Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Truth Month - July 2024 - Day 23 - God has revealed Himself to us. Our attempts to make our own religions are doomed to fail.


Truth Month - July 2024

Day 23 - God has revealed Himself to us.  Our attempts to make our own religions are doomed to fail.

Most religions have a focus on experiencing the divine or becoming one with God.  Human beings have an inherent spirituality and we have sometimes been labeled homo religiosus.  We all are drawn to questions of life’s ultimate meaning and purpose, even those professing atheism.  Why are there so many different religions and spiritual practices?  It may be because most religions are based on people trying to reach or appease their gods.  Religions have evolved as practitioners try new and different ways to experience the divine.  It is not surprising that we have floundered on our own efforts.

However, there is one major religion that makes a far different claim.  Christianity claims that there is only one true God, and that this God desired a relationship with His creation.  So He chose to reveal Himself to them in multiple ways, sometimes called General and Special Revelation.  General Revelation is available to all men through the created world.  The apostle Paul stated that this is one way that God reveals knowledge, through human experience, history, creation, and conscience.  In other words, all people naturally know something about God's existence, His power, His character, and His nature.  In addition, Special Revelation was given directly to men of God and through His Son, Jesus.  Special Revelation communicates direct, clear information about the nature of God and His expectations on us.  Jesus was the ultimate revelation, as the God who became man and lived among us.  He taught us how to live, he gave his life for us, and he proved his authority by rising from the dead.

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