Saturday, July 6, 2024

Truth Month - July 2024 - Day 6 - One Creator - One Way - One Resurrected Savior - Jesus


Truth Month - July 2024

Day 6 - One Creator.  One Way.  One Resurrected Savior. Jesus.

Philosophers generally agree that to avoid infinite regression issues, there must be a first "uncaused cause".  In other words, in the very beginning, something had to get the ball rolling.  The big question is really about who or what that is.  Contemporary scientific observation has repeatedly shown that the universe had a beginning, speculative models aside.     

A Beginning requires a Beginner.  A Big Bang requires a Big Banger!  The Bible states that an uncaused, ultimate, necessary, morally perfect being created the universe from nothing (ex nihilo) by His will alone.  The creation account tells of God's creation of the universe, the stars, moon, and the earth.  It further details the care taken to shape the earth into a planet suitable for the human beings he intended to create, filled with resources and abundant life.  

It is the story of Creation, the Fall, Redemption, and eternal Consummation.  God provided a way for humanity, created in His own image, to overcome their rebellion and sin, and to ultimately become adopted children of God.   He revealed Himself to His creation and gave them a guidebook to follow, for their benefit.  

He even became a man to show us how to walk the road of life, by example.  Jesus was the crucified and resurrected Savior who was sent by a loving Father to redeem his fallen people.  Jesus is the one and only way to God.  We have often tried to forge our own paths and rituals to get to God, but God Himself has provided Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  Jesus said that no one gets to the Father except through Him.  He has the scars to show it!       

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