Sunday, July 21, 2024

Truth Month - July 2024 - Day 21 - People and institutions may fail us but God never will


Truth Month - July 2024

Day 21 - People and institutions may fail us, but God never will

We are only human!  Part of the human experience is that we are not perfect.  We all make mistakes, rebel against authority, and selfishly chase our own agendas.  This is called sin and it can be against others, ourselves, and even God.  

There are few people, if any, who have not been failed by others.  In families, social groups, work, or even the church, we all have had bad experiences (e.g. hurt feelings, rejection, broken trust, abuse, etc.)  It actually is not that surprising, since any group of people you are involved with has at least one imperfect person – yourself!  Yes, it happens, but how we respond is up to us.  Forgiveness is healthy for all parties.  While that doesn't mean we shouldn't remove ourselves from dangerous situations, there is always the hope of reconciliation.  

The one thing that we can trust, though, is that God will never fail us.  God has a perfect track record of keeping His promises.  He promises that if we accept His free gift of salvation through Jesus, that we will get a clean slate and become a new creation spiritually.  Does He promise a trouble-free and prosperous life?  No, but He does promise to walk beside us all the way to the end.

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