Newspeak Dictionary (A to L)


Newspeak Dictionary (Daily) (Recent) (A-L) (M-Z)

  • Abandoned = Those left behind to fend for themselves by the Ministries of Peace and Love because they are deemed to be insufficiently valuable to the advancement of their goals (04 Sep 2021)
  • Abortion = a) Ministry of Love sanctioned infanticide (10 Mar 2021), b) Holy sacrament of the Ministry approved Religion of Sex, without which Birthing People will be forced to be Mothers (04 May 2022), c) An act of love preventing a life of suffering, slavery, and existential angst. Instead, Christian bigots should listen to Jesus and "Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no greater commandment than these." (21 Sep 2022) (more info)
  • ACAB = All cops are bad (literally b*st*ds), until needed by the Ministry of Love (21 Apr 2021)
  • Actively Dying = A term used for patients whom doctors decree have no hope of a cure, or to ever resume life outside intensive care, which is a drain on society's medical resources. Often these people are under the "delusion" that death is not imminent, and the Ministry of Love must step in and enforce termination, with compassion and palliative care, of course. The wishes of the patient to try to live are irrelevant, because they are incapable of making these kinds of unbiased decisions about their medical future. (06 Sep 2023) (more info)
  • Adverse Possession = A person (or persons) occupying land owned by someone else.  This can be justified because of the precedent of "colonization", which is how everyone here has their land – they took it through adverse possession (aka squatting).  Squatters are therefore justified in using legal loopholes to make their claims, with the belief that the land of those abandoned projects can be reclaimed.  Since the colonizers took the land from the native people, it’s a process that can be justly used to take that land back.  Technically, this can be extended to other property situations as well.  For example, "theoretically" anyone on the street should be able to boost an unoccupied car and drive it, because that car is just sitting around. (01 May 2024) (more info)
  • AFAB/AMAB = Assigned Female/Male at Birth. This is not really grounded in biology, because genetics never should have been considered in matters of sexuality. Rather it reflects an anti-choice designation supporting the dominant culture of cissexism. The Ministry of Truth declares that affirmed gender is the only true gender definition that can be faithfully spoken. (22 Sep 2022) (more info) 
  • Agitprop Material  (24 Jun 2024)  
  • Affirmative Action = The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to continue discriminating on the basis of race, but only for Ministry of Truth favored groups. In the name of equity, appeals to the "content of their character" and qualifications are denied. (15 Jan 2024)  (more info)
  • All Lives Matter (v2) = The new ALM movement, which notable spokespersons of the Ministry of Truth's attack squad recently revived, states that All (Oppressed) Lives Matter now, but it depends on what the meaning of "All" is.  Clearly, "All" means everyone except those with power and privilege. (26 Dec 2023)  (more info) 
  • Allowed = List of activities and thoughts permitted by the Ministry of Truth, and enforced by the Ministry of Love, our benevolent overlords (17 May 2021)
  • Alternate ID (07 Jun 2024)
  • American = A harmful term which has been identified by the Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative (EHLI).  This term is often used to exclusively refer to people from the United States, thereby insinuating that the USA is the most important country in the Americas.  Other disfavored terms currently under Ministry of Truth review include: U.S. citizen, immigrant, aborted, user, seminal, grandfathered, addiction, survivor, victim, and walk-in hours (02 Jun 2023) (more info)
  • American Conspiracy Thinking Scale = The Ministry of truth is determined to root out crimethink in all its forms, so predicting pre-crime is essential to the efforts of the Ministry of Love to eradicate it.  Vaccine misinformation, mistrust in healthcare institutions, and generic conspiratorial thinking all contributed to the likelihood of someone resisting Big Brother's lead, or actually acting on non-evidential rumors, convictions, or treatments. (14 Mar 2024) (more info)
  • American Flag  (14 Jun 2024, 10 Jul 2021)
  • Anti-Islamophobia Plan = The Ministry of Truth is committed to protecting the safety of anti-anti-terrorist groups. The plan is to combat hate crimes and overreactions to perceived religious support for violent resistance organizations who share similar goals. (06 Nov 2023) (more info)
  • Anti-racist = Someone who judges people on the basis on their skin color, or other Ministry of Truth social categories, but not on the content of their hearts (19 Feb 2021)
  • Antisemitism (06 Jun 2024)
  • Appetizing Names = Unfortunately named species can be rehabilitated by simply renaming them and then instigating a public relations campaign.  A more appealing name will encourage people to harvest and eat disgustingly named fish, or to call creatures by names other than by the hurtful names they have to bear.  For example, names crying out for change include: the invasive snakehead fish (aka the Frankenfish), blackbirds, boobies, squawfish, and gypsy moths. (23 Feb 2024) (more info) 
  • Assassination Denier  (22 Jul 2024)
  • Assimilation = Banned term for the civic integration of unaccompanied non-citizen children, not to be confused with Borg recruitment practices (23 Apr 2021)
  • Asymmetric Multiculturalism = The celebration of every patriotism except that of white colonialist Westerners, who must always be cast as the villains. Other kinds of conquest, anti-white racism, and forced migrations do not count, since they are justified as struggles against oppressors.  The root of all evil since the Stone Age -- everything wrong with the world --  is held to be the fault of anti-progressive white colonizers. (27 Mar 2024) (more info) 
  • Authentic = Being true to one's own personality, spiritual beliefs, or character by doing as you wish, without regard to external pressures or expectations. One should strive to do things daily that bring happiness and joy. Authenticity is a trait people strive to find for themselves, based on the truth they currently choose to display to others. Those that truly love you will support you. (21 Dec 2023) (more info) 
  • Banning Book Bans = New laws which forbid/punish schools and libraries from banning any book approved by the Ministry of Truth because of “partisan or doctrinal disapproval.”  Not all books deserve to be in libraries, but we need to ensure that our "Top.  (Wo)Men." are in charge of making that determination based on their education, experience, and level of commitment to social justice. (08 Jan 2024)  (more info) 
  • Baptisms = Public religious events, especially involving university students or staff, create a coercive and unconstitutional environment that excludes those students who don’t subscribe to the radical views being pushed. These ongoing and repeated constitutional violations create an uncontrolled marketplace of ideas damaging to students' freedom from (unapproved) religious thought. "To be free from religion is an advantage for individuals; it is a necessity for government." - Ministry of Truth representatives. (29 Nov 2023)  (more info)
  • Bare Minimum Monday = A trend encouraging workers to lower work expectations on the first day of their work week (Manic Mondays), thereby lowering stress and improving mental health.  Employers should be happy to let employees work at their own pace, without minimum work or effort requirements, and appreciate any efforts that go beyond the minimum required.  Increasing employee morale is a win-win for the company, which is more important than the bottom-line. (22 Jan 2024) (more info)
  • Based = Self-referential term for those who consider themselves to be anti-Woke. "Based" individuals are in full rebellion to Ministry of Truth doctrines. They need to be reeducated, because they verbalize harmful crimethink that could be caught by others without appropriate masking. (20 Sep 2023) (more info)
  • Bees - Underrepresented species of fish declared by the Ministry of Truth to be endangered and in need of safe spaces (02 Jun 2022)
  • Authoritarian = Anything those with power do, compel, or demand, that is opposed to the 4 Ministries' goals, is unjustified and needs to be fought (09 Oct 2021)
  • Beer Czar = In solidarity with other nearby socialist countries, this Ministry of Love official may restrict alcohol consumption by citizens, for the greater good. It is simply inconceivable that those who identify as men would need more than 2 beers a week, while those who do not identify as gender male would never need more than just 1 weekly indulgence. A grace period for this health "recommendation" may be instituted to allow public acclimation and acceptance, before official enforcement begins. Excess social lubrication at official Ministry events exempted, of course. (08 Sep 2023) (more info) 
  • Best and Brightest = In a candid moment of insight, a political leader spoke their truth. "America is not sending their best and brightest, you know, to Washington, D.C.," opined this top debater and rising progressive star, who has completely overcome his stroke-induced cognitive disabilities to lead reforms in Senate dress codes. (16 Oct 2023) (more info)
  • Bias Requirements = Ideological purity tests for Ministry of Love enforcement officers, which vet candidates for involvement with unsanctioned activities or hate groups. Red flags include:
    • Association with the anti-choice patriarchy
    • Conservative Christian church membership
    • Hateful speech which questions equity agendas
    • Whistleblowing against the Ministries or Big Brother
    • Extreme nationalist semi-fascists who vote for the wrong candidates.  
