Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Ministry of Truth Timely Update - 27 Aug 2024 - Free Speech Absolutist Weirdos


Free Speech Absolutist Weirdos

Thought-criminals who dare express ill-favored opinions are an existential threat to our utopian vision, so the Ministry of Love must be able to monitor and silence any subversive communications.  Opposition to Big Brother is intolerable, so all tools which could possibly be used to 
  • facilitate criminal activity, 
  • plot terrorism, 
  • sell guns, 
  • spread disinformation, 
  • organize dissent, 
  • recruit others, 
  • seed malign influence, or 
  • talk about government dissatisfaction 
are required to provide open access to the authorities without inconvenient red-tape like search warrants or probable cause.  Failure to comply will result in arrests, bans, and/or crippling fines for all involved.  This applies to all technologies such as 
  • social media, 
  • encrypted apps, 
  • private emails, 
  • telegrams, 
  • morse code, 
  • disappearing ink, 
  • whispered conversations, 
  • passed notes, 
  • strings and cans, 
  • smoke signals, and 
  • anything else that the Ministry of Truth deems to be "bad". 
Citizens, you have been warned!

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