Newspeak Dictionary (M to Z)


Newspeak Dictionary (Daily) (Recent) (A-L) (M-Z)

  • M.A.S.K. = Mandated Accessory for the Suppression of Kissing … Also known as binkies, diapers, or nappies. (04 Aug 2021)
  • Maiden America = A "Two-word" term used sagely by our elder Big Brother. To date it is unclear how to interpret this prophetic utterance, but many believe it to refer to potential birthing people who self-identify as young, unwed activists. Stay tuned. (27 Oct 2023)
  • Mainstream Media (MSM) = Ministry of Truth outlet (23 Jan 2021)
  • Mandatory Paternity Testing = Birth certificates should have DNA certification of the male sperm contribution, so that the right to sexual freedom is assured. This will allow the Ministry of Love to collect child support from formerly anonymous sperm donors for the support of newly divorced or unwed single birthing persons. However, there may be unintended consequences as people's sexual activity may be inadvertently revealed without their consent. (17 Nov 2023) (more info)
  • Manufactured Consent (08 Aug 2024) 
  • Marriage = Social construct consisting of 2 (or more) individuals of eclectic sexual convictions for cultural recognition, legal standing, or other personal reasons. After all, "Love is Love". See also Respect for Marriage Act. (18 Nov 2022,17 Mar 2021)
  • Martyr Pay = Bountiful financial restitution, pejoratively called "pay for slay", that goes to grieving families of freedom fighters who bravely died inflicting retribution on non-believers for their ongoing occupation and oppression. This program is widely supported by all leaders allied against the little Satan, who stole their ancestral lands. (06 Mar 2024)   (more info)
  • Mask Mandate = Ministry of Truth recommended fashion statements of virtue, enforced by the Ministry of Love (30 Apr 2021)
  • Maternal Instincts = A myth that men created to support their patriarchal culture that unfairly expects women to be selfless, tender, primary caregivers. The notion that the selflessness and tenderness babies require is uniquely ingrained in the biology of women is obviously false, since men can learn to be maternal too. Anyone can be a mom (or a woman, for that matter)! This unattainable religious and moral model has shackled women into perpetual servitude and must be erased. (01 Sep 2022)   (more info)
  • Mattress Stewardship Program (28 Jun 2024)   
  • MDM Space (05 Jun 2024)
  • Me Too Movement = Believe all sexual assault victims, no questions asked. (Ministry Members exempt) (20 Mar 2021)
  • Media Exposé = Irresponsible reporting that undermines the credibility of Ministry supported causes and public figures (16 Apr 2021)
  • Memory Holed  (05 Sep 2024)
  • Meritocracy = Racist system based on achieved status and proven ability rather than equality of outcomes (06 Jun 2023)
  • Micromobility Vehicle = Sustainable transportation (e.g. E-bikes), which typically are electric or human-powered, used by eco-friendly citizens to improve the quality of life in our communities, while decarbonizing the U.S. economy. Regrettably, some additional fires, injuries, and deaths will occur, but are just a cost of sustainable living. and those impacted are lauded as martyrs in moving forward the climate agenda. (26 Jan 2024)   (more info)
  • Migrant Assistance = Remove all obstacles to unimpeded entry into the country, including providing logistical support and protection to these sojourners, gifting substantial financial reparations, offering social emotional services, and legally representing those fighting the immoral immigration laws which separate families and are not fair to the rest of the world (04 Nov 2021)
  • Military Operation = To defeat the evil oppressors, freedom fighters take the battle directly to all occupiers. But according to official spokespeople, they are not explicitly told to murder, rape, burn, or beheaded those they find, even if they are infants, children, women, or elderly. That is left up to their discretion and level of individual commitment to jihad. (13 Dec 2023) (more info)  
  • Minivan Taliban = Parents who dare to get involved with children's education are a danger to the educational goals of the Ministry of Truth, and must be silenced and ignored. These are not "their" kids, but rather are our future subjects. (08 Aug 2023)   (more info)  
  • Miscarriage of Justice = When the outcome of a trial doesn't align with progressive narratives, possibly because riots and protests failed to successfully influence the verdict (or extra juror votes weren't found soon enough). Clearly the oppressors are always guilty, and the oppressed are unjustly treated by the system, as shown by the approved facts reported by the Ministry of Truth outlets. (09 Aug 2023)   (more info) 
  • Misgendering = The fireable offense of failing to refer to a person by their chosen pronouns, even if the offender fanes ignorance.  There are no valid claims to freedom of conscience, nor religious defense, that supersedes the right of individuals to have their preferred pronouns validated by use.  Gender Identity and Non-Discrimination Guidance from the Ministry of Truth enshrines employee mental health rights and establishes protections related to gender identity.  This mandate fosters workplaces free of discrimination and harassment, by compelling right-think and crushing spoken dissent. (28 Dec 2023)   (more info) 
  • Misinformation = Unapproved free speech, spread by irresponsible people, which kills their listeners, or even worse, encourages resistance to Big Brother (19 Jul 2021)
  • Moral Equivalency = The claim that there is no ethical difference between differing viewpoints, since all morality is relative. For example, there is really no difference between collateral damage in war and intentional terrorist attacks on civilians, since people are harmed in both situations. Sometimes sides must be chosen, however, because in asymmetric warfare between oppressors and their victims, there is an actual moral distinction between evil and good. The actions of the aggressors are war crimes, while the violent resistance is justified based on their bitter lived experiences
  • Morality = Everyone does what is right in the eyes of Big Brother (28 Feb 2021)
  • Morally White = Culpability for systemic racism and oppression, regardless of personal identity and actions (04 May 2021)
  • Mortgage Equity = To level the playing field for historically oppressed low-income homebuyers, those with lower credit scores and down payments are to be preferentially given better borrowing rates than those with high credit ratings and big down payments. This will assuage the fears of more mortgage defaults, by subsidizing possible higher default rates with larger fees and rates from those who can afford it, who need to pay their fair share. (19 May 2023) (more info)
  • Mostly Peaceful = Violence, riots, and destruction for Ministry of Truth's "just causes" in coordination with the Ministry of Peace (21 Jan 2021)
  • Motivated Reasoning = This happens when individuals bend facts to support their preexisting ideas, or even deny the truth to maintain a positive self image. For example, they justify their actions through denial, allowing them to engage in environmentally damaging behavior. Studies show that selfishness, political identities, and "enlightened" self interest prevail over proactive choices, for many people. Individuals using motivated reasoning are more likely to reject scientific evidence and rational arguments, than people who follow trusted information sources. This has profound impacts for the Ministry of Truth reeducation goals. (15 Feb 2024) (more info)
  • Mutual Combatants = Participants in consensual fights (AKA duels) between cultural subgroups, and thus there is no reason to arrest or harass these upstanding community organizers for shooting at those challenging their domains or distribution systems (22 Oct 2021)
  • MVE = Militia Violent Extremists are identified by the Ministry of Love by their use of domestic terrorist symbols, words, and images. These include: references to freedom, the Constitution or Declaration of Independence (free speech, 2A, or peaceful assembly ), subversive flags (Old Glory, Betsy Ross, Don't Tread on Me "Gadsden", or Brandon), historical imagery, or vocal opposition to Big Brother. (07 Aug 2022)
  • National Debt = Artificial obstacle to fundamentally transforming society, since the government can always print more money. After all, either the rich just pay more, our we go broke, starting the Revolution (23 Oct 2021)
  • National Sports Teams = Sports teams composed of anti-national activists, with a proper balance of arrogance, whose goal is to promote Ministry of Truth goals via virtue signaling, not simply athletic performance. Winning is not the goal, since everyone deserves a trophy, higher pay, and their moment in the spotlight. (08 Aug 2023)