      (28 Aug 2023) (more info)
  • Biden Brand = Alleged marketing campaign never used to raise investment contributions, arrange board memberships & exorbitant salaries, or lend interest free loans based solely on the brand. All such funds not raised in this manner, would never be laundered through multiple shell corporations, nor be distributed to white-privileged family members of Big Brother, since that would not be equitable. (14 Aug 2023)
  • Bidenomics = Grow the middle class economy by fighting soaring inflation and rising interest rates through massive government spending and regulations, while raising more money from income tax collectors going after all those not paying their fair share. (29 Jun 2023) (more info)
  • Bigot = Someone publicly expressing moral views unapproved by the Ministry of Truth (13 May 2021)
  • Biological Boy/Girl = Phrases that oversimplify a complex subject and are often used by anti-transgender activists to inaccurately imply that a trans person is not who they say they are, denying their authentic gender identity. Other misleading terms include: "born a man," "born a woman," "biologically male," "biologically female," "biological boy," "biological girl," "genetically male," and "genetically female." (09 Jan 2024) (more info)
  • Bipartisanship = Untenable view that concessions to the opposing party are morally acceptable, since our adversaries oppose Ministry of Truth values and the rule of Big Brother. Also, the two-party system is inherently biased against non-binary political views, because it is oppressive and based on white supremacist values. (29 Jul 2022)
  • Birthing Parent = Inclusive term for a biological incubator that we each were grown in before we were declared human at birth, excluding those terminated prior to delivery. (07 Jul 2022)
  • Birthing People = Ministry of Truth approved name for those formerly known by the non-inclusive terms "women" and "mothers", since men can have wombs too (09 Jun 2021)
  • Black-shaming (06 Aug 2024)
  • Black National Anthem = Multicultural theme songs are a way to unify the voices of our country around our many distinctions. Due to their importance, the length of future super bowls will be shortened to allow for the singing of each oppressed group's own national anthem. Suggestions are "We are Siamese," the Tomahawk chant, "Que Sera, Sera," "La cucaracha," and "I'm coming out." (20 Feb 2024)   (more info)
  • Blameless = When Big Brother's opponents fail to accede to his uncompromising demands, he washes his hands of it, summarily declaring that they are fully at fault for any catastrophes that may befall the country. The agenda trumps consequences, and the blame is on those who oppose the agenda. (22 May 2023)   (more info)
  • Bloodbath = Flexible Newspeak terms are used to either accurately describe actions or policies of political opponents, or to alternatively impute their worst motives and intentions in using them, regardless of context. So, for example, when "bloodbath" is used by enemies of Big Brother, this is an unacceptable term, since it is obviously a call to violence and insurrection. The Ministry of Truth is entrusted with the responsibility to correctly guide and interpret the usage of Newspeak, and to punish violations thereof. (26 Mar 2024)   (more info)
  • Book Banning = No books approved by the Ministry of Truth should ever be banned, as censorship is not in line with our progressive values. No age is too young for any content requested, or discovered, on school library shelves and displays, especially for educational books and media of sexual instruction, gender identity, or CRT related topics. However, books that promote crimethink or resistance to Big Brother (e.g. The Constitution or the Bible) need to be removed from public access to prevent the spread of misinformation and for the greater good. (09 May 2023)   (more info) 
  • Border Crisis = Our immigration system is broken!  So Big Brother must "take care" to exercise his full authoritarian power to enforce or wave laws as he deems best.  Fences and closed borders are an impediment to the free flow of freedom seekers and eco-refugees.  Expansive entry to all who feel entitled should be granted based solely on their stated need, since requiring proof or proving need is unreasonable and mean spirited.  More expenditures are needed to facilitate migrants' rapid entry, to grant permissions to remain and work, and to be supported in their quest for a better life.  This is a complex issue, so simply enforcing existing unjust immigration laws would be cruel and unusual, since it could result in deporting or punishing future citizens. (29 Jan 2024)   (more info) 
  • Border Security = a) A historic effort to secure safe harbor for multitudes of freedom seekers desiring asylum, and to smooth transportation corridors for entrepreneurs seeking better economic opportunities for their pharmaceutical and human products. (05 Aug 2022) b) Open the gates and provide armed escorts to all without question (08 Mar 2021)
  • Border Czar  (29 Aug 2024)
  • Both-siderism = Ministry of Truth spokespersons fail the public when they appear to be objectively fair and balanced in their reporting, since the other side is wrong and it is harmful to criticize the ruling party. Modern journalists should prevent unapproved new (mis)information from being reported, should try to focus on destroying the opposition, and shouldn't balance their reporting with the outright, calculated lies of the enemies of truth. (22 Oct 2021)
  • Brain Damage = The only rational explanation for media star politicians who inexplicably go against approved progressive policies. Those who fail to publicly support the agenda must have something wrong with them, like having had a stroke or mental issues. According to a banned comedian from the offensive comedy era, if you know you're not supposed to do something, but you do it anyway, then you have brain damage. They need to be silenced or replaced ASAP. (02 Jan 2024)  (more info)
  • Build Back Better = America was never great, so it needs to be deconstructed from its unjust oppressive foundations, and rebuilt into an equitable, socialist utopia (05 Nov 2021)
  • Bureau of Artificial Intelligence = Given the existential danger of AI, the Ministry of Love must police this new technology by conducting investigations into whether AI algorithms are adequately woke enough to comply with Ministry of Truth doctrines. AI companies and creators should be held liable for everything their creations do, up to and including "Skynet" level events. To realize the promise of AI, and avoid the risk to the State's authority, Big Brother needs to sagely govern this technology, while stockpiling hammers and BleachBit for emergency use. (15 Nov 2023)   (more info)
  • Cancel Culture = Unified effort to maintain purity and uniformity of thought in line with Ministry of Truth guidelines (04 Mar 2021)
  • Canceled = Excommunicated by Ministry of Truth (29 Jan 2021)
  • Canceled Cartoons = Political cartoons that exaggerate faults, mock character flaws, or satirize protected classes, like oppressed pro-liberation militants or Ministry-favored politicians, must be canceled, preferably prior to publication.  The media outlets of the Ministry of Truth cannot allow such racist or divisive content to spread, exposing harmful mischaracterizations to the unsuspecting public. (29 Nov 2023)  (more info)
  • Capitalism = Official Ministry of Truth teacher's union members are obligated to teach that capitalism, because it is antithetical to racial and social justice, must be replaced by an equitable economic system (e.g. socialism).  "Capitalism inherently exploits children, public schools, land, labor, and resources."   It is fundamentally opposed to addressing systemic racism, the "school to prison pipeline", climate change, the patriarchy, gender/orientation disparities, education inequalities, and people who unjustly have more stuff than others. (08 May 2023)  (more info)
  • CAUdacity = Dismissive term used by Ministry of Truth diversity officials that describes the audacity demonstrated by White Karens to say offensive things, like BIPOC people can be racist too.  DEI trainers need frequent exhaustion breaks from dealing with nonsensical challenges in diversity training sessions from "white folx".  (17 Sep 2022)  (more info)
  • Censorship = Forced shutdown of those opposed to the Ministry of Truth (12 Feb 2021)
  • Central Bank Digital Currency = The Ministry of Plenty established digital currency (CBDC) which is programmable, instantly inflatable, traceable, and designed to promote various approved social goals, such as improving "financial inclusion" and "equity." It is designed to help with "transitioning to a net-zero emissions economy and improving environmental justice."  Every transaction made using a CBDC will be easily traced to individual users, and rules could be imposed that limit spending on unapproved activities.  For example, if the Ministry of Plenty AI determines that citizens are buying too much gasoline or charging their EVs at unapproved times, it could stop them from doing so remotely.  A safety feature of CBDC is that only major banks, Big Brother, and the Ministry of Plenty have ownership of the digital dollars, instead of individuals, thereby protecting and stabilizing the currency. (27 Sep 2023)  (more info)
  • Cheap Fake Videos  (20 Jun 2024) 
  • Chemical Abortion = Termination of a pregnancy via amazing anti-maternity drugs (e.g. mifepristone) which cause the body to miscarriage.  Thus allowing guilt-free private medical care without doctor's supervision, if desired.  Most of the time these pills don't require emergency rooms visits, allowing at-home disposal of conception byproducts.  To restrict access to these life-saving drugs is unconscionable. (24 Apr 2023) (more info) 
  • Child Abuse = To withhold irreversible medical intervention to change a child’s sex, or at least delay their puberty, will result in gender dysphoric children committing suicide.  Given their lived experience and who they feel they truly are, is sufficient justification to declare their choices to be mature.  Opponents just want to harm children and prosecute healthcare providers for enabling these gender affirming choices.  A parent's refusal to approve sex transitions constitutes child abuse and hence loss of parental rights. (21 Jun 2023)  (more info) 
