Thursday, January 14, 2021

Critical Race Theory Incompatibility with the Christian Worldview


Concerns about Critical Theory

It should be of concern that some Christians are supporting or promoting the viewpoint of Critical Race Theory (CT) or the Social Justice Gospel (SJG).  CT is antithetical to the Christian worldview and to the values of Western civilization.  While the Christian worldview sees us as all equally valuable, yet flawed, this liberal secular worldview sees us divided between oppressed and oppressors.  As we'll see below, at the core of CT is a false, unbiblical worldview that is far more divisive than it is healing.  

Recently I ran across some videos by Emmanuel Acho, like Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man (and others).  Listening to his talks, he is clearly espousing CT and SJG.  Christian leaders should not be promoting his message or demands.  I cannot go there in good conscience and in fidelity to scripture.  We need to be very skeptical of Christian leaders who, perhaps unwittingly, endorse this perspective.

Below are some thoughts on why this should not be embraced by Christian leaders, followed by several links from valued Christian teachers, leaders, and apologists who give serious warnings about the dangers of embracing CT, especially in the church.  

At the outset, here are some CT and SJG terms that should be red flags.  When you see or hear these terms, at a minimum, you should ask them to clarify what they mean.  For instance, don't assume that terms like "justice" have the same meaning in CT as biblical justice.

  • white privilege
  • antiracism
  • acknowledging your white privilege
  • oppressed vs. oppressor language  
  • intersectionality
  • microaggressions
  • lived experience / my truth
  • hegemonic power
  • heteronormativity / cisgender privilege
  • social justice (without clarifying what is meant)
  • cultural supremacy
  • patriarchy
  • forced apologies for the actions of others or for your assumed prejudices based on your social class

CT is the foundation for much of the progressive religion and SJG.  It is amazing how much of this is creeping into the Church, since the liberal worldview it uses is profoundly secular, seeking to divide people along oppressed/oppressor lines instead of unifying in Christ.  Please note:

  • The Bible teaches that it is wrong for a Christian to have feelings of superiority (Phil. 2). 
  • Believers are told not to make class distinctions between various people (James 2). 
  • Paul teaches the spiritual equality of all people in Christ (Gal. 3:28; Col. 3:11).

If a definition of "justice" makes distinctions between people, especially in the Church, based principally on classes they belong to (e.g. race, sexual identity, wealth/social status, historical oppressed/oppressor groups, or other intersectionality), then it is not compatible with the Christian worldview and hence cannot be biblical justice.  It is a sin to make racial distinctions and divisions within the Church, and should not be tolerated by leaders or faithful followers of Jesus.  Digging up past wrongs done by others harms unity in the Body of Christ.  Demanding reparations or apologies from people who had no part in them is truly unjust.  Ironically, we have seen CT proponents and protestors use their power to attack and "cancel" anyone who disagrees with them or who won't bow to their demands.  No one should be obligated to apologize to someone else for that person's misperception of grievances or anecdotal experiences.  

CT is easily understood if you take the time to read their own words.  Please take the time to get informed on this.  I've provided several links below to facilitate this.  CT has a worldview that gets the nature of humanity, sin, and salvation wrong.  When you try to use the world's tools to fix spiritual problems, bad things typically happen.  The view of reality as fundamentally based on the struggle between oppressors and the oppressed doesn't match the way the world actually is.  If you start with faulty premises, you build a philosophical house of cards.  

There are a lot of unfounded cultural claims in CT, such as: 

  • Racist contamination of all social/governmental structures
  • The founding documents and principles of America are corrupt because of slavery and the bad character of the founders
  • The majority of police officers are racists and intent on killing blacks

These SJG narratives, and more, are factually false and we should not support, endorse, or perpetuate them just because someone makes the claim or is passionate about it.  Rather we should ask, "What is the real agenda being pushed?"  It clearly is not reconciliation, since division is at its core. We should resist these movements and never promote them.  We should stand against efforts to tear down our social mores, distort our history, and remake our governmental structures.

