Sunday, June 30, 2024

Truth Month - July 2024 - Take Back the Rainbow - Starting Tomorrow

 Truth Month - July 2024

2nd Annual Truth Month Starts Tomorrow
  1. Objective Truth Wins Over Subjective Feelings.

  2. God keeps His promises.

  3. Love is not just feelings, but sacrifice and hard work.  God is Love.

  4. Men and Women are made in the Image of God, but marred by sin.

  5. Redefining words does not change reality.  Ignoring reality has consequences.

  6. One Creator.  One Way.  One Resurrected Savior. Jesus.

  7. Affirming another's delusions is ultimately harmful.

  8. Speak Truth but with Love.

  9. When the moral foundation of a culture crumbles, it is inevitable that evil will prosper.

  10. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

  11. Self-control is a Virtue; Pride is a Sin.

  12. To Know the Truth, Jesus said to first follow and obey him.

  13. All Truth is God's Truth. 

  14. All people have dignity and worth, but not all actions and beliefs are true or good.

  15. All Human (inherent) Rights come from God, and are not granted by men or governments.

  16. True Tolerance allows for different viewpoints, and does not suppress others.

  17. Our worth as human beings is not based on external characteristics, what we can give society, our development level, or any conferred status, but on our intrinsic value as creatures made in God's image.

  18. Good and Evil both exist. Fight for good. Resist evil.(Ethics - Do the greater good)

  19. Families are key.  From the beginning of time, they were designed to be the primary source of moral teaching and discipline.

  20. Men are not Women.  Women are not Men.  Your gender was assigned at conception.

  21. People and institutions may fail us, but God never will.

  22. We must live in the real world that God created, governed by His rules and laws.

  23. God has revealed Himself to us.  Our attempts to make our own religions are doomed to fail.

  24. God became a human.  Humans cannot ever become gods.

  25. Justice is supposed to be fairly applied - blind to status and impartial in judgment.

  26. It is wrong to take the life of innocent human beings.

  27. It is our duty to protect the weak and those who cannot help themselves

  28. A life raft cannot save everyone.  You cannot help others if yours sinks.

  29. Work is good and the norm for all people.  

  30. Before passing judgment, be sure to apply the same standard to yourself.  

  31. Celebrate Truth, All the Time.  All the Time, Celebrate Truth.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Truth Month - July 2024 - In 2 Days


Truth Month - July 2024

2nd Annual Truth Month starts in 2 days!

Daily Updates and Reflections

Families, good and evil, the reason that human life has value ... 

Friday, June 28, 2024

Truth Month - July 2024 - In 3 Days


Truth Month - July 2024

2nd Annual Truth Month starts in 3 days!

Daily Updates and Reflections

What is tolerance, justice, work, and more ... 

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 28 Jun 2024


Mattress Stewardship Program

A new mattress tax to fund government programs which aims to clean up streets and homeless camps.  It provides a new dedicated revenue stream, and also addresses non-enforcement of disposal laws due to equity issues.

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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Truth Month - July 2024 - In 4 Days


Truth Month - July 2024

In 4 Days ...

What is nature of truth, real love, human sexuality, and more...

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 27 Jun 2024


Selective Prosecution

Because of equity and structural racism concerns, society needs to treat so-called "criminals'' as law-abiding citizens.  Therefore, the following activities should not be prosecuted, unless it serves a higher purpose:
  • shoplifting
  • larceny 
  • disorderly conduct
  • receiving stolen property
  • driving with a suspended license
  • breaking and entering with property damage
  • wanton and malicious destruction of property
  • threats
  • minor in possession of alcohol
  • marijuana possession
  • possession with intent to distribute 
  • non-marijuana drug possession

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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 26 Jun 2024


Justice-impacted Individual

Since words matter, people who have contact or interaction with courts, jails, or prisons should not be referred to with harmful and dehumanizing language.  Stigmatizing references such as criminal, offender, prisoner, or even convict are no longer approved for use (unless in reference to evil insurrectionists, deniers, and their leaders).  For example, a just and compassionate way might include referring to them as "people or individuals with justice system involvement" or "persons previously convicted of sex offenses". 

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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 25 Jun 2024


Presidential Debate

Opportunity for the Ministry of Truth media to expose illegitimate candidates, by limiting and controlling their MDM lies.  By bypassing the nonpartisan debate commission, they can achieve their primary goal of protecting Big Brother from attacks, by using "completely fair and unbiased" moderators.

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Monday, June 24, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 24 Jun 2024


Agitprop Material

Following the pattern of communist propaganda tactics, children are encouraged to create socially aware art, posters, plays, or media content aiming at agitating and disrupting the current status quo.  These explicitly political messages serve to change the minds of the students, and also the culture, to promote the goals of the Ministry of Truth. 

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Friday, June 21, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 21 Jun 2024


Going Corn Pop

To angrily confront anyone who dares to question Big Brother, up to and including throwing their cell phone.  According to his encyclopedic memory, we all are reminded that Corn Pop "was a bad dude", and we need to follow his example and be willing to forcefully confront the opposition without fear, just as he did. 

