Wednesday, June 19, 2024

No, Karen, America is not a Democracy!


No, Karen, America is not a Democracy!

But wait, the liberal media constantly tells us that we are a democracy and that the evil insurrectionists are out to destroy it.  Well, surprise!  Once again the mainstream media is gaslighting by telling you that you must believe something that is actually not so.

The United States of America was founded as a Constitutional Republic in which elected representatives of the various states make decisions, promise to defend the Constitution, and to govern the country faithfully -- with checks and balances.  Our representatives are selected via a democratic process, which consists of one vote per eligible citizen (properly registered and verified).  A pure democracy is one in which a bare majority rules over the minority (e.g. 50.01% can vote to take all the money from the other 49.99%).  Note: the electoral college was setup in view of this reality, to protect our system of government from rash public opinion and mob rule.  

Generally the right to vote is contingent on meeting certain eligibility requirements.  These include: 
  • being a citizen of the United States 
  • being a valid resident of the appropriate country/state/locality 
  • being of legal age (generally 18 years of age) 
  • and to be legally registered to vote by the established deadline(s).  
The right to vote is for eligible citizens, not just residents or those otherwise in the country, legally or not.  You do not have the right to vote multiple ballots for the same election, after death, or for another person.  When political groups refuse to enforce identity verification or other reasonable voting checks and balances, one has to wonder "Why?"  

To challenge illegal voting methods and irregularities is not insurrection.  Rather it is a right, and really an obligation, to 
  • challenge questionable election tactics and violations of law
  • file legal challenges to illegal changes to voting laws and practices
  • demand effective partisan and nonpartisan poll watchers and fully open ballot counting
  • require verified chain of custody of ballots and all voting systems 
  • insist on objective and effective recounts, when deemed necessary
  • expect the government to aggressively go after and look for voter fraud, instead of just allowing them to claim that there is nothing to see 
  • object to election certifications when there is credible evidence of fraud or irregularities
All of the above are rights and responsibilities under our system of government.  However, the real danger to our system of government lies in the abuse of power by those who are supposed to faithfully execute the laws of the United States.  

We are currently living in such dangerous times. 

When courts judicially make laws and rulings that usurp powers constitutionally granted to other branches of government -- we are in danger!  When a president, or his executive branch, bypasses Congress and effectively implements laws by fiat -- we are in danger!  When members of Congress make expedient or political decisions, or fight among themselves, rather than acting in our best interest -- we are in danger!  When a Commander in Chief cannot effectively govern and lets radical extremists make policy and implement regulations -- we are in danger!  When the judicial system is abused and used to persecute political enemies, and lawfare is allowed to run unchecked -- we are in danger!  

So when you are gaslighted by claims that a change in leadership would lead to totalitarianism, and hear the Karens scream that the end of "Democracy" is coming, realize that they are just really looking in the mirror and fear their loss of power and control.  

It is time for a change!

Newspeak Dictionary (Recent) (A-L) (M-Z)

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