Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Truth Month - July 2024 - Day 9 - When the moral foundation of a culture crumbles, it is inevitable that evil will prosper


Truth Month - July 2024

Day 9 - When the moral foundation of a culture crumbles, it is inevitable that evil will prosper

There have been many examinations of why Rome fell, but many have attributed "moral decay" to its downfall.  Especially near the end, decreasing safety, sexual promiscuity, lavish overindulgent parties, and violence had greatly increased.  Is it possible that we have headed down that same road?

The United States of America was uniquely founded upon the Judeo-Christian moral ethic.  While not all of the Founders were Christians, they almost universally held to the morality found in the Christian bible.  There was common agreement about belief in the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman, of the value of human life as being created in the image of God, the good of working to earn a living and the right to keep what you earn and create, to not take or steal what belongs to others, to have just laws and have them applied impartially, and an understanding that there is objective right and wrong - good and evil.  They based our constitutional republic on the underlying foundation provided by the Ten Commandments and other biblical principles.

It is apparent to many that our nation has strayed from these core principles.  No longer do we hold there are self-evident truths that determine what is right and wrong.  Instead, now "my truth" and "lived experience" is given more weight in modern culture and political realms.  The sexual revolution keeps expanding to more extremes than was imagined possible just a short time ago.  We sacrifice the young, innocent, and unborn on the altars of diversity and convenience.  Justice is perverted, where the guilty are not punished but encouraged, while others are targeted for prosecution because of their beliefs.  Equity of outcomes is now touted as fairness, instead of giving equal opportunity, which also comes with the expectation of hard work and no guarantees.  Lifetime politicians enrich themselves and gather power.  Established religions are denigrated, while any other form of spirituality is encouraged.  Moral relativism has removed the grounding of right and wrong to the extent that things previously known to be evil are now permitted and promoted as good.

There truly is a culture war that is being waged, and the consequences to the corporate soul of our nation are dire.  Will evil continue to prosper until the inevitable fall, or will there be a revival in the hearts of the people?  Time will tell.

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