Saturday, June 8, 2024

The Woke Values Hierarchy


Values Hierarchy of the Ministry of Truth

These are the most important things to the Ministry of Truth, from top to bottom.

  → My Truth - All truth is relative to individuals or to a culture, and purpose in life is solely what you make of it.  One's subjective, lived experiences trump all other values and arguments.  It is an offensive sin to attack or challenge someone's beliefs.

  → Power - The only way to impose your will on the unwilling and ignorant.  It is rightly used to destroy privilege.

  → Sexual Freedom - A consequence free right, which shall not be abridged for any reason, with no limits to personal expression or the free exercise thereof.  Traditional gender roles and family structures are to be shunned.

  → The Struggle - Working to oppose oppression in all its forms, including lack of opportunity, resources, equity, and diversity.  Injustice must be forcefully opposed by jihad and passion in order to overthrow the current system.

  → Anti-Racism - All the ills in the world are due to the inherent evil of people of non-color and their actions.

  → Justice - Everyone should be treated fairly, but some need more fairness than others.

  → Information - Speech and media need to be strictly monitored and controlled to prevent falsehoods from spreading.

  → Crime - Activity due solely to injustice and lack of resources, and it should never be punished or policed because they would do better if they were not oppressed.

  → Environmentalism - The physical world must be protected from the abuses of humanity at any cost.  Worship and reverence to Mother Earth is encouraged.

  → Education - From the youngest age possible, all people must be taught to value right-thinking. 

  → Protest - An important way of inciting change.  But it must be squashed immediately if it promotes thought-crimes or insurrectionist rebellion against Big Brother.

  → Freedom - The selfish view that you alone can control your life and decisions without supervision by those who know what is best for you.

  → Marriage - A traditional view that is obsolete and must be transformed or abolished, as it no longer serves a value role in society.

  → Traditional Values - Progress must always take precedence over ignorant past superstitions imposed by archaic culture and patriarchy. 

  → Rights - No such thing unless granted by the government, which promises free bread and circuses for all.

  → Objective Truth - Since it doesn't actually exist, it is an obsolete construct of White supremacy and religion that has been used to oppress people.

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