Consequences of Embracing Critical Theory


  • Effect on the Gospel and the Church, impact on reaching our culture, compromise, emotional vs. rational reasons 
  • Societal changes in morals and standards - moral relativism, social justice = equal outcomes, retribution, and reparations for past "wrongs"
  • Government - unequal enforcement, fiscal responsibility, liberty, redistribution, loss of freedoms (religious, conscience, constitutional)
  • Silencing of opposing speach and ideas, lack of true tolerance

CT/SJG is fundamentally antithetical to Christian faith in terms of identity, power, and liberation

  • Emphasizes emotion or argument  
    • hear their story
    • shared experiences as justification - doesn't get to truth (truth vs. facts)
  • Fundamental assumptions (worldview) 
    • power dynamics (oppressors/oppressed)
    • your identity comes from your group (division)
    • unity comes from sharing oppression/experiences
    • struggle for liberation from all forms of oppression is highest virtue (moral duty to fight for liberation)
  • It is okay to silence (or use threats and violence against) someone if they are the oppressor or from the wrong group
  • Self-refuting when applied to its own oppressions of oppressors.
  • Opposed to Christian worldview - its view of identity is not compatible with what the Biblical worldview holds:
    1. Human beings created in the image of God (all are equal value and dignity), 
    2. All are sinners (united in rebellion against God - cannot claim one is better than the other), 
    3. United in Christ (divisions are broken down, demoted in importance)
  • Nature and Power - CT sees power as naturally oppressive, while the Bible holds abuse of power to be the problem
  • CT - Liberation is the ultimate good, but for Christians, God's moral commandments are binding

Critiques and Warnings against CT,  Progressive Christianity, and the Social Justice Gospel

Neil Shenvi

Tweeted on 1/12/21, "As more and more prominent evangelical pastors like Tim Keller, John Piper, and Carl Trueman state openly that various forms of critical theory are incompatible with Christianity, dismissing all criticism as the screeching of 'fundamentalists' will become harder and harder" 

"As a man living in a patriarchal culture, Jesus possessed 'male privilege.' Yet he was wholly without sin, guilt, or moral complicity. Therefore, possessing privilege does not entail sin, guilt, or moral complicity."  

"If you think that the poison of 'whiteness' has infected not only your theology but your ability to interpret the Bible properly, on what basis will you object when people tell you that you're wrong about the doctrine of penal substitution, or the Trinity, or the deity of Christ?"

Intro to Critical Theory

Social Justice, Critical Theory, and Christianity: Are They Compatible?

Alisa Childers

See my review of her book, Another Gospel.  Her focus is mainly on progressive Christianity, which overlaps this topic in many ways.  "Progressive Christianity is not simply a shift in the Christian view of social issues….It's an entirely different religion -- with another Jesus -- and another gospel."

Race Injustice and the gospel of critical theory - Alisa Childers podcast

Ratio Christi (Nationwide Campus Apologetics group) 

The Ambassadors Forum (NW Apologetics group)

Critical Theory: The New Pseudo-Religion (and other resources)

Stand to Reason ( - Greg Koukl / Tim Barnett / Jonathan Noyes 

Critical Theory and Christianity

Talking to your kids about Critical Theory

"Confused about the accusation of America’s “systemic racism”? You may be surprised to learn that an entire worldview is in play here, one you need to understand before you can properly assess the charges. It’s called Critical Race Theory--or just Critical Theory--and here are two videos that provide you with a helpful introduction to CRT and how it compares to the Christian worldview." 

Frank Turek ("I don't have enough faith to be an atheist", 

William Lane Craig (Reasonable Faith)

J. Warner Wallace (Cold Case Christianity)

Bridging the thin blue line pt-5 (the one common sin that contributes most to the racial divide)

Natasha Crain (Christian Mom Thoughts) 

5 Ways Christians are Getting Swept into a Secular Worldview in This Cultural Moment

Breakpoint (John Stonestreet)

Why CRT is problematic for Christians 

John MacArthur

Critical Race Theory, A Sickness that cannot be allowed to continue 

Other Secular and Misc. Sources

Eight Big Reasons Critical Race Theory Is Terrible for Dealing with Racism

Glenn Beck STEP BY STEP: Here's how you can use FACTS & logic to argue against critical (race) theory

Ben Shapiro - Debunking "Systemic Racism Explained"

CA Teacher information - "How to talk about Race Packet"  

This is eye-opening and in their own words.