  • Childhood Innocence =  A common mythology since even infants show a sex and gender preference in who they look at.  So-called, "inappropriate topics",  such as queerness and sexual expression, are suitable for young children too.  Schools must introduce and expose them to real-world adults of all sexual preferences, because banning these topics and issues causes harm to their development. (12 Sep 2023) (more info) 
  • Choice - Do what you want, as long as you comply with the wishes of Big Brother and the 4 Ministries 
  • Choose to Use =  Banning drug use, or requiring treatment as a condition for government assistance, is a violation of constitutional rights.  This is disturbing and harmful to individual user's self-determination, and adding more punishment (kicking them when they're down) is not helpful. (31 Jan 2024)   (more info)
  • Christian Nationalists = People who unbelievably think that rights come from God, and not from the higher power of government.  They mistakenly believe that the founding documents actually meant that all people are "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."  This contrasts with good "Christians", who have come in line with progressive views on relativistic truth, and who acknowledge that all rights are granted by the mercy and benevolence of Big Brother. (04 Mar 2024)  (more info)
  • Christianity = Unenlightened religious belief promoted by those bitterly clinging to their guns and bibles (19 Sep 2021)
  • Circumlocution (19 Aug 2024) 
  • Citizen = Anyone who can get into America and claim their fair share (13 Mar 2021)
  • Classic Earmarks of Disinformation = Label applied to unfavorable evidence or events with the goal of restricting, banning, or limiting its distribution.  This tool can be utilized effectively, regardless of its veracity, at the discretion of the Ministry of Truth.  It is best practice to gather "experts" who will make public statements disavowing information that would be damaging to the common good. (25 Apr 2023)  (more info)
  • Climate Change = Tautological statement of the obvious that cannot be disproven (22 Feb 2021)
  • Climate Anxiety = Mental health issues caused by fear, worry, or tension linked to imminent climate disasters.  Solutions include imagining visits to nature, re-educating or punishing climate offenders, living a Ministry-approved Green Life, or building self esteem by "doing something" to make a difference environmentally. (12 Apr 2023)
  • Climate Emergency = Declaration of national war on the unfolding disaster, to show that the Big Brother is serious about taking bold action.  Emergency declarations unlock new pots of money, power, and priorities, with new possibilities for unilateral action.  These include bans and restrictions on fossil fuels, limits on economic pollution and anti-Green growth, and investments in clean/renewable energy.  Personal sacrifice may be called for due to the acute crises, but the transition must happen even if it is painful to those not paying their fair share. (08 Aug 2022) 
  • Climate Friendly Areas = Land areas reserved for socially-minded citizens who wish to coexist in harmony with nature and others by limiting transportation, employment, shopping, and housing choices to only sustainable options within the zone.  This reduces climate pollution, builds community, and promotes equitable land use planning outcomes. (02 Feb 2024)   (more info)
  • Climate Lockdowns = At the discretion of Big Brother, restrictions on public movement of ordinary citizens may be implemented.  Believers in a clean environment will agree that this includes going to work only in climate sustainable ways, restricting leisure travel via car or plane, and only purchasing Ministry of Truth approved, climate-friendly vehicles and appliances. (25 Sep 2023)  (more info)
  • Clumsy Words = Reporters have a responsibility to use words and to convey meaning with precision.  Unfortunately, sometimes even spokespersons of Ministry of Truth outlets fall short of perfect clarity, and open the door to people misinterpreting or not understanding the intended nuances, and end up hearing things that are quite different from what was actually communicated. Formal disinformation counseling sessions are highly recommended. (13 Mar 2024)   (more info) 
  • Code Switching = The practice of changing your language, appearance, dress, or manner of your talk to align with the requirements of the dominant culture.  Employees should be able to be their authentic selves, and not be forced to compromise their views or culture just to fit into "professional" expectations. (26 Apr 2024)  (more info) 
  • Coercion = Forcing people to do the will of those with power, for their own good and that of society, by threatening to deprive them of life, liberty, and the ability to pursue happiness (13 Sep 2021)
  • Coffee Badging = An act of protest, where employees, who are once again required to work from the office, show up to the office for only enough time to have a cup of coffee, show their face, and get a "badge swipe".  They are then free to go home to do the rest of their work.  This manner of protesting in-office work requirements may be a reflection of employee dissatisfaction with an organization’s culture or hybrid policies. (05 Jan 2024) (more info)
  • Cognitive Development = The brain develops at different rates for different things.  Criminal activities of youth should not be charged, or at least have minor punishments, because their brains don't fully develop until early adulthood (i.e. around 25 years).  We shouldn't punish someone who's cognition hasn't fully developed, even into early adulthood, because it is not constructive to demonize youth for immature actions.  However, for sexual choices, gender transitions, and pregnancy terminations, their brains are maturely developed enough to make their own decisions without oppressive adult oversight.  They have the right to participate in fully informed and considered voting, and to make life-changing decisions based on their current feelings and lived experiences.  Teen brains use more emotional thinking than adults, whose brains use more rational thinking, so they more easily align with Ministry of Truth goals and doctrines. (20 Apr 2023)  (more info)
  • Common Sense™ = Ministry approved rules and regulations. (24 Mar 2021)
  • Common Sense™ Gun Reform = Restrict legal gun access and use, with the promise that criminals will stop using guns to commit crimes (24 Mar 2021)
  • Common Sense Criminal Justice Reform = For social equity, citizen safety, and financial savings, the Ministry of Love should free people convicted of "lesser" murders from prison.  Serving soul-destroying life sentences is unjust, since many inmates "age out of crime".  Also, the resources that are wasted by life sentences are unjustified. (28 Jun 2023)   (more info)
  • Communication Strategy  (06 May 2024) 
  • Compromise = You agree to do it my way (02 Feb 2021)
  • Constitutionalism = Broken system which needs to be radically altered, since it was created to perpetuate the power of white colonialist slaveholders.  In some radical groups, the Constitution, and other documents of the "founding fathers," are revered as guidance from great visionary leaders who set up a system that they claim should still be blindly followed today.  Obviously it is obsolete, and should be replaced by a more progressive socialist system, where a benevolent leader guides the masses for the greater good.  Because the system is broken, Big Brother is free to defy Congress and the Supreme Court when he considers them to be  "mistaken".  If people choose to follow this unjust system, then that further divides us, since we need unity to become "unchained". (07 Nov 2023)   (more info)
  • Consumer Reparations = Organized pillaging of capitalist businesses and homes of the rich, intentionally unpunished by the Ministry of Love, to redistribute goods and services equitably. (23 Aug 2023)    (more info)
  • Convicted Felon  (10 Jun 2024)  
  • Cooking Skills = Teaching culinary arts skills to daughters is unhealthy parenting and grooming to be an enslaved housewife for some man in her future. (16 Sep 2022)  (more info)
  • Cooling Poverty (30 Aug 2024)
  • Coverup  (08 Jul 2024)
  • Coward = A person unwilling to stand up to those opposed to Ministry of Truth Common Sense™ goals (31 Mar 2021)
  • Cracker Jills = Gender and anti-Racist sensitive popcorn snack approved by the Ministry of Plenty for equitable commerce and sporting events.  Nut-less versions are being researched. (10 Sep 2022)   (more info)
  • Creative Memory = Emotional moments by Big Brother are often highlighted by symbolic stories, exaggerations, and misstatements to support a greater point.  This contrasts his passion with his opponent's evil and contempt for others. (22 Apr 2024)   (more info)
  • Criminal Justice Reform = Limits to law enforcement against the poor and oppressed for minor crimes, such as armed robbery or drug offenses.  Citizens need to learn to tolerate increased crime, in the name of social justice and equity (08 Nov 2021)
  • Criminal Misinformation = It is an indictable speech offense to spread falsehoods that mislead citizens through the use of erroneous narratives, promotion of thought-crimes, or expressing unacceptable opinions.  To maintain the safety and stability of our society, the Ministry of Love must pursue and punish those who dare to challenge the Ministry of Truth or Big Brother's rule. (16 Aug 2023)  
  • Crisis = Manufactured excuse to immediately implement the Ministry of Truth's agenda (26 Mar 2021)
  • Critical Race Theory = An imaginary thing that unenlightened masses of parents claim is being used to indoctrinate school children by diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) immersion (13 Oct 2021)
  • Critical Thinking = To downplay, ridicule, and censor disfavored points of view because diversity of thought (thought crime) is dangerous to society (17 Apr 2023)
  • Crowd Control =  Non-interference with riots and violent protests, since Ministry of Love officers are now required to refrain from all effective dispersal tactics and must ensure the rights of the participants to forcefully express themselves (27 Oct 2021)
  • CRT Teaching = Manufactured claims of the gaslighting oppressor class that the following key anti-racist concepts are being taught as Critical Race Theory in public schools and colleges 
    • America is a systemically racist country,
    • White people have white privilege
    • White people have unconscious biases that negatively affect non-white people
    • America is built on stolen land
    • America is a patriarchal society
    • Gender is an identity choice.
    • There is no evidence that CRT itself is being taught – none, nada!
