Saturday, July 27, 2024

Truth Month - July 2024 - Day 27 - It is our duty to protect the weak and those who cannot help themselves


Truth Month - July 2024

Day 27 - It is our duty to protect the weak and those who cannot help themselves

To most people, it seems obvious that we should help others when we have the means and opportunity.  Because of that, our societal structure attempts to help those in need.  Our police and military are formally charged with providing safety and security by enforcing our laws and discouraging lawlessness.  Charity and welfare are two different types of assistance that our society uses to provide resources to the needy.  In addition, we all have a personal responsibility to assist with both within our spheres of influence and to our means and ability.

Police serve as protectors as well as deterrents to crime.  It is unfortunate that, in the name of social justice, there is a current trend to defund or eliminate law enforcement, often where crime is the highest.  In actuality, we need to protect the weak and innocent from rampant crime, even when it is being committed by those who may need help too.  Likewise, our military is meant to protect us from external threats to our nation's security.  They need to be efficiently funded and trained to be adequate deterrents to foreign threats.  However, when they are handicapped by political leaders to not finish their missions, or their focus is on DEI initiatives, we all become less safe and the mission as protectors fails.  

Welfare is mainly government assistance and its primary mission should be to help people during their lows, and then to help them find proactive ways to take care of themselves and their families.  It should never be a permanent situation that destroys their souls and motivation to work. Likewise charity, which comes from voluntary contributions, is used for helping people.  Sometimes the lines blur and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) do the actual work of distributing taxpayer provided funds.  It is my observation that true charities tend to do a better job of helping people up because they truly care about the recipients and have a responsibility to manage the funds they have received from donors and in accord with their values.  Welfare systems, especially in our modern times, often are more focused on equity and social justice, than on truly solving problems, and just become self-perpetuating organizations funded by the government.  

Government and charitable organizations are not always the first or best actors to really help people in need.  Often the people we meet, work with, socialize with, or live with are in the best position to help and/or be helped.  Authentic relationships allow us to see past facades and into other's lives.  Sometimes that will result in giving financial help or providing resources, but often it is more important to provide companionship, friendship, counseling, or spiritual guidance.  

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