Friday, October 16, 2020

Should children as young as 8 be able to change their genders?

Last night at his town hall event, Joe Biden appears to imply that children as young as 8 should be able to change their genders. That is an unbelievably radical suggestion that should shock the conscience. Doesn't it seem to be abusive to the child to enable these psychological and physical changes in a person who we don't allow to make other important life decisions because of their maturity level? Note: This is a separate issue from whether or not fully grown adults can/should make these kinds of choices for themselves.

At the root, this is a Worldview issue, one that embraces a relativistic view of morality. Under relativism, morality is defined by either the self, groups, or the broader culture. There can be no objective set of moral standards with regards to sexuality, personal behavior, or social interactions.

Before you blindly vote against Trump and other Conservatives, please think about the Worldview the Democrat Party supports. Voting for the liberal progressives will further entrench these evil policies. As a Christian, I find it unconscionable to support the moral positions of the Democrat Party Platform.

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