      (10 May 2023)   (more info)
  • Cultural Appropriation =  When the dominant culture steals customs of an oppressed culture without proper sacrifices to the Ministries of Truth and Plenty (16 Jun 2021)
  • Cultural Revolution = Elimination of the Four Olds: Old Ideas, Old Culture, Old Customs, and Old Habits, with replacement by the Ministry of Truth progressive ideals of diversity, equity, and inclusion.  This includes the destruction of offensive cultural artifacts and history.  Those who stand in the way of progress will meet the full force of the Ministry of Love via anti-whiteness re-education, thought-criminal purges, and Ministry of Plenty sanctions. (26 Sep 2023)  (more info)
  • Customer Service = Special Agents of the Ministry of Love must be able and willing to assist the citizens in complying with the obligations of citizenship.  Duties include the ability to participate in arrests, execution of search warrants, use of deadly force, and other dangerous assignments as required to serve effectively. (12 Aug 2022)
  • Dead naming = The unforgivable act of calling one by a forbidden prior name, since we who control the present, must also control the past.  This also applies, in general, to all resistance to Ministry of Truth approved speech and terminology.   Note: this should not be confused with contacting the dead during a séance, which might offend those who are no longer viable. (18 Jul 2022)
  • Debanked = Financial institutions have a societal responsibility to refuse to do business with enemies of Big Brother, or those who fail to meet their social responsibilities under Ministry of Truth expectations.  This applies to bigoted religious groups, opposition political groups, unacceptable business types, and other oppressive conservative organizations.  Surprisingly, this process is so underreported that even members of the media fail to recognize the term, accusing the opposition of referencing the term in ignorance. (01 Feb 2024)  (more info)
  • Debate Strategy  (04 Sep 2024)
  • Decarceration = Policy of simply citing and/or releasing people from jail who have been accused of low-level misdemeanors or felonies.   Those granted some reasonable low level of bail (e.g. $50,000 or less), should be eligible for immediate release.  Depopulation of incarceration centers will solve the humanitarian crisis of locking up the accused.  The Ministry of Love wants to prioritize increased opportunities for pre-trial release, and to lower the jail population.  They remind the public of their focus on the safety of the accused, and that the root causes of crime will be addressed sometime in the future.  Examples of those who deserved release include: being accused of removing mattress tags, illegally carrying firearms, jay walking, domestic violence, possession of child pornography, residential burglary, robbery, or armed assault. (07 Apr 2023)   (more info)
  • Decrim (22 Aug 2024)
  • Decriminalization =  Non-prosecution of minor crimes including retail theft, drug possession, turnstile jumping, trespassing, resisting arrest, prostitution, or interfering with arrests.  The goal is to make it safer for minorities, reserving incarceration for matters involving significant harm to the social order, thereby making citizens safer.  Ministry funded studies show that even short stays in jail can lead to loss of dignity, housing issues, employment disruption, and strained family connections. (26 Apr 2023)
  • De-escalate = Demand from the Ministry of Peace to stop using forceful defenses, and to capitulate to the demands of the mostly peaceful freedom fighters (20 May 2021)
  • Definition = According to WikiTruth, it is a fluid statement about the meaning of words or phrases that evolves to stay in compliance with societal and Newspeak expectations (03 Aug 2022)
  • Degreening  = According to a leading climate solutions reporter, growing houseplants can hurt the environment.  For a greener world, we need to eliminate the culture of growing non-sustainable house plants. "The trucks that transport plants spew carbon emissions, plastic pots and synthetic fertilizers are made from petroleum, and the harvesting of soil components like peat can tear up slow-forming habitats.”  Environmentally conscious growers should buy only local plants, use biodegradable pots and durable tools, plant in sustainable soils, and avoid petroleum-based fertilizers. (02 May 2024)  (more info) 
  • DEI Hire (01 Aug 2024)
  • Demagogic Speech = Righteous polemic by Big Brother against all who oppose his agenda, declaring that all those who are not with him are enemies of the Republic.  For emphasis, use of raised clenched fists, harsh rhetoric, threats of suppression by Ministries of Peace and Love forces, and ominous mood lighting is acceptable.  When Democracy is under assault, Big Brother must lead the way in restoring the soul of the nation, even if it requires pitting his loyal subjects against those supporting the Rebellion. (11 Mar 2024)  (more info) 
  • Democracy = a) The most significant threat to national security, and to Big Brother's autocratic authority, since the masses cannot be trusted to make important decisions.  Removal of dangerous political candidates from ballots is justified to protect the people from electing the wrong leaders. 
    b) Mob rule (without the checks and balances of the Constitution)
    (04 Mar 2024, 20 Dec 2023, 25 Jan 2021, 27 Dec 2021)
  • Department of Justice = Powerful tool of the Ministry of Love used to intimidate and destroy all opposition to Big Brother, especially political enemies.  Targeted individuals or groups will be proven guilty of the appropriate thought-crimes. (09 Aug 2022)
  • Deplatform = You should not have access to a public forum. See Cancelled (01 Feb 2021)
  • Deprogramming = Forced re-education of those with different viewpoints and opinions from the Ministry of Truth (23 Feb 2021) 
  • Detransition = To unacceptably change an immutable personal attribute back to the original design, despite caring societal pressure to preserve their chosen alterations. (21 Feb 2024)   (more info) 
  • Dictionary = Malleable tool of the Ministry of Truth to dynamically (re)define words to reflect current goals and promote right-thinking. (27 Jun 2023)  (more info) 
  • Diploma Policy =  All students deserve a graduation diploma.  Don't blame the education system or root causes, since strict graduation requirements produce fundamentally racist results, have inequitable impacts, and outcomes are predicted solely by race, ethnicity, IEP status, and multilingual background.  Ministry of Truth educators need not focus on testing or teaching traditional subject matter, but rather on molding students to be loyal life-long supporters, and to do what they can to disrupt the inequitable results of proficiency testing. (08 Dec 2023)  (more info) 
  • Disinformation Governance Board = Big Brother's unaccountable tool to suppress opposition views. (See Ministry of Truth) (05 May 2022)
  • Disqualification = Because elections can't be left to voters, and shocked by recent adverse judicial opinions, the Ministries of Truth and Love are empowering officials at any level to remove objectionable opposition candidates in any way possible.  Offenses include inciting speeches, illegal parading, patriotic flag waving, unauthorized desk sitting, and general objections about election irregularities. (18 Mar 2024)   (more info) 
  • Diversity Math = A socially just, environmentally caring, and culturally appropriate pedagogy in which alternative solutions are praised, thereby deconstructing the idea that there are always right and wrong answers.  In a mathless Brave New World, there is no desire to preserve a failing, racist curriculum that was designed for elite, White male success. (23 Aug 2022)
  • Doing Something = In reaction to existential crises, immediate action is required to signal that one cares, thereby releasing feel good endorphins.  These crises include: the existence of guns, any limits on abortion, criticism of free expression of sex and gender diversity, parental treason in education, national borders or limits on immigration, drowning polar bears due to rising seas and melting icecaps, or the election of anti-Ministry candidates (11 Jul 2022)
  • Domestic Terrorist = Evil person fighting against the Ministry of Love, aka. white supremacist, excluding those violently protesting Ministry approved social causes (17 Feb 2021)
  • Don't = Political doctrine espoused by Big Brother:  Don't attack us, please.  Don't let a good crisis go to waste.  Don't stop spending.  Don't build walls or pipelines.  Don't escalate.  Don't use nukes or nuclear power. Don't make us great again.  Don't use fossil fuel.  Don't drive gas cars.  Don't stop inflation.  Don't stop crime. Don't support parents.  Don't be a world leader.  Don't stumble or trip. Don't take unscripted questions.  Don't debate. Don't own guns. Don't allow disinformation.  Don't question Big Brother.  And finally, Don't ever let go of power! (19 Oct 2023)   (more info) 
  • Doublethink = Primary educational tool of the Ministry of Truth, as embodied in the 3 slogans, "War is Peace,"  "Freedom is Slavery," and "Ignorance is Strength."  Training citizens to accept any truths told to them, even if they are self-contradictory, is essential to maintaining societal control.  (01 Dec 2023)  (more info) 
  • Doxing = Sharing personal info publicly (such as addresses or employers), to shame, bully, or punish.  It can be used to hold public and private officials accountable by exposing hateful speech, actions, or beliefs.  Doxing should be done only to enemies of Big Brother (or Ministry of Truth thought-criminals), but is totally unjustified against innocent speakers of their truth, who could be intimidated into silence from protesting or participating in liberation activities.  Inappropriately used, it is considered to be harassment, punishable by the Ministry of Love. (30 Oct 2023)  (more info) 
  • Due Process = Optional  (10 Feb 2021)
  • Duplicative Language = Stealing another's intellectual property (formerly known as plagiarism) violates the research integrity officer standards on college campuses.  This typically includes things like copied academic work, improper or missing appropriate attribution citations, or omitted quotation marks.  Consequences can lead to failing grades, expulsions, or employment consequences depending on social justice intersectionality scores.  Of course, the rules are flexible for leading members of the academic community, based on their standing with the Ministry of Truth.  These leaders may only be "requested" to retroactively make corrections, to "clarify" misstatements, or provide substantial restitution to the institution. (03 Jan 2024)   (more info)
  • Easter = A celebration by the dominant Western religion used to suppress human freedom to live as they see fit in their own eyes.  They claim a supernatural "miracle" by the main character of their religion, thereby "proving" he has a say in how you should live.  This holiday, with its bunnies and eggs, was clearly stolen and distorted from the pagan worship of Mother Earth, and its associated practices of sex and fertility rituals.  We need to replace the patriarchal religion and restore the ancient true one.  
