Saturday, July 1, 2023

Truth Month

 Truth Month - July 2023

  1. Objective Truth wins over Subjective Feelings.
  2. God keeps His promises.
  3. Love is not just feelings, but sacrifice and hard work.  God is Love.
  4. Men and Women are made in the Image of God, but marred by sin.
  5. Redefining words does not change reality.  Ignoring reality has consequences.
  6. One Creator.  One Way.  One Resurrected Savior. Jesus.
  7. Affirming another's delusions is ultimately harmful.
  8. Speak Truth but with Love.
  9. When the moral foundation of a culture crumbles, it is inevitable that evil will prosper.
  10. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.
  11. Self-control is a Virtue; Pride is a Sin.
  12. To Know the Truth, Jesus said to first follow and obey him.
  13. There is no such thing as "my truth" or "your truth".  There is just the Truth.
  14. All people have dignity and worth, but not all actions and beliefs are true or good.
  15. All Human (inalienable) Rights come from God, and are not granted by men or governments.
  16. True Tolerance allows for different viewpoints, and does not suppress others.
  17. Our worth as human beings is not based on external characteristics, what we can give society, our development level, or any conferred status, but on our intrinsic value as creatures made in God's image.
  18. Good and Evil both exist. Fight for good. Resist evil.
  19. Families are key.  From the beginning of time, they were designed to be the primary source of moral teaching and discipline.  Children need the influence and examples of strong male and female role models in their daily lives.
  20. Men are not Women.  Women are not Men.  Your gender was assigned at conception.
  21. Relativistic Morality is ungrounded in Truth, is incoherent, and is ultimately logically self-defeating.  Without grounding, nothing can actually be called good or evil, only preferences.
  22. We must live in the real world that God created, governed by His rules and laws
  23. God has revealed Himself to us.  Our attempts to make our own religions are doomed to fail.
  24. God became a human.  Humans cannot ever become gods.
  25. Justice is supposed to be fairly applied - blind to status and impartial in judgment.
  26. It is wrong to take the life of innocent human beings.
  27. It is our duty to protect the weak and those who cannot help themselves
  28. A life raft cannot save everyone.  You cannot help others if yours sinks.
  29. Work is good and the norm for all people.  Charity without expectations often begins a descending life spiral.  A hand up beats a handout.  As iron sharpens iron, together we grow stronger.
  30. Before passing judgment, be sure to apply the same standard to yourself.  Remove the speck from your eye first.
  31. Celebrate Truth, All the Time.  All the Time, Celebrate Truth.