Saturday, July 20, 2024

Truth Month - July 2024 - Day 20 - Men are not Women. Women are not Men. Your gender was assigned at conception.


Truth Month - July 2024

Day 20 - Men are not Women.  Women are not Men.  Your gender was assigned at conception.

Until very recently, if you announced, "It's a boy … or a girl.  We'll have to wait and see until they tell us", you would have been met with comments like, "What?!?" or "Hah, very funny, now really is it a boy or a girl?".  The universal experience of human biology is that we are sexual beings at our core, from our genetics to the normal development of our bodies.  Sure, there have been various ways that people have lived out their feelings and desires, sometimes rebelling against established norms.  But up until recently, it was never a question of the reality of a person's male or female nature, regardless of their actions or wishes.

That has radically changed very recently in the long history of humanity.  Despite overwhelming scientific evidence that there are just two human sexes, and that each individual is one or the other from their conception, now we are told that we must accept that men can change into women, and vice versa.  Now this is not based on some futuristic advanced technology, but rather is based solely on the stated feelings of an individual.  If a male claims to be a woman, then they are, and society has no right to say otherwise!  This is not dependent upon their appearance, biology, sexual preferences, or physical development.  Nope, we just have to fall in line and accept them into society as they desire, even if it presents challenges to the privacy, rights, fairness, and safety of others.  This sure sounds like the tyranny of the minority. 

One might ask, why those who claim to "follow the science" religiously are now promoting a clearly non-scientific position.  Could it be that they are pushing a social agenda to radically change our culture and to destroy the foundations of the traditional family so that they can replace it with a new system of beliefs?  Believe it or not!    

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