Monday, September 16, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 16 Sep 2024 - Woke Moral Reasoning


Wokeological Reasoning

Woke moral reasoning is ethically superior to traditional objective morality, since this methodology applies the values of Critical Theory to the struggle against oppression (i.e. the oppressed vs. the oppressors). 

The 3-step Wokeological argument goes:
  1. All things are permissible in the struggle against oppression.
  2. A group (e.g. VictimsRUs) claims to be oppressed.
  3. Therefore all actions by the group and/or its members are permissible.
Thus the following actions of the oppressed are wokeologically justified:
  • Rape, kidnapping, and intentional murder of those associated with the oppressors (including women and children)
  • Bombings, lobbing missiles, and assorted acts of terrorism (like when "somebody did something")
  • Killing born and unborn human beings because they are "occupiers"
  • Riots, theft, property destruction, and assaults in the name of equity and justice
  • School shootings and assassinations
  • Hate, persecution, and genocide of the privileged (e.g. Jews, Whites, or Christians)
  • Violence against and murder of law enforcement personnel
  • (can you think of more?)

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