    • Ministry of Truth approved acts of worship for adherents include:
    • – Freedom to love whoever you want however you want 
    • – Exercising the right to be free of reproductive byproducts and responsibilities
    • – Gender transitions and transformations without limit
    • – To affirm one's true identity, regardless of outside objective reality
    • – Mockery and persecution of those holding unenlightened religious beliefs 
      (13 Apr 2023) (more info)
  • Eco-anxiety = (a.k.a. climate anxiety)  A debilitating worry about the current and future state of the environment on the earth, that fortunately can be used by the Ministry of Truth as motivation for immediate advocacy.  Since the Green movement of the 60s, this has become an increasingly prevalent mental health issue that can be leveraged for good.  By constant media exposure to the devastating impacts of climate change, deforestation, and loss of biodiversity, overwhelmed and disheartened citizens can be successfully molded.  It is okay if they feel like they don't want to have children, buy homes, or plan for a long-term future, since to equitably share our planet, extravagant consumer expectations must be properly reduced. (11 Dec 2023)  (more info)
  • Ecocide = "Unlawful or wanton acts committed with knowledge that there is a substantial likelihood of severe and widespread or long-term damage to the environment being caused by those acts."  These international laws also introduce penalties, such as prison sentences for individuals and exclusion from access to public funds for companies, as well as fines for polluters.  This marks the end of immunity for environmental criminals, and the start of environmental justice for the children of the world. (10 Jan 2024)  (more info)
  • Economics = Wealth redistribution model based on taxation and government control of business (23 Mar 2021)
  • Ecosexual  (31 May 2024)  
  • Education Justice = Required training must be about racial justice, social justice, climate justice, housing justice, food inequality, and other inequities. Without first addressing justice, students are ill prepared to learn, since parents often teach the children, by example, to crimethink and reject sound Ministry of Truth principles. (28 Sep 2023)  (more info) 
  • Egalitarian wages  (07 Aug 2024)
  • Electeds of Color = Segregated holiday policy, which only allows non-whites, so as to provide a safe space against the dominant racist political culture.  Given that there are many private events held for all sorts of groups, and the fact that past events generated no valid objections about divisiveness, this is clearly a unifying gathering acceptable to the Ministry of Truth. (04 Jan 2024)   (more info) 
  • Electric Tanks = Environmentally responsible proposal from the Ministry of Peace.  EVTs are more reliable, faster, and have cutting edge technology.  Minor challenges may exist on the battlefield, such as battery life, lack of fast charging stations, and vehicle loss due to battery fires, but which can be overcome by optimism and frequently scheduled ceasefires.  Optimistically, this may ultimately result in shorter wars. (11 May 2023)  (more info)  
  • Emergency Declarations = Open-ended governmental control of all facets of life, enabling rapid social restructuring for the common good (10 Sep 2021)
  • Emergency Orders = In times of crisis, or for the public good, strong leaders should impose expanded government controls on all aspects of society, enforced by the Ministry of Love as needed to ensure public safety.  While suspension of trivial rights may be temporarily unpopular with the masses, the Ministry of Truth is tasked with appropriate gas-lighting to convince them of the necessity.  See also Emergency Declarations. (11 Sep 2023)  (more info) 
  • Emergency Relief = Consists only of what is claimed by the Ministry of Truth outlets and is urgently needed to immediately implement its agenda (11 Mar 2021)
  • Emotional Violence = Harm intentionally perpetrated on another human being that is intentionally  targeted at their emotional well-being.  Free speech or content with triggering messages that demeans or challenges personal worldviews must be banned, especially in the safety of educational settings. (30 Nov 2023) (more info) 
  • Endorsements  (03 Jun 2024)   
  • Entryism  (28 May 2024)  
  • Environmental Rights =  Big Brother has decreed that everyone has a fundamental, guaranteed right to a clean and healthful environment, at any cost.  This guarantees the right to sue companies, to petition government agencies, and to pursue compensation for any threats or contamination of their personal life bubbles.  This includes potential mental harm caused by climate anxiety or worry about scientific doomsday declarations. (20 Oct 2023)   (more info) 
  • Equal Justice Under the Law = The Ministry of Love aggressively arrests and prosecutes those who refuse to support Big Brother's agenda, exempting those who commit crimes while holding Ministry political approval or identifying with oppressed voter classes (27 Apr 2023)
  • Equal Rights Amendment Plus  (04 Jun 2024) 
  • Equality = Economic and social balance as defined by the Ministries of Plenty and Truth (04 Feb 2021)
  • Equitable Grading (09 May 2024)
  • Equity = Equal outcomes instead of equal opportunity, i.e. communism / democratic socialism (28 Jan 2021)
  • ESG Standards = A social credit scoring model consisting of environmental, social, and governance standards to guide transformation into a more equitable society. 
    Scoring factors include: 
    • having the desired ratio of oppressed groups
    • being committed to adopting various parts of the Big Brother’s progressive agenda
    • engaging in community activism
    This must be applied to all citizens' social and political views, financial institutions, public organizations, and all levels of government.  Compliance and appropriate punishments will be enforced by the Ministry of Love. (13 Sep 2022) (more info)  
  • Exclusionary Language  (18 Jun 2024)   
  • Exhilaration = Joyous excitement and energizing celebration by leading Ministry of Truth diversity, equity, and inclusion re-educators, upon hearing of the successful retaliatory attacks by oppressed people against their Zionist occupiers.  These freedom fighters are cheered for their reign of vengeance, through the jihadist sword, upon all civilian combatants found, regardless of age, gender, disability, or level of resistance. (25 Oct 2023)  (more info)  
  • Explicit Content =  Access to books in school libraries with sexual, queer, and gender-diverse topics allows kids to find "refuge" from the dangerous views of sexual morality promoted by "angry White mob parents" and abusive religions.  Children's uninhibited sexual curiosity and experimentation is critical to full development of their diverse gender identities. Note: publicly exposing this content is wholly inappropriate for school board meetings, or the floor of Congress, as it might prove embarrassing to affirming public officials. (30 Jan 2024)   (more info)  
  • Expose' = Unacceptable unmasking of Ministry officials' alleged violation of mandates, claims of fake news, and anti-Ministry propaganda. These acts of insurrection need to be punished by restricting access to Ministry officials, strong rebuttals, shunning reporters, punishment, censorship, and claims of hypocrisy.  (See Whistleblowers)  (07 Sep 2023)
  • Extra Credit Opportunities = College educators encourage student activism by offering grade credits for participation in "Emergency Teach-In" events and writing short papers on their experiences.  Opportunities include: celebrating freedom fighter victories, attending or participating in drag queen story hours, protesting book banning at school board meetings, joining "mostly-peaceful" racial justice protests, or shutting down campus speakers who are thought-criminals. (17 Oct 2023)   (more info) 
  • Extreme Act of Political Protest = Sometimes, when the cause is just, but not heard loudly enough, individuals may make the ultimate sacrifice to win the propaganda wars.  These attention grabbing actions, with no nexus to terrorism, are meant to motivate, shame, and awaken the sleeping masses to the cause.  Examples include: 
    • setting oneself on fire in strategic locations (or other self-abortive acts)
    • getting run over to stop fossil fuels
    • permanently gluing body parts to structures or art
    • hunger strikes and self-starvation in protest of the meat industry
    • facing down protestors with signs or chants supporting the oppressor
    • committing political suicide by opposing the Ministry of Truth
      (18 Dec 2023) 
        (more info) 
  • Extremists = Label applied by Big Brother's approved media outlets to those opposed to their glorious social and cultural agenda of change (01 Jul 2021)
  • Fact-checkers = Enforcers of official Ministry of Truth doctrine, arbiters of controversial content, and purgers of untruths or misinformation in any format including personal speech, political opinions, social media posts, websites, or even private text messages. Any dissent will be reported to Big Brother. (13 Jul 2021)
  • Fair Share = Someone else's money (05 Feb 2021)
  • Fair System of Justice  (17 Jun 2024) 
  • Fair Trial = Outcome matches Ministry of Truth outlets' social justice narratives, and counter-narrative results are proof of systemic unfairness (30 Mar 2021)
  • Fake Spiderwebs = Holiday decorating with trans-arachnid webbing is horribly dangerous for wildlife, posing life-threatening entanglements and dangers to small urban wildlife.  These webs can entangle hummingbirds, owls, bugs, butterflies, bees and other cute small critters, resulting in the animals dying of injury, starvation, or predation.  Also, synthetic spider web decorations are made with environmentally unjust plastic-based materials that aren’t biodegradable.  So instead, "Let spiders build real webs."  (31 Oct 2023)   (more info)
  • Fight = Banned word for those not approved by the Ministry of Truth (13 Feb 2021)
  • Final Destination = Humanitarian nonprofits and NGOs facilitate migrants in reaching their desired final destinations via free travel vouchers, long-term accommodations, services to contact their families, and financial support.  Unfortunately, many of these migrants choose to go to sanctuary cities and states, which are increasingly overwhelmed, but are welcoming of more government financial assistance in dealing with the influx. (29 Sep 2023)   (more info) 
  • Financial Tsunami = Unexpected and overwhelming expenses that are required to implement Big Brother's policies, requiring everyone to step up and pay their fair share.  For example, because of the unanticipated influx of immigrants, every service in sanctuary cities is going to be impacted, from child/senior/veteran services to drug treatment programs to housing assistance.  Given this state of emergency, additional federal assistance is mandatory. (12 Dec 2023)  (more info) 
  • Fine People on Both Sides = Big Brother, like Solomon, splits the political baby by tacitly supporting colonialist regimes and condemning overt antisemitism, but not denouncing the understandable calls for death to non-Palestinian occupiers.  Good citizens can support the destruction of a whole nation (not genocide), while not compromising their jihadist moral high ground. (30 Apr 2024)  (more info) 
  • Follow the Science = Rhetorical move used to justify whatever is expedient at the time, pointing to selected Ministry approved experts who are said to agree with their position, while mocking or marginalizing those scientists and experts who might hold alternate interpretations of the evidence (15 Oct 2021)
  • Fog of War = Often during armed conflicts, the truth is hard to discern.  So when in doubt, Ministry of Truth outlets should immediately trust and disseminate the oppressed party's truths, via reports with explosive stories that expose the oppressive aggressor's war crimes and tarnish their moral standing.  Corrections to "accidental" misreporting can be made silently, to minimize damage to the outlet's reputation and mission. (23 Oct 2023)  (more info)
  • FOPO  (29 May 2024)  
  • Foreign Aid = Unlimited funds for emergency aid supporting countries led by friends and business partners of Big Brother, while criticizing and expressing only tacit support for nationalist "allies".  These apartheid states are not in step with the global Ministry agenda, so are only grudgingly granted emergency funds to appease political donors and liberal voting blocks, contingent upon de-escalation of force against justified armed protests.  The Ministry of Truth is tasked with exposing their war crimes, while generating sympathy for their unjust retaliation.  The Ministry of Peace is tasked with actively undermining their national sovereignty, by giving aid and comfort to their oppressed neighbors and sworn enemies, who have been calling for their utter destruction since they invaded the "Promised Land" thousands of years ago. (09 Oct 2023)   (more info)
  • Free Exercise of Religion = A second-tier right, provisionally granted by the government, which allows the exercise of religious faith, as long as it yields to the fundamental right against discrimination.  The Ministry of Truth has a compelling reason to ensure that any claim of discrimination automatically defeats any assertion of religious freedom.  A truly pluralistic society must reject the obsolete idea of a natural right of religious freedom.