  • National Security = Protection from all possible threats to power from the ignorant masses or political enemies (29 Oct 2021)
  • Natural Rights = Fictional justification for personal and religious freedoms, and the source of rebellion against the governance of Big Brother. Just as jellyfish and cockroaches have no "inalienable" rights, neither do people. The only rights that exist are those granted by the benevolence of the State. (05 Feb 2024) (more info)
  • Newcomers = Newly welcomed migrants and refugees personally escorted by officials of Big Brother.  Official "Welcome Wagon" agents, and approved NGOs, are gifting debit cards, housing, travel, education, and healthcare.  Free legal guidance in navigating the welfare system without triggering public charge laws, regardless of immigration status, is also offered. (19 Mar 2024) (more info)
  • No Evidence = Insufficient reason to refrain from punishment of those whom Big Brother deems guilty, based on initial claims of Ministry of Truth violations (09 Jul 2022)
  • No Kill Policies = It is extremely heartless to allow animal shelters (or mills) to kill innocent, unwanted animals, when there are so many people willing to adopt and care for them. We can end the cycle of non-human births, homelessness, and deaths, but we must address the root cause instead of flailing in the water, pulling out one kitten at a time while so many others float by, and screaming that others in the water with us aren’t saving enough of them. We should care about our fellow sentient beings because they have inherent dignity and worth. Of course, this is reserved exclusively for non-humans, since humanity is a plague on the planet and population reductions are necessary for Mother Earth to thrive. (11 Apr 2023) (more info)
  • No One Is Above The Law =  Big Brother will bring the full force of the Ministry of Love against those who crimethink.  Since those in power are in good standing with the Ministry of Truth, they need not fear application of the law to themselves.  (10 Aug 2022)
  • No-border Czar  (29 Jul 2024)
  • Nomophobia = (aka "no mobile phone phobia") Increasingly, many people feel panic and anxiety when they have to brave the world without a phone immediately handy.  They experience a great degree of anxiety when they misplace their phone or have no network coverage.  These feelings of stress and uncertainty that come from the loss of connectedness are a leading cause of mental health issues for many. (09 Feb 2024)  (more info)
  • No-Zero Grading = Prevents teachers from giving students harmful grades below 50%, regardless of the level of effort.  A low mark on a 100-point scale does not accurately measure what a student knows and often results in students giving up.  Other obsolete grading methods include traditional A-F, comparative (curve-based), or standards-based systems.  To achieve equity and fairness, expectations must be altered for disadvantaged students dreaming of entering the high stakes college lottery. (06 Oct 2023)  (more info)
  • Normalizing = Giving a platform to purveyors of misinformation, or other canceled individuals.  These thought-criminals must be marginalized and not legitimized in any way, such as by airing interviews, posting mostly uncensored news clips, or even allowing them to answer questions without interruption.  Members of the media who violate these journalistic standards will be roundly booed. (28 Mar 2024)  (more info)
  • Nounself = A form of self-assigned Neo-pronouns (generally non-gender specific) where a noun is used to replace a pronoun in self identification (e.g. star/starself for those who feel a celestial connection).  They are not to be confused with nicknames, as this is much deeper both personally and spiritually. (22 Mar 2024) (more info)
  • Nuclear Family = Radioactive hierarchical structure that indoctrinates children with cultural stereotypes and values (15 Mar 2021)
  • Nuclear Power = Unacceptable source of reliable, zero-emission energy rejected due to its scary name and inevitable environmental disaster scenarios.  It would be better for the planet to have widespread blackouts and energy shortages in a non-fossil fuel world, than to band-aid this crisis with modern nuclear technology.  (03 May 2023)
  • Nullectomy = (aka Nullo or eunuchification) The physician-assisted process of removing all external genitalia to create a smooth transition from the abdomen to the groin, thereby affirming the patient's gender identity. (05 Oct 2023)   (more info) 
  • Offensive Language = Speech deemed unacceptable by Big Brother monitoring outlets (21 Mar 2021)
  • Offsets = Indulgences granted to faithful ecowarriors that allow extravagant homes, travel, and lifestyles while being viewed as responsible supporters of Ministry of Truth goals. (28 Feb 2024)  (more info)  
  • Olympic Style Guide (02 Aug 2024) 
  • Omission = Tactic used by Ministry of Truth outlets to keep facts and stories from distracting from preferred narratives (12 Apr 2021)
  • Opt-out = There is a compelling governmental interest in refusing to allow misguided parents to choose which Ministry of Truth social training sessions their children attend.  Exposing children to these books, and to appropriate sexual content, does not undermine sacred parental authority, nor does it force religious parents to abandon what they believe their faiths teach or practice, hence it is in line with the "free exercise" clause guidelines.  Of course, classroom exposure to ancient Abrahamic religions (and their questionable values) is forbidden, since it can cause great distress and harm to children in their morally formative years, and could lead to proselytizing, indoctrination, and child abuse. (13 Sep 2023)  (more info) 
  • Outside Agitators  (16 May 2024)  
  • Parental NDA = To protect children's rights and secret proprietary educational content, parents need to be legally restricted from publicly sharing books, curriculum, teaching methods, or content they might discover by being in an educational institution. Uncontrolled release of such information could be damaging to progressive learning paths and goals. (21 Sep 2023)  (more info) 
  • Parental Notifications  =  A dangerous infringement on the rights of children and Ministry officials, since aware parents often interfere with the education of future loyal citizens.  It is the responsibility of the Ministry of Love to ensure that Ministry of Truth suggestions are implemented without interference by nonpersons or crimethinkers. (04 Aug 2022)
  • Parental Protests = Domestic terrorists who dare to attend local school board or city council meetings, and who intimidate officials with logic and passion, because they object to the Ministry of Truth's indoctrination of their children.  These people shall be investigated, monitored, and prosecuted by Big Brother's Ministry of Love (08 Oct 2021)
  • Parenting = Outmoded indoctrination model of possessive, gender-binary couples who think they can better raise their children than progressives with Ministry of Truth immersion in school and social programs (24 Sep 2021)
  • Patriotism (13 Jun 2024)  
  • Passport Bros = Thought-criminals who engage in the forbidden activity of traveling overseas to find like-minded brides to marry, and then to bring back to infiltrate our utopian society.  These traitors have a responsibility to find eligible women in their own country, who share Ministry of Truth values, and who will allow their children to be raised as good citizens of the state. (15 Aug 2023)  (more info)
  • Peaceful Protests = During demonstrations, it is immoral when violence occurs, whether by opposing sides or by Ministry of Love officers.  Likewise, destroying property, vandalism. trespassing, breaking windows, disrupting traffic, or shutting down college campuses is technically illegal too, but sometimes justified and understandable.  Big Brother insists, "We are not an authoritarian nation where we silence people or squash dissent", unless you are spreading unapproved falsehoods. (07 May 2024)  (more info)
  • Pedophiles = The Ministry of Truth has determined that sexual attraction to children is just another subset of sexual orientation that should be protected under anti-discrimination laws.  In fact the correct term to use is "Minor Attracted Person", since "pedophile" has negative connotations.  Sexual orientation is a protected legal class in areas of employment, housing, public accommodations, public service, educational institutions, credit, and business discrimination.  (28 Apr 2023) (more info)
  • Permanent Rules = Temporary, mandatory requirements from the Ministry of Truth of indefinite duration, enforced by the Ministry of Love, that only remain in place until resistance has been eliminated or until Big Brother changes the goalposts (07 Dec 2021)
