Friday, July 19, 2024

Truth Month - July 2024 - Day 19 - Families are key. From the beginning of time, they were designed to be the primary source of moral teaching and discipline.


Truth Month - July 2024

Day 19 - Families are key.  From the beginning of time, they were designed to be the primary source of moral teaching and discipline.

As far back in history as we can see, the family unit has been the core of human existence.  Primarily this is due to the fact that men and women come together and create children, who often look like copies of their parents.  Human nature recognizes that we need to nurture and raise these younglings to be productive members of the family and culture.  

We are in the midst of a social experiment in America.  Single parenthood and absent fatherhood is on the rise, especially in poor minority communities.  Unsurprisingly, we have seen dramatic rises in crime, drug use, prostitution, abortion, homelessness, and general unrest.  The best indicators of success in our country are to 

  1. Get and hold a job 

  2. Graduate HS 

  3. Don't have kids before marriage

All of these things become harder without good family examples.

Children need the influence and examples of strong male and female role models in their daily lives to grow in character, develop discipline, and learn by example.  Children thrive best in a home where there are both fathers and mothers.  This is not meant to denigrate the efforts of single moms or other family situations, who often do amazing jobs in hard circumstances.  Nevertheless, that is not the ideal family situation for raising good children with strong moral training and who are prepared to be productive members of society.  Reliance on street peers and gangs as replacement parents doesn't provide the necessary support to properly develop character.   

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