Thursday, October 17, 2024

Ministry of Truth Timely Update - 17 Oct 2024 - Down is Up


Down is Up

The actual words used are less important than the intent.  The essence of Newspeak is that words are just tools to help influence the people to believe what they are told without question, even if it is seemingly contradictory to what they see.  So, for example, if one day they are told that crime is down, but it is really up, it doesn't matter as long as they willingly follow and support the policies of the government.  At their discretion, officials of the Ministry of Truth may revise or "correct" previously released statements.

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Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 17 Oct 2024 - Internalized Racism


Internalized Racism

A disturbing trend is infecting some non-white communities, causing members who identify with minority groups to defect from the party of Big Brother.  The rise of the minority "far right" comes from contamination and internalized racism from living in a toxic white culture.  They have been brainwashed into believing in the slippery slope of admiring things like Christian values, tribalism, traditional gender and sexual norms, economic prosperity, and freedom.  They want to "be white" in a White culture, and be with the so-called "cool kids". 

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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Salt and Light - In and Out


Salt and Light - In and Out

What is the role of God's people in the world?  Are we just here to survive until God calls us home, or do we actually have a purpose in life?

In his teachings, Jesus often told parables.  During the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said the following:

13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.

14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

What did Jesus mean when he said that we are the salt and light of the earth?  From the context, it is widely understood that he was referring to our impact on the world around us.  Just as salt preserves food, the presence of Christians in a culture helps keep it from decay.  Likewise, being a light in the world helps to expose darkness and evil.  Often this is summarized as a saying that reflects biblical teaching, "Be in the world, but not of the world".  In other words, we don't belong to this world and its values (don't conform), but we are put here for a time to positively impact the world as we live our (transformed) lives.  See here for a short explanation of what this means.

When Christians withdraw from the culture, they lose influence over it.  When his disciples refuse to participate in politics (or even vote), we end up being led by unbelievers with different moral standards from those taught by Jesus.  When Jesus' followers allow the government to distribute welfare, the moral basis of charity is lost.  When God's people hide behind false piety and cloister themselves into small, isolated communities, the world is a poorer place.  When believers don't speak up and stand up against immorality, evil triumphs.  

The world and our country are far from perfect.  In many ways we have slid away from the constitutional republic given to us by the blood of godly patriots past.  As John Adams said, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."  But throwing everything away and starting over, just because we don't get our own way or feel we are not having a voice, is foolish.  Without the moral foundation that the people of our nation have lost, any such effort is lost before it starts. We need to strive to improve our society by being salt and light – from the inside out.  Instead of looking to pick the "lesser of two evil", we need to make sometimes hard moral choices about what (or who) will "do the greater good".

When our leaders don't lead, we need to step up and take the responsibility to be good faithful ones who won't lead people astray.  That starts at home, then within our spheres of influence.  If we give up, we all lose.  But if people imprudently take up arms, it will be a disaster, whether against each other or what they view as injustice.  Isn't it better to wake people up from their slumber and restore our republic and the rule of law?  We didn't get here overnight, so we can't expect everything to be made right in an instant either (or by one election).  Let's go and make true disciples who follow Jesus.  Only then will we be truly free.  


Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 16 Oct 2024 - No Food 4 U


No Food 4 U

To promote equity, food pantries, grant money, financial aid, and emergency assistance should be allocated based on social justice.  Those deemed to have too much privilege, or who are not supportive of Big Brother, will be denied access in some cases, or at least put at the end of the line in others.  A shining example of this in action is a "free" food pantry sign that states, “The resources found in here are intended for Black & Indigenous Folx. Please refrain from taking anything if you’re not.”  Federal emergency support is also deprioritized for poor white people, based on disaster equity policies, since supporting and funding new immigrants is a higher administration priority.   

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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 15 Oct 2024 - Champion of Equality


Champion of Equality

A leading freedom fighter, a gifted orator, and champion for equality was recently martyred by an unprovoked genocidal attack.  As supporters of all who resist the occupation, we join in solidarity in calling for mourning and revenge against the oppressive Satans.  Their honored leader, may the great deity bless his soul, was known for killing non-Arabs, orchestrating suicide attacks, and war planning to remove the Zionist state and all its inhabitants.  He believed it divine providence that their enemies were all gathered together in one place, so that they would be easier to kill.  

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Monday, October 14, 2024

Ministry of Truth Timely Update - 14 Oct 2024 - Columbus Day


Columbus Day

It is a shame that this genocidal explorer is insensitively celebrated for bringing disease, slavery, and other atrocities to the Americas.  He must be judged by our current standards, instead of those of his time, which just excuses his criminal behavior.  Not only did he misidentify the natives as "Indians", he also infected the land with:
  • written language
  • Western cultural contamination
  • change and technological advancement, including art
  • a new evangelistic religion and its ethnocentric morality
  • science. reason, and enlightenment
  • the Judeo-Christian work ethic
  • invasive species (e.g. horses, cats, rats, rice, and rye) that impacted biological diversity
  • a flood of illegal immigrants
  • introduced war, slavery, and conflict to the mostly peaceful natives
  • other disruptive ideas
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Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 14 Oct 2024 - Brain Damage


Brain Damage

a) Definitive studies have proven that religious fundamentalism has a biological basis.  This study shows that it is indisputably caused by brain damage, defects, or miswired neural networks.  This was already well-known by atheists, but now there is a biological basis for rejecting belief in God and its restrictive morality.  Fundamentalists religiously hold to doctrines such as objective right and wrong, inspired authoritative scriptures, and morality based on religious teaching from teachers (e.g. Jesus or Moses).  Because of their disabilities, they have a "lower complexity of thought" and hence should not be taken seriously or allowed to influence others. 

b) The only rational explanation for media star politicians who inexplicably go against approved progressive policies.  Those who fail to publicly support the agenda must have something wrong with them, like having had a stroke or mental issues.  According to a banned comedian from the offensive comedy era, if you know you're not supposed to do something, but you do it anyway, then you have brain damage.  They need to be silenced or replaced ASAP. 

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