Friday, May 31, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 31 May 2024



A sexual orientation, environmental activist strategy, and grassroots movement that involves finding nature erotic, romantic, and sensual.  Sometimes known as nature fetishism, it embraces the idea of the earth as a lover.  Supporters want to “shift the metaphor ‘Earth as Mother’ to ‘Earth as Lover’ to create a more reciprocal and empathetic relationship with the natural world”.

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Thursday, May 30, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 30 May 2024


Just Competition

In sports, jobs, business, or education, equity and feeling good about oneself are just as important as winning and success.  It is the act of competition that truly matters, and everyone should be able to fairly compete at any level they feel best fits their current life circumstances, disadvantages, and identity.  Especially in sports, it is about more than selfishly limiting the opportunity of others, but rather about striving together toward a common goal, where everyone wins by participating.  

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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 29 May 2024



The fear of other people's opinions.  This disability can hinder a person from expressing their own truths and personal identity.  Feelings of worry about rejection, and/or being shamed off the liberal island, can be debilitating.  Solutions include siloing yourself from opposing viewpoints, using meditation and controlled breathing exercises, picking through online lists of values to see which best fit you, identifying as a chameleon or other innocuous animal to avoid conflict, and (most importantly) refraining from triggering social media such as the Babylon Bee or conservative controversialists.

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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 28 May 2024



 A far-right secret strategy of actively joining into the mainstream political process and trying to take over local non-progressive groups.  This has been exposed by agents for the Ministry of Truth, who now fear retaliation from these extremists because they doxxed and exposed them.  How dare they participate in our sacred domain and attempt to impose their beliefs and MDM falsehoods into politics?

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Monday, May 27, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 27 May 2024


Journalistic Inaccuracies and Elisions

Lies, misinformation, and distortions used by opposition media outlets and politicians to mislead and influence their audience.  These must be forcefully crushed out and corrected to protect the voting masses and the social environment.

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Friday, May 24, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 24 May 2024



Genocide brought on by puberty in children experiencing gender dysphoria and having been assigned trans by medical professionals.  A renegade spokesperson recently noted, "Puberty is responsible for erasing thousands of transgender kids." 

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Thursday, May 23, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 23 May 2024


Universal School Choice

It is undemocratic to empower families to choose the education providers that best meet their needs and align with their values.  Those who want to let families choose where they send their children to school are attacking our democracy by siphoning off taxpayer funding that is being allocated to other educational options and instead could be used to boost teachers' salaries, invest in public school facilities, and increase teachers union dues.

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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 22 May 2024


Revolutionary Suicide

Self-immolation to support radical change.  Martyrdom is a small price to pay for freedom from injustice and evil in our world. 

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Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 21 May 2024



To cause distress, inconvenience, or disturbances.  Such as disrupting official lunch proceedings of Congress, or university campus life and ceremonies. 

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Monday, May 20, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 20 May 2024



a) In good standing with the Ministry of Truth. 
b) A term which has now become akin to a "racist slur" or "the n-word."   Anti-wokeness is an attack on the new norms of the cultural revolution, which conform to a progressive view of the world.  True wokeness promotes solidarity and unity via virtue signaling and activism.

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Friday, May 17, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 17 May 2024



The farcical identification as a race other than your biological one assigned at birth.  Race is unlike mutable characteristics of sex, gender, and favorite ice cream flavor.  Thus the Race Change to Another (RCTA) movement is a social contagion, because it believes one can manifest a change in appearance, and even genetics, to become another race.  Experts agree that race and gender are not genetic, and they contend that while the cultural construct of race is immutable, gender is not.

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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 16 May 2024


Outside Agitators

Scapegoats used as transparent attempts to discredit student-led protests and movements, thus implying that protesters were motivated and funded, not by their own interests and beliefs, but by those of shadowy others.  Peaceful protests aligned with the Ministry of Truth are allowed and protected – no matter how outrageous those protesters’ views may seem to others. 

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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 15 May 2024



Attitudes of countries/peoples that are unwilling to dramatically shift the racial and cultural balance of their country by mass imports of immigrants and asylum seekers.  In reality they are suffering from lack of immigration.  A bad or stalled economy is due to lack of immigrants, while actually needing an influx of workers who want to be here and want to contribute.

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Monday, May 13, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 13 May 2024



The fight against oppressions should be waged by any means necessary, even if that means murdering occupation women and children, performing violent sexual assaults, using human shields, mutilating corpses, and abusing hostages.   If the cause is just (e.g. freedom from oppression), then nothing is off the table. Bonus points are awarded for presenting video evidence to shock the world out of their complacency. 

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Friday, May 10, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 10 May 2024


Wrong Puberty

Medical interventions, such as hormone therapy or gender reassignment surgeries, are necessary to prevent children from experiencing unwanted cis-natural transitions that don't match their true sexual identity.

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Thursday, May 9, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 09 May 2024


Equitable Grading

To protect disadvantaged students, under new equity grading policy guidelines, teachers should no longer penalize a student’s grade if they’re caught cheating, or even if they do no work.  Poor grades can have long-lasting impacts on unprivileged students' future and opportunities, so the playing field must be leveled regardless of performance or level of effort.  

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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 08 May 2024


Proportionate Consequences

When laws are broken during protests, there needs to be just punishments applied, making sure that the motivation for the protests is taken into consideration.  When appropriate, negotiation and concessions with protestors (but not opposition political terrorists) serve as better outcomes for their causes.  Administrators and Ministry of Love officials should err on the side of authoritarianism, overstepping and squashing free speech and assembly, when necessary to preserve our democracy and power structures against those who oppose us. 

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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 07 May 2024


Peaceful Protests

During demonstrations, it is immoral when violence occurs, whether by opposing sides or by Ministry of Love officers.  Likewise, destroying property, vandalism. trespassing, breaking windows, disrupting traffic, or shutting down college campuses is technically illegal too, but sometimes justified and understandable.  Big Brother insists, "We are not an authoritarian nation where we silence people or squash dissent", unless you are spreading unapproved falsehoods. 

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Monday, May 6, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 06 May 2024


Communication Strategy

To maintain the optimal narrative, political candidates should avoid interviews and skip debates, which can be spun as beneath them and wastes of time.  Carefully crafted talking points should be disseminated via surrogates and Ministry of Truth outlets, allowing the campaigns to control the narratives from their basement and behind the curtains.   

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