Sunday, July 7, 2024

Truth Month - July 2024 - Day 7 - Affirming another's delusions is ultimately harmful


Truth Month - July 2024

Day 7 - Affirming another's delusions is ultimately harmful

A dangerous trend in our modern world is affirming those who are in denial about reality and truth. In the past, when a concerned family member or professional observed dangerous or self-destructive behavior, then they took action to get the person help or reported the dangerous situation to someone who could help.  Now, however, it seems more likely than not to go along with the person's delusions and affirm them, in the name of compassion or social justice.

In the past, most health professionals would agree that long-term solutions generally did not involve going along with the patient's delusions, and certainly not to the extent of actively helping them in continuing self-destructive actions.  But somehow, in the name of inclusive compassion, that has all changed in the matter of just a few years.  Now doctors, parents, counselors, and school officials are actively promoting the continuation of harmful behaviors, and in some cases, even helping to cover up evidence of troubled behaviors. Those who object are openly persecuted and blamed, sometimes resulting in the loss of parental rights or meaningful contact with the victim.

Few people would encourage a person experiencing Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID) to have healthy limbs amputated or their spinal cord transected.  Nor would rational people continue to affirm an anorexic girl's belief that she is overweight.  Most would agree that that would be evil and destructive.  Out of control drinking and drug use should raise alarm bells for anyone who cares about the well-being of another, and intervention is morally required.  We are expected to report suicidal or self-destructive behavior to the proper authorities too.  If we care about the individuals, we need to actually help them.

But for some reason, when it comes to a growing list of behaviors, we are now expected to affirm these behaviors in the name of equity and diversity.  If a child (or adult for that matter) actually thinks that they are an animal (e.g. Furries) and continually acts it out, the expectation is to play along and assist in the delusion.  Not to do so is considered to be harmful.  Likewise, if a young child or teen experiencing mental health issues is also experiencing gender dysphoria, it is assumed that the real issue is that they are really in a body of the wrong sex.  So the solution is not to first resolve the underlying mental health issues, but rather to assist in radical sex reassignments via irreversible chemical castration, cross-sex hormone treatments, and even surgeries.  In many cases, these are done without the consent or knowledge of the parents or guardians.  Sometimes out of fear, or because they are supporting the new sexual ethic, the parents actually are the drivers of the changes for children too young to make informed consent.  What was unthinkable just a few years ago, now is acceptable practice.  

As a society, we should probably ask "Why?"  Is it to appease a vocal minority that are pushing a radical moral agenda and want to fundamentally transform our society away from traditional moral values?  When we look back on this, I suspect that we'll be horrified that we did experimental therapies on children (and adults) that were permanently scarring and life altering.  Just as lobotomies, forced drug trials, and involuntary sterilizations are unthinkable to us today, I would pray that we come to our senses sooner than later.  Our children should not be sacrificed on the altar of the sexual revolution.

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