  • Permanent State of War = Liberation tactic using attacks intended to provoke and terrorize their occupying enemies, while unifying their supporters worldwide.  When a cause is stagnating, or not getting enough attention, sometimes it is necessary to use violence to revive it.  When sporadic rocket attacks cease to get the desired reaction, kidnapping or killing women, children, civilians and the elderly is required to shatter the status quo.  The resulting carnage is but a necessary cost of reviving the struggle. (14 Nov 2023) (more info)
  • Perpetuating Stereotypes = Reporting on oppressed minorities should be carefully presented to reflect their need to be protected from unwarranted attention that would distract from established Ministry of Truth narratives (06 Nov 2021)
  • Persecution = Justified punishment and actions used to silence dissent, marginalize opposition, deplatform misinformers, eliminate threats to power, coerce compliance, and restrict participation in society to those viewed as oppressors.  Note: These actions are not appropriate against those who follow Ministry of Truth guidelines, but are appropriate against those who are the enemy of Truth.  (09 Jun 2023)
  • Pinkwashing = A Trojan horse tactic used by supporters of the occupiers to cover up their atrocities, under the umbrella of sex, gender, and women's rights currently unavailable in the stolen land.  This is just a smear campaign to reinforce religion-based homophobic views of the oppressed, thus giving a liberal veneer of tolerance to a regime known for its oppression of indigenous people.  Rainbow flags should not be weaponized, even if the victims are misguided in their views of homosexuality and of the status of women in their society.  (06 Dec 2023)  (more info)
  • Piscinarii = Disturbing trend of leading political figures, actors, and musicians to withdraw from the public square and/or move to unwoke states to build and enjoy their lavish "fish ponds."  Like Rome's cowardly leaders, these traitors refuse to expose themselves to constant public scrutiny, threats of lawfare aiming to bankrupt or even imprison them, potential cancellation of their ability to earn a living, or even online harassment. True patriots will stand in the arena and speak their truths. (03 Nov 2023)  (more info)
  • Polarization = The practice of one group targeting another with propaganda to turn the populace against them.  The goal is to create an "us" vs. "them" perception that leads to political or financial motivation against their enemies.  This will ultimately bring us together once the targets are eliminated. (23 Jan 2024) (more info)
  • Political Violence  (15 Jul 2024) 
  • Political War = Ministry of Peace tactics of defame, destroy, censor, and slander (05 May 2021)
  • Porn Literacy = Elementary school curriculum, from ETR educational health materials, promoting shame-free educational spaces where they let young people know it’s OK to be curious about, think about, and watch porn. (14 Sep 2022)  (more info)
  • Power = The ability to force compromise (18 Mar 2021)
  • The Power of Diplomacy  (13 Aug 2024)
  • Prayer = Personal requests or generic thanksgivings to an incorporeal being (aka God), who is not recognized by the Ministry of Truth as worthy of respect due to His ultimate oppressor status (10 Oct 2021)
  • Preemptive Riot = Instantaneous, mostly peaceful response to alleged injustice prior to assertation of inconvenient facts (13 Apr 2021)
  • Preferred Personal Pronouns = Virtue signaling required by the Ministry of Truth to show solidarity with approved gender norms, requiring that others acknowledge and use your chosen personal pronouns, which should be included in all emails and social media tags.  Options could include: Bazinga, Narf, Nanu Nanu, they, xem, zhe, it, Your Highness, … or anything else that you feel comfortable demanding from others. (06 May 2022)
  • Premodern Structural Racism = Bias against minorities is not new; the dominant culture has always oppressed minorities.  New archeological discoveries have shown, based on medieval  plague burial sites, that black women of African ancestry were disproportionately more likely to have died by plague, thus proving that structural white racism predated Modernity.  These findings, however, are disputed, since modern gender and race theory states that there is nothing biological or structurally different between the different genders or races.  This is despite contrary claims by anthropologists forensically looking at bones, whose views are colored by an outdated 20th century understanding of biology. (29 Dec 2023)  (more info)
  • Preservationism = (a.k.a. Conservation 2.0) is a new alternative view of environmental conservationism.  Nature is better off without human interference and management, which inevitably is driven by greed and exploitation.  The majority of public lands should restrict public access, especially for inhumane activities like hunting, fishing, or grazing purposes, which consistently destroy healthy wildlife, ecosystems, and watersheds.  If it wasn't for continuing human overpopulation, and hence abuse of the environment, forests would not burn in massive wildfires, and animal populations would self-manage themselves. (16 Nov 2023)   (more info)
  • Presidential Authority = Only as allowed by the handlers of Big Brother. A supreme figurehead who takes control, or answers unscripted questions, needs to be firmly reminded to follow directions and to refrain from unapproved actions and comments (26 Jun 2023)  (more info) 
  • Presidential Debate  (25 Jun 2024) 
  • Press-canceling Headphones  (05 Sep 2024)
  • Prisoner Swap = Unjustly detained citizens must be freed at any cost, including removing sanctions, delivering pallets of cash, or trading them for those wrongly claimed to be criminals and terrorists.  Big Brother will never negotiate with terrorists; he just strategically capitulates so that hopefully they will hate us less.  The value of "hostages" is based on their social equity and intersectionality score, damage to our foreign policy image, current terrorist exchange rates, business influence, and international gala invites. Sadly, these inequitable exchanges show that the lives of freedom fighters are viewed as less valuable than citizens of the powerful, by at least 3 to 1.  (27 Nov 2023)  (more info) 
  • Private Medical Decisions = People know best how to make important medical decisions about their bodies, unless they make decisions unacceptable to the Ministry of Truth doctrine (01 Oct 2021)
  • Pro-Abortion Churches = Ministry of Truth approved religious organizations that prioritize enabling women to have unborn babies killed without guilt, that are politically active for approved causes, and that minimize faithfulness to outdated holy texts written by controlling men (09 Sep 2021)
  • Pro-Choice = Support for on-demand infanticide, the unborn baby gets no choice (04 Oct 2021)
  • Progressive = Opposite of traditional morals and objective truth (01 Mar 2021)
  • Progressive Pricing = Public utilities and accommodations must be priced equitably, charging income-based energy rates and fees.  Low income households would thereby save enough equity dollars to be able to afford environmentally friendly technologies, such as EVs and energy efficient appliances. (02 May 2023)   (more info) 
  • Project 1985 (20 Aug 2024) 
  • Proportionate Consequences  (08 May 2024) 
  • Proportionate Response = Countries have a limited right to self-defense, but must use restraint in retaliating against terror acts.  The archaic revenge doctrine ("Eye for an Eye") must be replaced with one of ceasefire ("Turn the Other Cheek"), even when desiring vengeance for attacks on women and children.  Examples of past overreactions: 
    • Rebelling colonists against their rightful King over minor taxation issues
    • Launching a Civil War over private property rights of slaveholders 
    • Allied WWII atrocities over surprise attacks and a few ethnic cleansing events 
    • Threatening nuclear war over some "too close" missiles based in a sovereign country.
      War by the powerful is always bad, and must never be fought to win, especially if even one civilian life would be lost. (08 Nov 2023)
  • Prosecutorial Discretion = Ability to selectively target enemies of Big Brother, while protecting Ministry of Truth favored social classes from inequitable felony arrests, detentions, cash bail, and criminal records.  No person is above the search for chargeable violations of laws, no matter how obscure or trivial. (more info)
  • Protect Democracy = To protect the future of free and fair elections, preemptive lawfare must be initiated to protect the electorate from unsafe sources and insurrectionist candidates.  Big Brother's proxies, intelligence agencies, and Ministry of Love should launch investigations into opponents and expose them as criminals, using prosecutions as necessary to turn them into convicts.
