Monday, July 1, 2024

Truth Month - July 2024 - Day 1 - Objective Truth Wins Over Subjective Feelings


Truth Month - July 2024

Day 1 - Objective Truth Wins Over Subjective Feelings

Truth is much more than a person's opinion, and is no less than that which corresponds to reality.  That kind of Truth is known as Objective Truth.  It is true no matter who believes it or not, since the reality of it exists independently of the observer.  Objective Truth can be investigated, tested, and verified (such as by the scientific method).   Now truth claims can be wrong or mistaken, and mistaken beliefs can and should be evaluated, and re-aligned with reality if they are mistaken.  Knowledge is justified true belief.  Belief alone does not make something true, even if you are sincere.  The "Truth" in Truth Month refers solely to the kind that corresponds to reality. 

Another kind of truth that is commonly use today is Subjective Truth.  Often called relativistic truth, this kind of truth is based on a person's beliefs, views, or experiences, and can vary greatly between individuals or cultures.  While we can argue about the best flavor or ice cream (obviously chocolate chip mint), or who we feel was the GOAT in a certain sport, it really just comes down to personal preference.  There is not necessarily any correspondence to reality.  Claiming that "my truth", "your truth", or "my lived experience" is binding upon others is not a valid truth claim, because only the Truth actually exists. 

Related to Subjective Truth is the belief in Relativism.  Relativism has been aptly called having one's feet firmly planted in mid-air, since it has no philosophical grounding.  It is based on the idea that no objective truth exists, or certainly none that can be known. Relativistic morality is incoherent, and is ultimately logically self-defeating.  Without grounding, nothing can actually be called good or evil, only preferences.  It has no solid grounding for its claims, nor does it have the ability to assert claims of right or wrong, including its own truth claims.  For example, the Nazis believed that they were right to exterminate the undesirables, and with relativism, there are no objective grounds for disputing that.  It is not good enough to say that "I don't like that" or "I think that was wrong".  Without an objective moral standard, such as the uncaused creator God, relativism and subjective truths remain just the flavor of the day.     


  • It is okay to steal if you really need it. (S)
  • A man named Jesus lived in Judea about 2000 years ago, and was crucified by the Romans. (O)
  • My wife is the best wife in the whole world! (S)
  • The nature of human procreation is the combination of the sex gametes of a male and a female. (O)
  • Modern art is inspiring. (S)
  • Physics is the best and highest scientific discipline. (S)
  • No physical object can travel faster than the speed of light in a vacuum. (O)
  • Gender is closely related to biology, so it is unfair for trans-athletes to compete in sports against people of the opposite biological sex. (S)
  • Sex/gender are determined by biology, and not by a doctor's opinion or a person's feelings. (O)
  • It is wrong to torture babies just for the fun of it. (O)

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