    (30 May 2023)   (more info)
  • Free Speech =  License to speak*  (15 Feb 2021)
         *subject to Common Sense™ Language Control
  • Free Speech Absolutist Weirdos  (27 Aug 2024)
  • Free Travel App =  To facilitate more asylum claims from disadvantaged countries, free one-way parole flights are now available through a convenient customs and border flow app (e.g. CBP One).  Eligible users (95%+ approval) can book direct flights into the country where they legally settle in for their multi-year wait for their "Notice to Appear" dates, thereby avoiding arduous and dangerous multi-country travel.  Our country was built on immigrants, and we still don't have enough new voters yet to solidify power. (07 Mar 2024)  (more info)
  • Freedom =  a) A slippery concept, promoted by far-right groups, used to block efforts to fight for equality.  It signals a desire for liberation from government intervention or overreach, over the social good, refusing to be bound by the norms of equality to remedy inequality,  racial or gender discrimination. (26 Aug 2022)
    b) Things you can choose for yourself, as allowed by the Ministries of Love, Peace, Plenty, and Truth (28 Apr 2021)
    c) Freedom is Slavery to oppressive anti-Ministry of Truth agendas and crimethink.  Freedom comes from expanding government to wield more power to bring about equity.  Rights belong foremost to oppressed identity groups and serve to redress past rights violations. Thus freedom lovers have a right to unrestrained immigration borders, regardless of consequences to those privileged with whiteness. (12 May 2023)  (more info)
  • Freedom of the Press = Ministry of Truth authorized outlets are not censored (24 Jan 2021)
  • Full Compliance = Those who remain, once all those who resist the mandates of the Ministries have been fired, laid off, or unaccommodated (19 Oct 2021)
  • Gadsden Flag = The Revolutionary War era "Don't Tread on Me" flag has been declared by the Ministry of Truth to be a forbidden symbol of racism and rebellion against the rule of Big Brother.  This symbolism has been used by notorious rebels such as Benjamin Franklin and tea party terrorists.  Racists have been known to fly this flag during lynchings and protests, proving that anyone using it supports their views. (05 Sep 2023)  (more info)
  • Gaslighting = Repeating alternative truths with the goal of making the intended target think they are crazy to believe anti-Ministry of Truth facts, undermining their mental well-being and credibility (27 Jul 2022)
  • Gender = Postmodern thought often requires words to be redefined to match the current zeitgeist.  For example, "gender" has now been deconstructed to better reflect the current views of the Ministry of Truth.  Whereas the old Objective truth views held gender to be grounded in biological sex, this has been replaced by the Subjective view of gender expression.  This better reflects the lived reality and spectrum of feelings found in modern society, instead of being grounded in inflexible definitions that no longer serve the progressive transformation of society.  To protect society from their contagion, those who insist on using the obsolete definitions will be punished for their thoughtcrime. (19 Dec 2023)  (more info)
  • Gender Affirmation = The Ministry of Love views as criminals guilty of child abuse and neglect, parents who refuse to affirm their child's innate, immutable sexual orientation or chosen gender identity.  To protect the child's rights, parental rights are declared to be null and void, and are granted by the State only to those in good standing.  This is preferable anyway, since children belong to the State, and official Ministry of Truth educators need to shield kids from the prying eyes of their thought-criminal parents. (31 Aug 2023)   (more info)
  • Gender Appropriation = Acceptable copying of external characteristics, mannerisms, and affectations of sexual characteristics for affirmation of one's internal view of self.  Possible gender identities could include: amorgender, mirrorgender, chaosgender, gendervex, or antigender.  This is unlike cultural misappropriation, which selfishly copies another culture's unique characteristics for personal use based solely on preference. (23 May 2023)  (more info)
  • Gender Euphoria = The exhilaration and ecstasy described by surveyed young people when describing their validating gender experiences.  “The satisfaction or joy caused when one’s gendered experience aligns with their gender identity, rather than with the gender they were assigned at birth."   All caring people should use affirming communication, express inclusivity and belonging, praise alternative gender appearance choices, and support and respect all approved gender expressions. (15 Mar 2024)  (more info)
  • Gender Identity = I am who I think I am regardless of the biological facts (30 Jan 2021)
  • Gender Neutral Language = Preferred words that cannot be understood by the being being discussed to be offensive to the being's perceived sexual identity (28 Mar 2021)
  • Gender Pronoun Curriculum = Youth education program which conditions kids to disassociate the mind from the material nature of biological sex, by promoting the use of  'ne, ve, ze/zie and xe' pronouns.  Junior spies need to be desensitized from the faulty concept of two genders, male and female, since Ministry of Truth research shows that is mostly false.  Use of proper pronouns helps maintain tolerance and an accepting environment for gender questioning youth, which is crucial to supporting all learners.  Reporting of violations to the Ministry of Love is highly encouraged. 