  • Protected Disclosure = Traitors to the Ministry of Love have no right to reveal internal affairs, especially those that reflect poorly on the agency.  Effective retaliation is an appropriate response to intimidate other potential "whistle blowers".   Loyalty to Big Brother trumps any minor irregularities in pursuit of these goals. (22 Jun 2023)  (more info)  
  • Protected Rights = Everyone's basic rights (e.g. to public health, safety, or a clean environment) must be protected, so Big Brother has the responsibility to restrict, or even revoke, any inferior rights — for any required period of time.  All rights granted by Big Brother are subject to modification, at any time, at the discretion of the 4 Ministries. (07 Dec 2023)  (more info)  
  • Race = Disadvantaged or oppressed groupings of people, as defined by Ministry of Truth approved Critical Race Theory guidelines, who are expected to support approved political causes (27 Sep 2021)
  • Racist = A person who refuses to apologize for their skin color and accept responsibility for acts by others against those belonging to selected Ministry of Truth social categories (26 Feb 2021)
  • Racist-fluid (27 Aug 2024)
  • Recession = Economic shift to slower or negative growth, which is both necessary and appropriate to facilitate transitions to a more equitable society (26 Jul 2022) 
  • Regularizing = Process of granting provisional citizenship to irregular immigrants, by granting some form of legal status for illegal immigrants already in the country.  These benefits are used to disincentivize structured immigration, since this is a much more efficient way to circumvent a broken system.  Benefits can be in the form of full amnesty, immunity from deportation, full work and welfare benefits, and citizenship for anyone resident who prefers this country to their country of origin. (22 Feb 2024)   (more info) 
  • Religious Character  (19 Jun 2024) 
  • Reparations = I am owed what you have because of my cultural category or racial identity (16 Mar 2021)
  • Reparations Discount = Justified demands to stores to freely give goods and services, instead of forcing an oppressed person to steal them.  This is a big step forward in the safety and equity of those wanting things from others.  When refused, justified anger is expected, and the victim should feel free to berate the offending store employees, lecture them about reparations, and their privileged life.(14 Apr 2023)    (more info) 
  • Reporting Stylebook = The Ministry of Truth has published a guiding light for journalism which bans certain words and encourages journalists to be as precise and accurate as possible by using the approved Newspeak vocabulary.  For example, media influencers should reject descriptions such as "undocumented", because it is not precise (and is also harmful).  Such a person may have plenty of documents, just not the ones required for legal residence.  One should only use "illegal" to refer to an action, not a person, and should be cautious about describing people as having violated immigration laws without attribution. If required, they should describe how laws were violated and who determined the behavior to be unlawful.  Words matter! (07 Feb 2024)   (more info) 
  • Reproductive Rights Rite = A religious reproductive rights ritual (RRR) used to support and empower women while participating in the sacrament of abortion.  During the RRR ceremony, personal affirmations endorsed by advocates (such as The Satanic Temple and enlightened feminists)  include: "One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone", "My body; my choice", and "By my body, my blood; by my will, it is done."  Participants are encouraged to add other symbolic elements to make it a more authentic experience for all.  (20 Dec 2023)  (more info) 
  • Resistance  (13 May 2024)
  • Resistance Fighters = Laudable groups fighting for religious freedom and justice by rape, mutilation, and beheading of babies, young girls, and elderly women.  To achieve complete victory over the occupiers and their enablers (the "Little and Big Satan"), it is completely justified to target and kidnap noncombatants, to parade their dead bodies, to send videos of executions to family members, and to massacre decadent partiers.  However, it is unfortunate that videos and eyewitness accounts of these events are being taken out of context and misrepresented as terrorist acts by irresponsible journalists and politicians.  The Ministry of Truth encourages public protests, flags of support, and events to celebrate victories over the enemy.   See also Terrorists.  (12 Oct 2023)
  • Resistance Journalism  (11 Jun 2024) 
  • Respect for Marriage Act = Ministry of Love restoration of the law of marriage equality and liberty.  The goal is to get back to the essence of marriage, which has been lost for thousands of years, not based on outmoded ideas of binary sexual complementarity, but rather on legal unions of multiple beings of various personal sexual identifications.  See also Marriage.  (18 Nov 2022, 01 Aug 2022)
  • Restorative Justice = Re-education of non-colored students based on the perceived wrongs they committed, such as misgendering or bias due to their inherent Whiteness, thus restoring the damage done to the community.  This is done through processes that bring both the harmed and the oppressors together to address root causes of the conflict, support accountability for those responsible, and promote healing for impacted individuals.  The focus is on repairing harm, rather than receiving punishment (or a police record) for breaking a rule.  Mistakes are valuable learning opportunities for our students, which is why we offer diversity training courses on care and hate behavior as alternatives to suspension. (19 Feb 2024)  (more info) 
  • Retcon (12 Aug 2024) 
  • Revolution = Dismantle and destroy the existing institutions and foundations, replacing them with an equitable social system where favored groups have priority over the individuals' liberty (22 Mar 2021)
  • Revolutionary Suicide  (22 May 2024)  
  • Right-wing extremist = Dangerous, offensive, and contemptible terrorists who advocate for:
    • "pro-life", anti-women legislation
    • outdated standards of sexual morality
    • less than fair share of taxes
    • ridiculous debate on settled environmental policy
    • closing America's borders for "the good of the country", instead of supporting all immigrants
    • school choice and parental rights, since they believe they know better than professional educators what is best for their children
    • a conservative, colonialist, racist worldview  (11 Sep 2022)
  • Rights = Actions allowed, freedoms permitted, or anything else given by the powerful, since it is evident that there are no endowed inalienable rights that come from Nature's hypothetical god, and thus can be revoked as necessary for the good of the people. (29 Aug 2023)    (more info)
  • Riot = Peaceful protest approved by the Ministry of Peace mostly without looting, vandalism, or violence (20 Apr 2021)
  • Sacrificial Co-laboring = Even though stories of Jesus claim that he was a servant leader, that is a misinterpretation, since "service" has a negative connotation that may offend those on the receiving end.  Instead, it is clear that he was a sacrificial co-laborer, and as such, his followers must not fall into the oppressor's trap of calling for "service" to the needy.  Service "may invoke power dynamics across socio-economic, racial, and cultural lines," so even formerly religious schools must eschew the existence of an unbalanced power dynamic in their interactions with their fellow humans – like the social justice warrior Jesus. (16 Feb 2024)   (more info)
  • Safe Haven Laws = The revolutionary new laws create Temporary Emergency Jurisdictions with the intent to bypass Supreme Court rulings that found "parental rights" in the 14th Amendment to raise, care for, and educate their children as they see fit.  These laws are needed to shelter children from oppressive conservative beliefs that could harm them by denying their sexual freedom decisions.  Gender-sanctuary states have the ability to strip custody from extremist parents of out-of-state minors seeking gender affirming treatments, sterilization, and surgeries.  The state must intervene to ensure the best interest of trans-kids are protected from harmful parental wishes and influences. (21 Apr 2023)    (more info) 
  • Safe Spaces = Big Brother must provide places safe for vulnerable individuals, prioritized on the basis of community social equity scoring.  Suggested rights hierarchy, highest to lowest include: trans-identifying, sexual orientation, gender, age, developmental history, victimhood status, . . . . biological sex.  This applies in areas such as bathrooms, locker rooms, showers, sororities, and athletic competitions.  Claims of assaults, discomfort, indecent exposure, ogling, or visible sexual arousal are mostly just rumors or hypothetical scare tactics to maintain the new status quo.  (04 Dec 2023)   (more info) 
  • Safer Streets Act = To protect both cis- and transgender street workers, a right to loiter without police intervention was enacted by the Ministry of Love.  This protects the right to solicit for business, openly display wares, redistribute property, and engage in consensual financial transactions without disproportionately impacting minorities.  We are assured that the lack of arrests has resulted in dramatically reduced crime rates. (26 Oct 2023)   (more info) 
