mismanagement, from climate changes, or just bad luck, the devastation is real.  While we can rebuild, it is tragic.
  • Loss of confidence in the integrity of the election process.  Illegal changes in violation of the constitution were allowed to stand.  Voting process changes were quickly made that were ill-conceived and that lacked standard safeguards against fraud.  When there was obvious fraud, especially in large Democrat controlled swing state cities, courts would not hear or rule on the merits of these challenges.  State leaders either are complicit in changing procedures or are unwilling to stand up to the suspicious activity.  There is widespread anger and dismay at the perceived loss of integrity in the electoral system where cheating is allowed to stand.  We've lost the illusion of fair elections and the ability to address wrongs when uncovered in a timely enough manner to make a difference.
  • Loss of a media that values truth over agendas. We have seen coverups and lack of real investigative reporting.  We got distortions and biased reporting.  We had social media platforms do active and biased censoring of controversial opinions and thoughts.  Few believe in the independence and fairness of the "fact-checkers."  Dictionaries redefine words to fit "woke" agendas.  They hid information damaging to preferred political groups, while spreading distortions of records and doing one-sided negative reporting.  There is a lack of integrity or apparent interest in discovering the truth.  Frequent attacks are made on undercover reporters who find uncomfortable fraud or embarrassing statements and/or activities. 
  • Loss of trust of experts.  Several times, the "experts" have made proclamations and then within weeks or months changed their claims.  It is becoming obvious that calls to "follow the science" are not necessarily that, but instead are ploys to shut up opposition to their agenda.  While there are secure scientific facts in some areas, there are also disputed assertions that are not beyond challenge by rational, informed people.
  • Loss of freedoms.  In a short period of time, we have lost the freedom of association, to travel,  to gather in worship, or to even have family holiday events.  Mandates were made to force mask wearing and other shutdowns without good scientific justifications. There has been persecution of religious activities and non-enforcement of regulations for preferred political gatherings and riots.
  • Loss of consent of the governed.  The power of the people to be willingly governed with their consent was damaged.  Instead, because of fear or lack of will, we allowed "Emergency" declarations and mandates to be issued, often in violation of state laws and constitutions, or far in excess of the lawful limits.  When these were challenged, the partisan courts failed to act.  State legislative representatives failed to reign in the governors' and mayors' abuse of power.  
  • Loss of respect for political leaders.  Many pushed draconian measures, but then were caught doing the same activities themselves.  Privileged attitudes show their disdain for the masses.  We saw corruption of leaders in government and the "justice" department.
  • Loss of quality education.  Educational experiences have suffered, as online learning has not worked for many.  In-person classes have been inconsistently scheduled and then dropped, causing disruptions for many families.  Recent college graduates have struggled to find jobs in the pandemic economy, but still face student loan repayments in the near future.
  • Loss of equal protection under the law.  Unequal enforcement and application of laws has become apparent, particularly during the violent protests and riots.  Conservative groups and individuals were singled out, while mass unlawfulness was condoned, ignored, or failed to be prosecuted.  Voter ballots were subjected to different validation standards based on politics.  Loss of respect for authority follows when this kind of injustice is seen.  
  • Loss of Unity.  In 2020, America is more divided than ever politically, morally, and philosophically.  In many ways, there is little common ground left.  Belief in the basic goodness of the fundamental principles of the founding of our nation and culture, or even objective moral grounding of our society, is no longer shared. There is a widening of the divide between conservatives and progressive liberals based on greatly divergent views of morality and goals.
  • Loss of respect for laws and law enforcement.  Active calls for abolishing or defunding the police abound.  There have been attacks and murders of police and pro-police supporters.  Leftist protestors have consistently called for killing police, have falsely claimed that police purposefully kill blacks, and often even assault officers.  Even public figures attack their integrity.
  • Loss of political balance.  We see it within the Democrat party, as it has increasingly become more socialist and radically anti-traditional values and institutions. Loss of unity also showed within the Republican party, as it became polarized between Trump supporters believing in pro-American policies, and the "deep state", entrenched establishment, and never-Trumpers actively seeking to undermine his agenda. Power struggles rule the day.
  • Loss of real tolerance.  Cancel culture and restrictions of free speech now reign.   Social media claims disinformation and/or selectively filters content and reach because of disputed claims.  There is widespread disgust/dismay at the so-called "justice" movement by many.  We jail those politically opposed, but free criminals in the name of saving them from COVID-19.  We hear calls to abolish or reduce penalties for violent criminals, yet mourn the executions of murderers.  We have legalized or decriminalized drugs, both hard and popular, but we don't tolerate those who disagree.  True tolerance allows differences of opinions to be held, debated, and challenged.  The new tolerance demonizes and attacks those who disagree.
  • Loss of the joy of gathering together and watching sports.  Because of pandemic overreactions, we cancelled many events and placed ridiculous restrictions on players practicing and interacting with each other.  We had "bubbles" and limited schedules.  We had coaches forced to wear masks, but not the players.  We had empty stadiums filled with cardboard cutouts and canned crowd noise.  Seems more like the Truman Show than real life.
  • Loss of entertainment quality and quantity.  Delayed or cancelled TV/movie production caused a shortage of new content.  Many movies were delayed being released in theaters because they couldn't make enough money with mostly empty theaters either.  Ironically, people are tempted to have too much screen time and have less healthy activity.  While not new, almost every show now has to push political, social, and immoral agendas down our throats.
  • Loss of biological common sense.  There is less safety, modesty, fairness, and common sense about biology in sports competition and in locker rooms.  Court rulings demanded that men who self-identify as women be allowed to compete against biological women and to have equal access to women's locker rooms.  Many women lost scholarship opportunities and were denied the ability to compete on a level playing field.  In the locker room, we lost the right to innocence and the normalcy of not having opposite sex people see one naked.
  • Loss of sports as an escape.  Another sports loss was when we had to choose between enjoying a game or being forced to watch players disrespect our country and flag.  In the name of a Marxist political movement, they openly displayed banners, wore slogans, and showed disdain for our country.  The protests are based on the false premise that America is a fatally flawed, racist country and that our core institutions need to be destroyed and remade in their utopian vision of human nature.  Can't we just enjoy some entertainment without having an agenda thrown in our face?
  • Loss of hope.  Probably one of the biggest losses for many this year was a loss of hope.  Hope that eventually this will pass.  Hope that we will get back to normal and not have to accept a "new" normal.  Hope that none of their loved ones will be lost because of a disease or to die alone.  Hope that our nation will not be radically changed forever.  Suicides are up.  Abuse is up.  Drug and alcohol use is up.  We are less healthy and more stressed.

So is there hope?  I believe there is, but it is not to be found in secular philosophies, social engineering, or nontheistic worldviews.  Ultimately it is found in the Christian faith.  But we can't give up either and the fight needs to go on, even when it looks bleak.  Evil wins when good people refuse to stand up and fight against it.   We are called to be both Salt and Light in the world.  We are called to be in the world, but not of it.  We can't do that by refusing to play our part.

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