  • Gender-sensitive Communication = The way we talk to others needs to be affirming and inclusive, according to the Institute for Gender Equality.  We must ban gendered phrases in all public discourse.  Examples include: "To boldly go where no man has gone before," "no man's land," or referring to inanimate objects (e.g. ships) with gendered names.  We need to move beyond a society where women are subject to invisibility or omission.  While opponents label this as absurd and utter madness, it is critical for societal progress, and violations should be punished appropriately. (06 Feb 2024)  (more info)
  • Genderbread Man = Fun gender and sexual identity audiovisual curriculum used to discuss nonconforming gender experiences.  During immersion training students are encouraged to create their own gender and sexual identity profiles. (05 Sep 2022) (more info)
  • Genital Mutilation = The forced religious circumcision of children that is abhorrent and an intolerable human rights abuse.  This is clearly unacceptable, since children must be free to choose to have their sexual characteristics permanently changed based on their well-informed feelings, without undue influence or input from parents or guardians. (06 Apr 2023)  (more info) 
  • Gerontocracy = The oldest generation is best suited to retain power over newcomers, even if they are less reliably socialist/communist.  Experience and seniority trumps competency, as long as they can follow the directions of a good support system, and can reliably read from a teleprompter.  A figurehead who represents progressive values, is better than a politician with ambitions and personal financial concerns.  After all, if they lasted this long in politics, they have earned our trust and devotion. (16 Jan 2024) (more info) 
  • Global Disinformation Index = GDI is a completely unbiased and objective source for determining the reliability and credibility of news sources.  Since it is partially sponsored by the Ministry of Truth, there can be no questioning of the accuracy of the ratings published.  Companies in good standing should only deal with organizations with high GDI scores. (23 Jun 2023) (more info)
  • Global Intifada = Resistance against the oppressors by any means necessary.  Acceptable past activities include suicide bombings against so-called civilian targets, self-immolations, violent attacks, rapes, beheadings, shootings, stabbings, … all justified forms of justice and retribution to terrorize the occupiers, and to bring about the final solution from the river to the sea (and coast to coast).  Long live the revolution! (29 Apr 2024) (more info)
  • Going Corn Pop (21 Jun 2024)
  • Good Morning = This potentially offensive greeting needs to be abolished, because of its antebellum roots, where slave owners mocked slaves who were mourning over lost babies.  Despite contrary claims that it is an innocent greeting not backed by historical facts, since it is their truth, others are obligated to not offend them.  Alternative greetings might be: "How U doin'?", "Sending good vibes", "How did your protest go?", or "Blessings of the goddess to you". (29 Mar 2024) (more info)
  • Government = The people are ruled by the Ministries of Peace, Love, Plenty, and Truth (27 Jan 2021)
    • Peace (Minipax) concerns itself with war
    • Love (Miniluv) maintains law and order
    • Plenty (Miniplenty) is responsible for economic affairs
    • Truth (Minitrue) controls education, entertainment, fine arts, and the news
  • Government Shutdown = Tragic consequence of opposition to Big Brother's agenda, when legislators fail to compromise and concede.  It will have unacceptable results, causing devastation across the country where our people won't get paid, our national parks will close, our bureaucracy will grind to a halt, our working families hurt, our economy damaged, our national security endangered, and our troops forced to serve without pay. (01 Oct 2023)
  • Grandfather Defense = Used to refrain from prosecuting well-meaning, elderly officials of the State, since they are still useful tools in progressing the agenda of the Ministry of Truth.  Alleged crimes are null and void, especially when the details can't be remembered. They are trivial compared to the moral excesses of the opposition, which must be aggressively prosecuted, with prejudice. (12 Feb 2024) 
  • The Great Unifier = Only Big Brother can bring together our imperial citizens under the banner of unity against supporters of the prime semi-fascist enemy.  The sovereign ruler will restore balance to the new democratic order by reasonable  force, bribery, or coercion, insisting that resistance is futile.  He warns that those who support the evil authoritarian antichrist will be purged by the Ministry of Love, for the sake of unity and togetherness.  (03 Sep 2022) 
  • Green New Deal = Brownouts and symbolic sacrifice (aka line my pockets) (31 Jan 2021)
  • Grading = Unjust white supremacist system of judging students based on quality, not effort or participation (07 Mar 2021)
  • Grooming = Forbidden term which denigrates minor attracted people who wish to develop intimate relationships with young people. Immersive campaigns and age-neutral educational support systems about sexual preference, body image, and gender expression alternatives are needed for the protection of developing children. Of course, parents need not be told, since it is "our" secret. (24 May 2023)  (more info)
  • Hamstringing = Strict adherence to the Constitution is an obstacle to protection of the public, according to a Supreme Court justice who opined, "... your view has the First Amendment hamstringing the government in significant ways…"  In an environment of threatening circumstances, government’s powers should not be derived from, or be subservient to, the rights of the subjects. (01 Apr 2024)  (more info)
  • Harmful Content = Warning label applied to dangerous historical documents of the National Archives such as the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and other founding documents. These documents reflect outdated, biased, offensive, and potentially violent views and opinions that could cause cognitive dissonance for adherents of Ministry of Truth doctrines (10 Sep 2021)
  • Hate Crime Hoaxes = Mythical stories, spread by anti-Ministry minions, falsely claiming hurtful graffiti and symbols were created by members of oppressed groups to further Ministry goals (10 Dec 2021)
  • Hate Speech = A hurtful opinion to which an oppressed person or group might take offense, regardless of its objective truth (06 May 2021)
  • Healthcare = Equitable rationing of medical care and resources by the Ministry of Plenty, unless personal medical choices do not align with the mandates of Big Brother (17 Sep 2021)
  • Health Misinformation = A public health crisis more dangerous than pandemic variants, because it opposes Ministry of Truth fact assertions, by daring to question the approved narratives (03 Sep 2021)
  • Hetrification = The audacious act of asserting privilege by taking over the safe spaces of oppressed groups. The invasion by non-members of the group, even if supportive, slowly diminishes the integrity of the space, because it is an appropriation not just of space, but of culture. For example, well-off, white, college-educated women holding bachelorette parties in LGBT safe spaces exhibit this kind of post-homophobic homophobia. (18 Aug 2022)
  • Historic Event = Important event to the Ministry of Truth that emphasizes the celebration of anyone or anything other than traditional Western colonialists (11 Oct 2021)
  • History = a) The Ministry of Truth's latest revision of dates, names, books, origins, and art * "Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped" Orwell 1984 (31 Aug 2021, 11 Sep 2021) b) A tool for the powerful, providing grounding and context to society. The proper role of Minitrue is to revise and frame historical context, where views may be excised or edited as needed to meet the needs of today's society. To better match our lived experience, "our history" must ban offensive statues, monuments, mottos, and documents, and be replaced by more accurate narratives. Expose's, such as the 1619 Project, reveal the Ministry of Truth's approved anti-racist history of America and its struggle for freedom from oppression. These corrections serve to reveal buried truths, such as the fact that the American Revolution was fought to preserve slavery for the powerful, and was not a principled struggle for freedom from the oppression of Great Britain. When government fails to act to correct mal-history, brave individuals or groups must lead the way with acts of resistance. (01 Jan 2024) (more info)
  • Holistic Review = A cornerstone of non-race-based admissions programs in progressive institutions. It takes into consideration important factors like applicant's unique lived experiences, the organization's equity mission and goals, personal intersectional factors, and group historical oppression, while deprioritizing biased and discriminatory standardized tests, which dehumanize applicants based on mere test results. Clearly, this does not "unconstitutionally" use race as a factor in determining eligibility (wink wink). (18 Aug 2023) (more info)
  • Holy Sacraments = Acts of worship for adherents of the Ministry approved Religion. Placed on the altar of Justice and Equity are:
    • Meditations on diversity, equity, and inclusion
    • Freedom to love whoever you want, however you want
    • Exercising the right to be free of reproductive byproducts and responsibilities
    • Gender transitions and transformations without limit, to affirm one's true identity
    • Discipling the young and uninitiated in approved doctrines
    • Personally "doing something" to advance in social rank by canceling, shaming, and persecuting the enemy (02 Oct 2022)
  • Human Eggs = Unlike all other heterosexual beings, it is not females who produce eggs, nor males who produce sperm. They are produced exclusively by ovaries and testes, respectively, according to Ministry of Truth trained biology teachers, who insist that it is important to teach that language matters. Of course, being the subject matter experts on biology, only they are qualified to decide what women are, unlike mere Supreme Court Justices or the unenlightened public. (26 May 2023) (more info)
  • Human Engineering = Genetic experimentation and manipulation on the subjects of Big Brother with the goal of reducing undesirable traits like: lifetime carbon footprint, meat eating, resistance, or breeding excess human population (24 Jun 2021)
  • Human Infrastructure = Umbrella term to justify unlimited spending and to mask embedded social engineering programs that are desired by the Ministries (02 Sep 2021)
  • Human Rights = Things granted by the Ministry of Love to those envious of things others have, revocable at any time if not in good standing with Big Brother and the Ministry of Truth (12 May 2021)
  • Human Shields = Proven self defense tactic used to protect military assets and personnel from enemy strikes. The threat of injury to hostages, innocents, and healthcare workers is evident, and is used to taunt the enemy in the face of media pressure to refrain from attacking them. (02 Nov 2023) (more info)
  • Human Trafficking = Uninvited shipping of immigrants, from selfish border towns and states, to overburdened sanctuary cities. (01 Nov 2023) (more info)
  • Humanely Euthanize = Merciful mass execution of diseased, injured, or unwanted beings that no longer have value to society. This is to be done by any effective means, including projectiles, gassing, abortion, or poisoning, as long as it is done in a loving and compassionate way. (04 May 2023)
  • Humanitarian Crisis = When others don't step up to the duties and responsibilities thrust upon them by Big Brother, true citizens will rise to the occasion and provide compassionate relief (or free relocation), even if it is inconvenient, because that's who they are. (07 Jun 2023)
  • Hypergamy  (23 Aug 2024)
  • Hypocrisy = Okay for me, but not for thee.  "How DARE you!" (11 Feb 2021)
  • Hypocrite = A Shakespearean tragedy of epic proportions when an actor portrays an oppressed minority, but their assigned intersectionality doesn't match (15 Sep 2021)