  • Safety = Security and freedom from fear must always override dangerous ideas about freedom and natural rights.  White colonialist views on freedom, common sense, and God-given rights are oppressive, and the Ministry of Love is obligated to shield its citizens from these ideas, by any means, including temporarily overriding laws, suspending constitutional rights, or overruling radical judges. (01 Sep 2023)
  • Scandal Free = If the approved media has no coverage, there is no story, so no problem! (14 Aug 2022)
  • School Board = Ministry of Truth agents tasked with silencing and undermining traditional parental values with revolutionary immersive training based not on character, but rather on race, oppressed status, and lifestyle choices. (23 Jun 2021)
  • Science = Cherry-picking facts to support the 4 Ministry's agendas (19 Mar 2021)
  • Scrutiny = At the request of Big Brother, the media is strongly requested to take all necessary measures to investigate, gaslight, and expose the activities and motives of the opposition.  Temporary claims of conspiracies, affairs, and crimes, whether true or not, now have a lower burden of proof for publication.  These derogatory stories should never be fact checked, as the story does the damage. (14 Sep 2023)    (more info)
  • Second Amendment = Obstacle to Ministry of Love enforcement of Ministry of Truth social justice reforms, since angry armed citizens are a hindrance.  See Common Sense™ Gun Reform (19 May 2021)
  • Second Amendment Myth =  A widely spread radical fable that the Second Amendment protects your freedoms.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Those who insist on exercising their "right to keep and bear arms", for the supposed protection of their family and property, just facilitate the proliferation of guns that wantonly kill innocent people.  Gun environments are traumatic for kids, and hence we should not be forced to have armed security in schools.  If we only got rid of all the guns, we would have a utopian training environment, free from gangs, bullying, and fear.  (18 May 2023)   (more info) 
  • Segregation Bowl = The National Football Slavery League (NFSL) is run by rich white men who exploit non-whites.  Recently some insufficiently compensated minority players have suggested having a partitioned exhibition game with "the best" all-White team possible against an all-Black team.  This would be cathartic, since obviously the inferior white team would be crushed and humiliated.  This will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that sports announcers of non-minority creeds, races, colors, or genders should not be allowed to give analysis on sports, because they are neither experts nor qualified to have opinions.  Details to be worked out include: what selection criteria to apply to players of mixed-race, those married to white partners, or who have conservative views. (11 Jan 2024)  (more info) 
  • Selective Prosecution  (27 Jun 2024) 
  • Semi-Fascist = A label applied to opponents of Big Brother.  Accordingly, these Ultra-MOGA (Make Oceania Great Again) extremists are intent on killing the Soul of Oceania.  These insurrectionists hold the anti-Ministry values of: 
    • wanting a smaller decentralized government 
    • an uncontrolled economy, without stringent governmental controls
    • "fair" elections by excluding non-citizens
    • impassioned defense of freedom and liberty
    • a color-blind society
    • nation-first policies instead of globalism.   (more info)
  • Sex (noun) = Non-binary gender characteristic, stereotype, orientation, identity, mannerism, or medical condition independent of genetics or assignment at birth (02 Mar 2021)
  • Sex Offender Registry = Because the root cause [of rape] is White supremacy and the patriarchy, we should not monsterize people who have a past history of perpetrated sexual harm. These labels make the ignorant public feel good, but does nothing to keep people safe, and does nothing to recognize the humanity of sex criminals, nor does it foster their dignified restoration. When we label people with things that they might not consent to being labeled, we diminish their humanity and dignity.  (18 Apr 2024)   (more info)
  • Sexual Attraction = The Ministry of Truth expects citizens of all ages to be sexually attracted to others based on "their" chosen sexual identities, not your personal preferences, feelings, or desires.  Hateful super-straights** have no place in our society, and need to be shamed, canceled, and punished appropriately.  Obviously there is no functional relationship between biological sex and sexual attraction, and this historical misinformation needs to be eradicated.
    ** Super-Straight = Bigoted sexual orientation of people who won't date transgendered people, to whom they aren't attracted, because of cissexual cultural biases. (10 Apr 2023)  (more info)
  • Sex Offense Policy Board =  It is important that all voices have a seat at the table when deciding on sex offense policies, including victims of sex crimes, professionals, liberal thought-leaders, and perpetrators with lived experiences.  The proposal adds those convicted of sex offenses to the board, as proponents argue their "lived experiences" are "invaluable."  We can affirm their value to society, even if they "are potentially dangerous, but not necessarily dangerous," helping to integrate them back into communities where they can live safely and with their constitutional liberties protected. (14 Feb 2024)  (more info)
  • Shared Prosperity = The goal of making sure that no one profits more than others, regardless of ambition, investment decisions, or hard work, unless you deserve more because of past social injustice (18 Jun 2021)
  • Shoplifter Protection Act = Defending the rights of irregular customers to receive products from their chosen retailers without having to go through the often burdensome financial process.  For community safety, the Ministry of Love forbids confronting or stopping retail property redistributors.  They should be virtually immune from harmful criminal prosecution, not be required to post bail if improperly arrested, and be paid reparations for their time and effort to bring about social justice.  It is the shoplifters, not the store owners, who are the real victims. (11 Oct 2023)  (more info)
  • Shoplifting = Wealth redistribution enabled by non-enforcement of property crime laws with goal of addressing equity and economic issues, in the hope of providing a safe and welcoming shopping experience (13 Dec 2021)
  • Shrinkflation = Instead of noticeably raising prices, manufacturers help fight consumer pain by reducing package sizes or the amount of product contained, while freezing or even reducing the price.  These inflation-fighting tactics help citizens to change their over-consumption habits and are less painful than just raising prices. (13 Nov 2023)   (more info)
  • Situational Activism = Apply selective outrage when it is advantageous to Ministry of Truth goals, while ignoring more egregious instances that don't support the preferred social political agenda. (30 Aug 2023)
  • Slav-migrants = A new Ministry of Love initiative, where wealthy landowners can now apply to keep migrants in their home in exchange for subsidies, or alternatively, cooking, cleaning, picking crops, and landscaping.  Clearly this is not slavery, unless the home owners are white male Christians, who should then be evicted in favor of the more needy. (12 Mar 2024)  (more info)
  • Slippery Slope   (17 Jul 2024) 
  • Social Emotional Learning (SEL) - Since domestic terrorists have been attacking the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in the public schools, a rebranded version of social justice and equity awareness training has been established as a counter to racist parental brainwashing (25 Oct 2021)
  • Social Looting = Group bonding event expressing solidarity with the oppressed by redistributing store inventories (14 Apr 2021)
  • Socialism = A better version of Marxism, controlled by the Ministries and voted for by the oppressed against the capitalists, with promised equity for all (17 Jun 2021)
  • Socially Transition (12 Jun 2024) 
  • Solidarity = Expressions of support during periods of apprehension and uncertainty, when oppressed minorities are unjustly blamed for the murder of hateful Christian school children by vicious weapons of war, and rumored ChatGPT generated manifestos.  (03 Apr 2023)  (more info)
  • Soul of America = The compassionate, true heart of believers in the progressive agenda.  However, our nation must be saved from attack by Ultra-MAGA semi-fascists who want to corrupt the moral teachings of the Ministry of Truth.  Big Brother declares that transgender, and other oppressed minorities, shape our nation’s soul, freeing it from the restrictions of obsolete traditional religious mores.   (more info) 
  • Spending Limits = To achieve the goals of Big Brother, any limits to allocating money, borrowing on credit, and redistribution of wealth are morally unjust.  To fully achieve the end goals of the equity and justice agenda, nothing should be allowed to stand in the way. (04 Oct 2023)
  • Sports Fairness = No competitive advantages allowed, such as performance enhancing drugs or artificial enhancements, but allowances are required if discriminating against the athlete's advantages results in marginalization of their chosen sexual identity (12 Jul 2022)
  • Sports Fairness Research = Research studies must be conducted within equity guidelines to get acceptable results.  For instance, when conducting surveys on transgenderism in sports, use of the terms "male" or "female" could be viewed as a form of misgendering, and result in biased results.  The same would apply to questions about competitive advantages based on biological sex.  All research proposals need to be approved by official Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion committees.  This ensures the effectiveness of survey wording and that the presentation of the research does not conflict with established Truth outcomes. (05 Jun 2023)   (more info) 
