Sunday, March 31, 2019

Book Review - Always Be Ready


I recently received an advanced copy of the new Reasons to Believe (RTB) book, Always Be Ready, by Hugh and Kathy Ross. To my surprise, this book stands apart from other RTB books that I've read. I've been reading RTB books and materials for over 25 years, since I first discovered the Fingerprint of God while I was a young Physics grad student who was also a Christian. Over the years, the detailed scientific and theological content of these books has challenged and encouraged me, but from most of them I never really got a full picture of the heart behind the ministry. This book changes that!

Always Be Ready gives a glimpse into the life journey of Ph. D. astronomer Hugh Ross, the founder of Reasons to Believe. In the book, we see example after example of what happens when you prepare yourself and then ask God to provide opportunities. Hugh Ross clearly has a heart for ministry and evangelism, and has overcome many challenges along the way. In his own unique way, he shares how current scientific discoveries provide support for the God of creation. While this book only provides a summary of these evidences, there are many resources provided in the end notes and through the Reasons to Believe website for those interested. Through various personal accounts, Dr. Ross shares how time and time again people positively responded to the gospel message because of the evidence that he shared with them from nature and the manner in which he interacted with them.

In this book we get to see what can happen when we take both God's World and God's Word seriously. People are hungry to have answers that satisfy both their minds and their hearts. I would highly recommend this motivational book to anyone that wants to be prepared to give answers to a seeking world. Expect to be encouraged, I was.