Sunday, August 16, 2020

When it comes to Justice, Don't be a Humpty Dumpty!

Consider how the word "justice" is misused as a political tool.
  • The Bible teaches that it is wrong for a Christian to have feelings of superiority (Phil. 2).
  • Believers are told not to make class distinctions between various people (James 2).
  • Paul teaches the spiritual equality of all people in Christ (Gal. 3:28; Col. 3:11).
If a definition of "justice" makes distinctions between people, especially in the Church, based principally on classes they belong to (e.g. race, sexual identity, wealth/social status, historical oppressed/oppressor groups, or other intersectionality), then it is not based on the Christian worldview and is not Biblical Justice.
Don't be a Humpty Dumpty!

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