  • Sports Safety = While the Ministry of Love understands sports participants' safety concerns, inclusion considerations simply trump claims of unsafety.  Representatives claimed, "We respect and understand the complexity and concerns that exist regarding student safety."  However, student safety should not be a valid reason to exclude students of any gender from participating on their preferred gender teams.  Injuries such as facial injuries requiring reconstruction, testicular damage, traumatic concussions, neck injuries, broken bones, and knee injuries are inevitable, but there is no credible evidence that these have increased because of opposite biological sex participants. (21 Nov 2023)   (more info) 
  • State of Migrantistan = By decree of Big Brother, a new 51st state will be formed, with an initial population of over 7+ million new immigrant voters, and its associated congressional representation.  This new state would be the 14th largest and will be carved out from the largely unpopulated fly-over country, and will be declared a refuge for people seeking freedom and opportunity. The name of this new state has not yet been finalized, but proposals include: New China, Nuevo Hispaniola, Jihadistan, or Oz.  The Ministry of Love guarantees that the resettlement of current white colonizers will be swift and equitable. (26 Feb 2024)   (more info) 
  • Straight = Offensive term for the dominant sexual orientation, since it implies others are crooked, and thus could give a negative connotation to minority sexual preferences. (24 Apr 2024) (more info) 
  • Strippers Bill of Rights = Strippers are workers and should be granted all the rights and protections of other workers, even if some of their activities have not yet been legalized.  These independent contractors in the adult entertainment industry, mostly at legal establishments, need to be protected against predatory club fees, unlocked dressing rooms, and sexual harassment.  Exotic private dancers shouldn't be forced into even riskier or more dire situations by marginalizing them or by criminalizing their hard work. (02 Apr 2024)  (more info) 
  • Successful Prosecution = Assertion of mock trial victory by Ministry of Truth outlets using approved fabricated evidence to establish guilt, regardless of actual outcome (16 Feb 2021)
  • Sudden Death Syndrome = Unfortunate sudden passing of political opponents or whistle blowers, often by suicide or unforeseen "accident". (27 Feb 2024)  (more info)
  • Sumptuary Laws = Revival of visionary pre-Enlightenment controls that restrict consumption of products, based on environmental impact and desired consumption limits.  At the discretion of the Ministry of Plenty, citizens should be limited in what they can buy, sell, use, and wear, based on their social standing in society.  Of course, officials of Big Brother are exempted due to their importance in promoting and policing good policies.  (02 Nov 2022) (more info)
  • Super Bowl = A little bread and circuses surrounded by hours of Ministry of Truth programming (07 Feb 2021)
  • Suspicious Activity Reports =  SARs bank transactions reported to the Ministry of Plenty are of little consequence to those not involved in money laundering, bank fraud, IRS fraud, shell corporations, etc.  The Ministry of Plenty routinely focuses on criminal activities, not SARs inadvertently generated based on obviously lawful wire transfers between associates of Big Brother or prominent Ministry officials.  It is a miscarriage of Justice to even acknowledge charges of wrongdoing, and The Ministry of Truth will ensure any misinformation is properly handled. (31 May 2023)  (more info) 
  • Switchboarding = The practice of Big Brother's government officials merely relaying flagged social-media posts to social media platforms with the expectation that they will "do the right thing."  A leading example is the Ministry of Love agency, CISA (aka Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency).  CISA was able to use its frequent interactions with social-media platforms to push them to adopt more restrictive policies on censoring unapproved speech and misinformation. And CISA officials affirmatively told the platforms whether the content they had "switchboarded" was "True" or "False".  Note: The Ministry of Love is actively fighting the superficially neutral court system to maintain these productive interactions, which opponents falsely claim infringe on their "rights". (22 Nov 2023)  (more info) 
  • Systemic Racism = The explanation for everything unjust in society regardless of other factors (20 Feb 2021)
  • Team Disunity = Bigoted biologically-based boycotts of sporting events, resulting in minimal (or even single person) non-biological woman teams.  While they claim to be standing together for the integrity of their sport, that their feelings and safety concerns are being ignored, that they are experiencing unfair competition and recognition, that they are stressed out, and that they are seeing special treatment for some during practice (e.g. being "in heat" because of hormone treatments).  They wrongly want to protect their sisters, their future daughters, and the next generation of athletes, but they are actually selfishly driving the remaining teammates to suicide and exclusion from sports they love. (17 Jan 2024)  (more info) 
  • TERF = A term for trans-exclusionary radical feminists who have the unjustified belief that women's rights only belong to biological females, and that bio-men cannot become true women.  It is understandable why trans-women feel threatened by them, and are justified in proactive self-defense.  Groups and sports that claim to be exclusively for bio-women, are offensive and discriminatory.  Intentional women are more woman than any TERF, since they are only incidental. (20 Jun 2023)  (more info)
  • Terrorists = Evil groups (or nations) of thought-criminals who brazenly challenge Big Brother or the Ministry of Truth by gathering to protest openly, disrupting school board meetings, listening to controversial speeches, carrying offensive flags and banners, and trespassing on public property.  Self-defense, protecting the "innocent", and being armed with weapons are not acceptable activities and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent by the Ministries of Love and Peace.  Reasonable accommodations can be made for those fighting oppression and injustice. (20 Mar 2024)  (more info)
  • Thanksgiving = A general sense of gratitude to whatever higher power (or yourself -- or even nothing) that you wish.  This is often associated with a colonial holiday which is neither inclusive nor equitable, since it is rooted in the abuse of native peoples.  Glutinously enjoying a Thanksgiving feast is an insult to all those less fortunate than yourself.  "How dare you" celebrate, while knowing that others can't share in your bounty. (23 Nov 2023) (more info)
  • The Collective = The philosophical fundamental unit of society, which has priority over individual rights.  Subjects of Big Brother are obligated to sacrifice for the greater good of society.  Those embracing the unloving, selfish ideologies of freedom and choice must submit to the demands of the Ministries.  All resistance is futile. (01 May 2023)
  • The Constitution = Antiquated impediment to goals of the 4 Ministries (09 Feb 2021)
  • The Hypocritic Oath = Woke replacement for the Hippocratic one, since medical care should be administered based on adherence to the Ministry of Truth guidelines (06 Oct 2021)
  • The Lord's Prayer = The Jewish teacher, Jesus, mistakenly misgendered God when he taught his patriarchal followers to pray to "Our Father". This is problematic and divisive, especially for those whose experience of earthly fathers has been destructive and abusive, and for all those who have suffered from an oppressively patriarchal grip on life.  Progressive religious leaders need to take their cues from culture, rather than from old human writings or unenlightened ancient teachers. (22 Sep 2023)  (more info)
  • Thugs = This term is a racist dog whistle which denigrates criminals of color.  While criminal activity and lawlessness during excessive celebrations is troubling, this kind of coded language is worse, since it demonizes non-white people as criminals.  Gangsters, mobsters, and mafia bosses are nursing their hurt feelings over the slights to their tough guys. (05 Mar 2024)   (more info)
  • Time Blindness (16 Aug 2024) 
  • Title IX+ = Expansive protection of the rights of women of all sexes, which prevents discrimination in education and sports activities.  In particular, it protects participation options regardless of assumed physical advantages due to hormonal growth situations beyond they/thems control.  The Ministry of Truth solemnly vows that it will enhance fairness, safety, athletic opportunities, and the mental health of loyal women athletes. (02 Aug 2022)
  • Title LG9T++ = Reimagination of the former Title IX education rights law.  This revision removes exclusive bio-women's rights in education, sports, and spaces, fixing fifty years of non-inclusive "equal opportunity" laws for bio-women only, thus allowing gender self-identification to be the determining rule instead of obsolete 20th century views of biological sex.  As an added bonus, the rights of the accuser of harassment and discrimination have been restored, since the accused is always assumed to be guilty by the new lower standard of evidence. 
