Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Christian Fatalism

There's an old Doris Day song Que Sera Sera, "Whatever will be, will be..."

As believers, we have an assurance that God is ultimately in control, even though we don't know the future or see the whole picture. While God promises to walk beside his followers through trials and life's challenges, that doesn't negate the consequences of our choices or circumstances that could have been changed if different choices had been made. Nations even suffer judgment and trouble because of bad decisions of the people or the leaders.

Unfortunately, lately I've heard pastors, leaders, and other Christians sounding more like Christian Fatalists, singing "Que Sera Sera". What do I mean by that? I mean that they sound like they are throwing their hands up in the air and accepting without question whatever happens, regardless of the costs and dangers coming. For instance, in regard to the election their comments seem as if they view the choices as morally neutral and so, for "unity's sake" we should be okay with whatever the outcome, "because God is in control and will work through it to accomplish his purposes."

Do you say the same thing about a tsunami that kills thousands?

    "Oh well, God will work his will."

What do you say to the child dying from cancer?

    "You know, God has this all under control and it will be okay."

What about when the Supreme Court ruled to make abortion a right and destroyed the meaning of traditional marriage?

    "Oh, you know, that's just part of God's plan."

No! That is an abhorrent attitude and is not well thought out. I hope you see that is not an appropriate response. You should be appalled and dismayed. You should grieve with others. You should provide care and comfort. You should do what you can to mitigate these injustices and evils. You should stand again evil.

Your actions, inactions, and choices matter to God and can directly impact others. There are consequences to how you choose to behave, who you affiliate with, and who you endorse for leadership positions. God allows bad freewill choices, but it doesn't let you off the hook. God can and does work his plans despite evil, because he sees the whole picture and is omnipotent.  We, on the other hand, need to make the best choices we can and stand against evil and erosion of societal values. We have a culture that in many ways supports and is responsible for widespread abortion, the loss of family structure, the decay of sexual morals, and the lack of respect for authority and traditions. Loving our enemies, who too are made in God's image, does not mean to fail to fight against the wrongs they stand for and want to foist upon others. Passivity allows evil to triumph. Throwing away your vote to unelectable candidates is foolish.

So how then should we live? We are sojourners in this world and this is not our final home. We can trust that God will work through the events of our lives to grow us into stronger relationship to him and to become more like His Son, Jesus. It may not be fun or easy. In fact, it seems that the norm is that we will have struggles. But we should not get so stressed out about the problems of the world and in our lives that we forget that our mission here is to reach out with the Good News and make real disciples in the time we have. However, other things matter too. Especially those things that impact the future and well being of others. That too, is our responsibility.

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