Monday, July 22, 2024

Truth Month - July 2024 - Day 22 - We must live in the real world that God created, governed by His rules and laws


Truth Month - July 2024

Day 22 - We must live in the real world that God created, governed by His rules and laws.

Children have fantastic imaginations.  They can envision worlds where they can fly, fight dragons, or be someone else.  We all need escape now and then, and usually it is healthy as long as we realize that it is actually unreal.  Interacting with the real world as Superman will end badly. 

We live in a physical world governed by fixed laws of nature.  We have to eat, drink, have shelter, and clothing.  We are social creatures and look for relational connections with others and even with nature.  But the real world is potentially a dangerous place too.  Disasters happen, health can fail, or we can be harmed by the actions of others.  We do our best to protect ourselves, our families, and our well-being.  

We ignore the reality of the rules and laws of this world at our peril.  We must live in the world as it is, even if we want it to be otherwise or even if we believe it to be different from reality.  We can spend like we're rich, even if we are not.  We can treat others badly and expect to receive love in return.  We can deny that we have a disease and refuse treatment.  We can act as if we have a body biologically different from the one we were born in and even try to change it.  We can believe that we can steal without consequences.  We can live our lives as if there will never be an end or an ultimate accounting for our actions.  There are innumerable ways we can deceive ourselves, but eventually we will suffer the consequences of ignoring reality and embracing our fantasies.  

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