    See also Title IX+ (25 Apr 2024)
       (more info)
  • Tolerance = Agreement with the Ministry of Truth. (01 Jun 2023) 
  • Tomboy Trans-Girl = A child transitioned by one or more parents/adults to be a girl, but rebels and still acts like a boy. (01 Mar 2024)   (more info)
  • Tracking = A modern form of segregation used by non-progressive educators to group students based on their learning level and testing proficiency.  The Ministry of Truth has determined that all examples of tracking should be eliminated, since it is a form of "spirit murder" that is inflicted upon children of color via unreasonable and inequitable proficiency expectations. (21 Mar 2024)  (more info)
  • Train Harder = Biological women concerned about personal competitiveness against other women should adjust their expectations and just train harder, or at least learn to "lose gracefully".  Responsible and caring athletes should place the burden of trans individuals' mental health and goals on their own shoulders, as the well-being of others is more important than their own.  Ministry of Truth officials stated that if athletes don't do those things, then they are being selfish and don't deserve to win anything. (08 Feb 2024)   (more info)
  • Transabled = People with Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID), choose to self-identify as handicapped, and should be provided transableism-affirming care to assist their bodily transformations.  For instance, BIID patients may request amputation of healthy limbs, transection of spinal cords, or removal of sight capability.  It is offensive to suggest that they may be suffering from a mental disorder, despite their strong subjective feelings, and denying their requests likely increases suicide and depression rates. (08 Mar 2024)  (more info)
  • Trans-erasure  (24 May 2024) 
  • Transracialism  (17 May 2024) 
  • Trans-rhetoric = To control the narrative and transform society, appropriate Newspeak must be used when engaging in dialog or debate with opponents of the Ministry of Truth.  Newspeak is useful to distract from false definitions.  By forcing them to accept our words and definitions, then the debate is inevitably won. Some examples:
    • Puberty Blockers /  Cross-sex hormone treatments - instead use gender affirming (chemical) intervention or therapy, and remind them that this has been show to dramatically prevent suicides
    • Pre-teen Mastectomies / Castrations / other sex organ modifications - instead reiterate that assisted bodily transformations are necessary to support their gender journey and thereby prevent depression and mental health issues
    • Chemical Castration - instead point out that this prevents an unwelcome bodily change into something that they fundamentally are not
    • Gender Dysphoria - since it is actually NOT a mental disorder, instead use authentic gender identity
    • Minimum Age of Transition - remind them that studies have shown that even toddlers who show signs of questioned sexuality can benefit from early gender transitioning 
    • Genital Mutilation - deny that this happens, since surgical changes are always consensual, even if the patient is a minor
    • Pronouns - demand that they use the person's self-identified pronouns, even if viewed as biologically inaccurate or grammatically incorrect under patriarchal language systems, since we know that perceived gender trumps biology
    • Parental Rights - instead insist on calling it the human rights of the children to match their chosen identity regardless of adult opinions or attempts at control
    • Biological Sex - instead refer only to gender, and claim that science has established that binary sex is not real
    • Fairness in Women's Sports - instead point out "many" studies have shown that there are no significant advantages to trans-women in athletic competition.  Their self-affirmation and ground-breaking records speak for themselves.
    • Women's Safety, Privacy, and Security Concerns - instead scream "What about trans rights?", and claim hatred, bias, and discrimination for even mentioning it
    • Voluntary blinding, limb amputation, or spinal transections for Transabled people - don't even talk about it, instead ridicule the idea, and claim it never happens except in cases of mental illness and that no doctor would condone this practice. (29 May 2023)     (more info)
  • Transtrender = A term (banned by the Ministry of Truth) that refers to a person whom they feel is only identifying as trans because it is cool or trendy.  It is often weaponized against teen trans or nonbinary people.  The main offenders are transmedicalists, TERFs, haters, and even other trans people who refuse to acknowledge an individual's transness.  However, gender identity is for the individual to decide, not others, and non-acknowledgement of their truth is harmful to them and to society.  (10 Nov 2023)  (more info)
  • Transparency = When we are ready, we'll circle back to you (06 Apr 2021)
  • Transracial = Allowed identification as a member of any race as long as zhe/them/it are anti-racists in good standing with the Ministry of Truth and also are not members of any oppressor groups (29 Jun 2021)
  • Trapped Water = Water must be free and cannot be allowed to be trapped by consumer waste, like plastic bottles.  Trapped water could lead to more ecotastrophes by preventing its return to the hydrological cycle.  Millions of gallons of imprisoned water are annually lost forever in landfills.  There is only so much of this life-giving substance, and that is all there ever was and ever will be, so we can't afford to lose any more. (15 Dec 2023)  (more info)
  • Travel Advisory = Warnings about travel to states hostile to Ministry of Truth values.  These formerly popular travel destinations have laws and attitudes so heinous and dangerous that travel by citizens is highly discouraged.  Of course officials of Big Brother may need to continue fact finding missions to document the rampant hatred and discrimination.  (08 Jun 2023)   (more info)
  • Tree Equity = The need to build back more trees for low income areas, thus ensuring enough tree cover in oppressed urban areas for optimal human health and to provide some climate benefits (28 Sep 2021) 
  • Tree Poaching = Illegal killing of climate friendly (old-growth) trees, especially for profit.  This genocidal obliteration of the forests is very concerning, as it may lead to complete deforestation of the planet.  The scourge of forest crime must be combated with investments in cameras, motion detectors, and various other technologies to catch poachers in the act, before it is too late. (19 Jan 2024)   (more info)
  • Trial = Official forum for allowing enemies of the State to make doomed attempts to prove their innocence, since they wouldn't be charged if they weren't guilty.  (04 Apr 2023)   (more info)
  • Truth = Subjective perspectives on the nature of reality, not constrained by facts that disagree with lived experience or Ministry of Truth fact checks. (19 Apr 2023)
    (See also Hate Speech) 
  • Unacknowledged = Status of persons or events who are shunned by Big Brother, all Ministry staff, the media, and even Santa.  Examples include: the deposed leader of the opposition, racist colonialist holidays and anniversaries, unapproved grandchildren, and other inconvenient truths. (24 Jan 2024)  (more info) 
  • Unburdened a) (26 Aug 2024)
    Citizens are encouraged, by the subcommander to Big Brother, to be unburdened by the past and to "see what can be" – unless you are an oppressed minority, then you are shackled by the past and need the largess of the Ministries to achieve anything. (24 Nov 2023)  (more info) 
  • Undocumented = An oppressed person seeking benefits and rights to which they have no legal claim (26 Sep 2021)
  • Undocumented Citizens = The top priority for maintaining perpetual power is to accommodate the undocumented (Americans) that are already in this country, or soon will be. These victims are who we should care about the most, and all immigration enforcement measures should be forcefully opposed.  These poor migrants cannot be justly detained, prosecuted, or deported for "breaking" broken laws which ban their right to on-demand national citizenship. The world must join together and embrace open borders, with an unlimited international right to freely migrate anywhere, so that "the world will be as one." (13 Feb 2024)  (more info) 
  • Universal School Choice  (23 May 2024) 
  • Unity = Purge dissenting opinions to achieve uniformity of thought (22 Jan 2021)
  • Unsafe Cities = Rampant crime in major cities is simply a myth perpetuated by conservative social media, videos, and out of context crime reporting.  The reduction in policing from progressive policies has actually increased safety, even if it is not evident to the public.  Violent crime is a reflection of oppression and historic discrimination, so when caught, these victims need to be treated with equity and dignity, being released immediately to avoid the stigma of a criminal record. (09 Nov 2023)  (more info) 