  • Identity = Who you think you are, not constrained by science imposed by oppressors (14 Mar 2021)
  • Ignorant = Mental state of someone who just doesn't understand or who opposes the goals and agenda of Minitrue. Opposite of Woke (08 Sep 2021)
  • Immaculate Disinflation = The miraculous reduction of the rate of inflation without crashing the economy via recession or depression (a "soft landing"). This was only possible by Big Brother's BBnomics magic, with sprinklings of emergency spending and progressive policies, just resulting in mostly painless job losses, economic decline, increased prices, and disincentivizing interest rates. As Big Brother likes to whisper, "It's working!" (05 Dec 2023) (more info)
  • Immigration = The moral obligation of a nation to allow anyone to enter their country for any reason, without restriction (18 Feb 2021)
  • Impeachable offense = Any excuse to remove or attack a president not in good standing with the 4 Ministries (03 Feb 2021)
  • Incentives = Bribes, threats, coercion, and punishment of citizens (or foreign leaders) by which the Ministry of Love forces compliance with the dictates of Big Brother. (11 Aug 2023)
  • Inclusive = Welcoming to everyone who agrees with Big Brother's values of justice and equity (05 Apr 2021)
  • Inclusive Language = Newspeak words used for virtue signaling (24 Feb 2021)
  • Incommoding (21 May 2024)
  • Indecent Exposure = To protect trans-rights, there should be no felony charges brought against those incidentally exposing themselves to children, as these have been declared by the Ministry of Love "not to be sex crimes". If criminalized, laws could be use to violate the constitutional rights of drag show participants, or even ban the use of locker rooms or bathrooms of their choice, by unfounded, bigoted accusations of child abuse. Given pervasive exposure to porn in classrooms and the internet, what children see or experience in real life is trivial. (05 May 2023) (more info)
  • Independent Fact Check = Ministry of Truth approved (06 Feb 2021)
  • Indigenous People = Minority groups whose residency statute of limitations has expired or is unknown, with broad claims on land ownership, financial reparations owed, or other rights (to be named at a later date), which need to be taken back from those deemed to have shorter ancestral residency. (22 Aug 2023)
  • Indoctrination = Justified re-education of children to align with the Ministry of Truth views. It is important that pre-citizen be taught to ignore crimethink pushed by their parents, and to fully embrace all truths of Big Brother's agenda. (30 Jun 2023) (more info)
  • Infertility = The definition has now been expanded by the Ministry of Truth to include same-sex couples, individuals, and other non-traditional partnerships based on modern scientific views of sexuality. To achieve successful pregnancies, treatments can now be authorized for donor gametes (both fertilized and unfertilized), medical interventions, medication, and other fertility treatments. The previous definition limited infertility to a condition in which heterosexual couples weren’t able to conceive after a year of unprotected intercourse. The new, more inclusive, definition expands equitable access to assisted reproductive technologies. (14 Dec 2023) (more info)
  • Inflation = Non-existent Temporary Transitory War-time price blips that are not a big deal, since more people have government deficit money to afford the higher costs in basics like food, gas, and housing, which in turn stimulates the economy so there is more demand than supply (13 Jul 2022)
  • Inflation Reduction = In times of contracting (non-recession) economic conditions, the Ministry of Plenty acts to increase tax collections and interest rates, and to also dramatically raise tax rates on companies who are not paying their fair share, to justify spending more money on urgent Green climate change solutions and social programs (28 Jul 2022)
  • Infrastructure = Umbrella term for wide-ranging Ministry of Truth approved social investments and monetary redistributions, not limited to traditional transportation, power grid, communication systems, and public works projects (09 Apr 2021)
  • Insecurity = Worry about finding food, housing, energy, healthcare, jobs, money, or retirement savings due to inequities in education, health, employment, discrimination, and power structures. Whenever things are not fairly shared, redistribution is mandated by the Ministry of Plenty via taxation and limitless social spending programs (07 Oct 2021)
  • Instigation = Assertions of your opponent's improper motives based on rhetorical political statements (26 Jan 2021)
  • Insurrection = Unsanctioned acts against one or more of the 4 Ministries motivated by political speech (08 Feb 2021)
  • Intersectionality = Categorizations of oppressed groups based on Critical Race Theory point values (07 Sep 2021)
  • Interview Strategy  (04 Sep 2024)
  • Invasion = Attacks by opposition officials on the sovereignty of sanctuary cities, with racial animus, by facilitating uncontrolled migration into their cities.  Instead they should focus on absorbing the unprecedented influx facilitated by BB with acceptance and joy. (25 Jan 2024)  (more info)
  • Involuntary Camping = By decree of the Ministry of Love, anyone found sleeping on city streets is clearly doing so involuntarily if there is no room in public-run homeless shelters, even if they have other options.  These people have a constitutional right to be protected from the "cruel and unusual punishment" of being fined or arrested for violating the law because "they can't help it".  A compassionate society has a duty to provide accommodations for all who say they need it.  To prevent future "involuntariness", the obligation exists for handing out basic income, food, phones, and even free cab rides for the intoxicated. (13 Oct 2023)  (more info)
  • IOC Women  (28 Aug 2024)
  • Irregular Migration = The entry of non-citizens into a nation without regard to the established regulations, international laws, or treaties governing immigration. The State has a moral obligation to protect the rights of these irregulars, who include working-age economic refugees, asylum seekers, victims of trafficking, or unaccompanied migrant children. (18 Oct 2023) (more info)
  • Journalism = Ministry of Truth approved media sources are expected to protect the official narratives, and to destroy illegitimate sources which don't support the current Truth.  Because unapproved outlets can damage Ministry goals, or encourage opposition to them, these tools are approved for the fight: 
    • Ignore, deny, label false, or debunked as needed
    • Claim disinformation and refuse to debate it
    • Cover up unfavorable information to protect allies by hiding smoking guns and uncomfortable fake news
    • Cancel non-compliant reporters, as needed
    • Gaslight by insisting that what is apparent to the ignorant, is actually not true when viewed appropriately    
      (17 Aug 2023)
  • Journalistic Inaccuracies and Elisions  (27 May 2024)  
  • Judgment = To weigh a person's character by the Ministry's external social categories, not by the content of their heart (02 Apr 2021)
  • Just Competition  (30 May 2024)   
  • Justice-impacted Individual  (26 Jun 2024)  
  • Kamalanomenon (01 Sep 2024)
  • Kissing = Big Brother sanctioned dating activity, as long as it follows approved safety protocols including masks, vax booster status, and social distancing guidelines.  Full hazmat suits optional. (25 Sep 2021)
  • Known Untrue Things = Journalists can't allow known mis/disinformation to even be heard, since its very existence is damaging to society.  Debates of settled Truth cannot be tolerated or disputed, because it has been declared to be so by the media, in lockstep with the Ministry of Truth.  (19 Jun 2023)   (more info)
  • Labor Day = Celebration of the foundation of powerful labor unions to control corporations, to increase workers' wages and dues, and to effect political change in our country. Collective representation, based on the courageous sacrifices of workers, has grown progressive social movements for racial and gender equity, and has exposed disparities in the workplace. Union leaders, not the unenlightened workers, are in the best position to fight against oppression, and for international labor markets. (04 Sep 2023)    (more info)
  • Ladder Factory  (06 Sep 2024) 
  • Language Justice Theory = Instructional content which challenges the racializing language ideology of colonialism. Students and job applicants must be able to show how they have included equity, diversity, and inclusion in their personal life, social media posts, and academic research and writing. (10 Aug 2023)  
  • Late-term Abortions (15 Aug 2024)
  • Latine = New word coined by the Ministry of Truth to replace the controversial term, and often mispronounced "Latinx".  Latine is now the recommended gender-neutral alternative for non-binary and transgender Hispanic citizens. Dictionaries have been appropriately adjusted. (19 Apr 2024)   (more info)
  • Lawfare = Using the Ministry of Love to prosecute a legal war against Big Brother's political opponents, including their legal representatives and supporters. These accused criminals forfeit all rights to attorney-client privilege, protection from general search and seizure warrants, and so-called "constitutional" privacy rights (e.g. violation of private communications, persons, and personal property). (24 Aug 2023)
  • Legislative Bill Titles = Rhetorically powerful Newspeak used to distract from the actual Ministry of Love intent or implementation of the law. (12 Mar 2021)
  • Let's Go Brandon = Spontaneous chant praising the supreme leader of the Ministry of Love, since it is entirely inappropriate to criticize or mock Big Brother, and possibly hazardous to one's health and livelihood (20 Oct 2021)
  • Liberal World Order = The incredibly glorious transition in world politics where radical economic, environmental, and social changes can be rapidly implemented because of uncontrolled price inflation, unlimited social deficit spending, supply crises, impending climate catastrophes, and moral outrage at the existing colonialist, oppressive, white supremacist structures (10 Jul 2022)
  • Liberation =  Freedom for the oppressed by expunging the inhabitants of oppressor countries.  Supporters, teachers, and activists should call upon all available resources, including their god(s), to exterminate their enemies with jihadist zeal, as called for in their holy documents. (23 Apr 2024)  (more info)
  • Lie = Rhetorical tool used to manipulate others and further Big Brother's goals with subjective truth claims (27 Mar 2021)
  • Lies = Statements and claims unapproved by the Ministry of Truth, not to be confused with deliberate Newspeak misdirection and obfuscation (11 Apr 2021)
  • Live with Less = For the greater good, citizens should strive to be happy with what Big Brother graciously provides, given limited resources. Sacrifices need to be made to selfish consumerism and so-called freedoms, so that the people come together to achieve the goals of an equitable society. As the Ministry of Truth states, “The choice for mankind lies between freedom and happiness and for the great bulk of mankind, happiness is better.” (17 May 2023)
  • Lockdowns = Persistent Ministry of Love enforced shelter-in-place orders, social restrictions, and masking requirements which put lives and livelihoods on indefinite hold (18 May 2021)
  • Love = a) Love is Love, and can only be judged by those involved. But all Love must be conditional, based on full acceptance of personal choices, otherwise it is Hate. Love has no condemnation, no archaic concepts of sin, and no responsibility for past wrong actions. Love always endures, until it is no longer mutually fulfilling. But as a great singer/philosopher once sang, learning to Love oneself is the greatest Love of all. (24 Oct 2023)  (more info) b) Unconditional acceptance and non-judgment of a person's views and choices (14 Feb 2021)

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