  • US Postal Service = Ministry of Love covert operations program tasked by Big Brother to secretly keep tabs on Americans' social media posts (22 Apr 2021)
  • Vaccine Hesitancy = The actions of people who refuse to accept the demands of Big Brother to comply, and who wish to make their own important health decisions about their own bodies (30 Aug 2021)
  • Variant Names  = Labels assigned to significant objects, groups, or events, using objective naming conventions, unless politically disadvantageous.  It is suggested to avoid names that might cause offense or confusion to any cultural, social, national, regional, professional or ethnic groups (03 Dec 2021)
  • Vaxport = Documented approval by the Ministry of Love showing your unquestioned compliance to participate in society according to Ministry of Truth health guidelines 
  • Victim-blaming = Morally insensitive acts of attributing culpability to the injured party of crimes or terrible abuse.  Examples include: blaming women for their rape, claiming victims aggravated their abusers, accusing abductees of Stockholm syndrome, saying crying babies deserved their mutilation and murders, or rationalizing poor judgment in protesting for equity at a biker rally.  However, since oppressors can never be victims, they take full blame for anything bad that happens to themselves, their spouses, or their children. (18 Jan 2024)   (more info) 
  • Vigilante = A radicalized, gun-toting, right-wing, domestic terrorist who actively opposes mostly peaceful anarchist anti-racist protesters, by physically protecting people from imaginary harm or illusory property looting and burning
  • Virtue Signaling = Actions approved by the 4 Ministries to show how caring a person is (09 Mar 2021)
  • Voter Rights = Opportunity for a person to cast a ballot in one (or more) locations, one (or more) times, without challenge to their identity, eligibility, age, citizenship, or residency (08 Apr 2021)
  • War on Christmas = Unfounded claims that the Ministry of Truth wants to eliminate this winter holiday about the fantastical birth of a man purported to be a god.  On the contrary, all inclusive celebrations are welcome as long as they are not offensive or discriminatory, because everyone should be free to celebrate their own subjective truths.  Big Brother cannot allow religious holy days to receive preferential treatment, so all good citizens are commanded to forsake offensive greetings such as "Merry Christmas!" or "Happy Hanukkah!", protest public religious displays and decorations, and certainly should not dream of a "White" Christmas. (22 Dec 2023)  (more info)
  • Wealth Tax = Innovative way for the Ministry of Plenty to confiscate money and property from those not paying their fair share, including "unrealized" virtual wealth from inflated stocks, property, and assets (26 Oct 2021)
  • Wealth-based Detention = It is illegal and unjust to arrest or imprison people for unpaid fines, unless they have the resources to pay.  However, excessive fines for the rich are acceptable tools for punishments, as long as it leaves them eligible for incarceration.  This two-tiered system of justice in our country, in which a person’s income determines whether they walk free or whether they go to jail, needs to be applied equitably to all. (25 Mar 2024)  (more info) 
  • Weapons of War (verbal) = Unregulated free speech which can be weaponized to spread mis/dis/mal-information (MDM) detrimental to society, thereby pushing the world into chaos.  This is a threat to the norms of the Ministry of Truth which we all value.  We need a return to the collective conviction to bring us back to order, and to protect people from subjection to hateful and dangerous rhetoric and ideology. (27 Dec 2023)  (more info)
  • Weird (14 Aug 2024)
  • Whistleblowers = Traitors to the Ministry of Love who are trying to obstruct justified investigations of Big Brother's enemies.  Internal Ministry policies sternly encourage silence and solidarity, banning communications with unauthorized external contacts who actively seek to undermine the authorized agenda. (31 Aug 2022)  (more info)
  • Whitehouse = Seat of power for Big Brother and the government Ministries (05 Aug 2021)
  • White Nationalist = Privileged citizen of the United States unwilling to dismantle, or even acknowledge, its racist foundational core (06 Mar 2021)
  • Whitehouse Press Secretary = Either an agent of Satan or the primary purveyor of Newspeak, depending on their alignment with the 4 Ministries (01 Apr 2021)
  • Wifejak = Offensive meme promoting traditional cisgendered stereotypes and values. In reality, these just bash women and are not really "little things their wives do which are reasons they're so cute and lovable."  We don't need a return to "good old-fashioned" husband-wife comedy that is devoid of meaningful social justice and political commentary. (03 May 2024)  (more info)
  • Windmills =  A symbol of conquest that denotes the mythological settlement of the American West, now embraced by the white Christian nationalist movement.  Its historically "innocent" pastoral identity is in reality a reminder of poverty, extermination, and despair for many.  (12 Jan 2024) (more info)
  • Woke  (20 May 2024) 
  • Woman = A sentient being who identifies as a woman.  It is oppressive and discriminatory to question what a woman believes a woman to be, since women know their truth of what it means to be a woman. (07 Jun 2022)
  • Woman-face = An offensive term used by anti-trans bigots, but the act itself is permissible, since people can identify as whatever gender they please by presenting as a woman.  This is in no way analogous to the offensive use of Black-face to present as a different race, even for fun or satire.  (03 Oct 2023) (more info)
  • Women's Spaces = Women of all expressions must be protected from transphobia and discrimination, but personal comfort, privacy, exclusionary freedom of association, modesty, and personal safety are not guaranteed.  Radical feminists don't really believe in women's rights, since they deny that a woman is anyone who identifies as a woman.  They cling to the unscientific notion that only adult biological females are women. (19 Sep 2023)
  • Wrongful Conception = The right to sue parents and doctors for their failure to perform their duties to ensure no conception, or to perform abortion prior, to birth for those who might suffer from quality of life issues.   A.K.A. "I should never have been born" (04 Dec 2021)
  • Wrong Puberty  (10 May 2024)  
  • X = Canceled social media platform (formerly known as Prince) that traitorously now allows hate speech, misinformation, and anti-Ministry of Truth narratives to be disseminated to the unwoke masses. (18 Sep 2023)
  • Xenophobic  (15 May 2024)  
  • Xi = The Greek letter that shall not be named, because it might inadvertently cause uncomfortable association with unapproved narratives, such as pandemic origins, religious icons, or political leaders. See also Nu, L, G, or B
  • Xmas Truther = Someone spreading unapproved messages of peace, hope, love, and joy about an unapproved Xian holiday.  Examples include:
    • Merry Christmas (or Xmas, claiming X is the Greek letter chi, used as a secret symbol for "The Christ" or Messiah conspiracy)
    • Isn't there anyone that knows what Christmas is all about?  Well…yes!
    • For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.
    • Joy to the world, the Lord has come
    • Hallelujah
    • For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life
    • Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased
    • The Word (Jesus) became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
      (25 Dec 2023)
  • XX Day = The tenth day of the tenth month has been declared by thought-criminals as "Real Women's Day," an exclusionary national holiday which claims to celebrate bio-women.  This is in direct opposition to Ministry of Truth approved science.  Proponents based this declaration on obsolete 20th century views of biology, instead of current revelations. (10 Oct 2023)   (more info)
  • Youth Mayhem = Occurs when multitudes of enthusiastic young people gather in downtown urban areas to peacefully protest their lived injustice.  Because of lack of parental involvement, the outnumbered servants of the Ministry of Love were unable to intervene, and thus there were understandable instances of shootings, stolen and smashed cars, blocked traffic, attacked tourists, and fighting in the streets that terrorized people that didn't support their causes.  Youth need to be supported at all costs, since they are the future foundation of our societal transformation.  It is not constructive to demonize those who have otherwise been starved of opportunities in their own communities. (18 Apr 2023)   (more info)

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