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Thursday, June 20, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 20 Jun 2024


Cheap Fake Videos

Any video which is deliberately used, edited or not, to show Big Brother in an unfavorable light.  Agents of CHAOS (Conspiracy of Hateful Agents of Overt Subversion) work night and day to reverse-gaslight an unsuspecting public into actually believing what they clearly see and hear.

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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

No, Karen, America is not a Democracy!


No, Karen, America is not a Democracy!

But wait, the liberal media constantly tells us that we are a democracy and that the evil insurrectionists are out to destroy it.  Well, surprise!  Once again the mainstream media is gaslighting by telling you that you must believe something that is actually not so.

The United States of America was founded as a Constitutional Republic in which elected representatives of the various states make decisions, promise to defend the Constitution, and to govern the country faithfully -- with checks and balances.  Our representatives are selected via a democratic process, which consists of one vote per eligible citizen (properly registered and verified).  A pure democracy is one in which a bare majority rules over the minority (e.g. 50.01% can vote to take all the money from the other 49.99%).  Note: the electoral college was setup in view of this reality, to protect our system of government from rash public opinion and mob rule.  

Generally the right to vote is contingent on meeting certain eligibility requirements.  These include: 
  • being a citizen of the United States 
  • being a valid resident of the appropriate country/state/locality 
  • being of legal age (generally 18 years of age) 
  • and to be legally registered to vote by the established deadline(s).  
The right to vote is for eligible citizens, not just residents or those otherwise in the country, legally or not.  You do not have the right to vote multiple ballots for the same election, after death, or for another person.  When political groups refuse to enforce identity verification or other reasonable voting checks and balances, one has to wonder "Why?"  

To challenge illegal voting methods and irregularities is not insurrection.  Rather it is a right, and really an obligation, to 
  • challenge questionable election tactics and violations of law
  • file legal challenges to illegal changes to voting laws and practices
  • demand effective partisan and nonpartisan poll watchers and fully open ballot counting
  • require verified chain of custody of ballots and all voting systems 
  • insist on objective and effective recounts, when deemed necessary
  • expect the government to aggressively go after and look for voter fraud, instead of just allowing them to claim that there is nothing to see 
  • object to election certifications when there is credible evidence of fraud or irregularities
All of the above are rights and responsibilities under our system of government.  However, the real danger to our system of government lies in the abuse of power by those who are supposed to faithfully execute the laws of the United States.  

We are currently living in such dangerous times. 

When courts judicially make laws and rulings that usurp powers constitutionally granted to other branches of government -- we are in danger!  When a president, or his executive branch, bypasses Congress and effectively implements laws by fiat -- we are in danger!  When members of Congress make expedient or political decisions, or fight among themselves, rather than acting in our best interest -- we are in danger!  When a Commander in Chief cannot effectively govern and lets radical extremists make policy and implement regulations -- we are in danger!  When the judicial system is abused and used to persecute political enemies, and lawfare is allowed to run unchecked -- we are in danger!  

So when you are gaslighted by claims that a change in leadership would lead to totalitarianism, and hear the Karens scream that the end of "Democracy" is coming, realize that they are just really looking in the mirror and fear their loss of power and control.  

It is time for a change!

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Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 19 Jun 2024


Religious Character

Government funding of critical social services is conditioned on a nonprofit organization's adherence to diversity and value guidelines provided by the Ministry of Truth.  Specifically, religious organizations may not selectively hire just those that conform to the nonprofit's deeply held religious beliefs, such as requiring all board members, employees, and volunteers "to be authentic followers of Christ."  Because this is not a good enough justification, these organizations will not be allowed to serve at-risk youth of all faiths and backgrounds, including those who are incarcerated, nor expectant and parenting teens.  Funding will be immediately stripped as long as they are not in compliance.  

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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 18 Jun 2024


Exclusionary Language

Language meant to be inclusive of the targeted group of people, who need segregated social events to interact with others "of color" without having to be exposed to white privilege.  This is opposed by anti-affirmative action groups who resist racial discrimination in any form, and wrongly think that a color-blind society is a just outcome.

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Monday, June 17, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 17 Jun 2024


Fair System of Justice

Once justice has been delivered to an enemy of the State, it is shameful when the newly minted convict denigrates the system as "lawfare", claims "due process" was not followed, attacks the institutions and prosecutors, and whines about the judges and the jury system.  This is an existential threat to justice and distracts from the celebration that the Ministry of Love is at the top of its game in protecting Big Brother from all challenges.  This monumental achievement will be remembered by all as a victory over nefarious evil, and will serve as an example to all who dare challenge the Ministry of Truth.  

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Friday, June 14, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 14 Jun 2024


American Flag

The tattered, dated, divisive, and offensive symbol of the imperialistic subjugators of indigenous peoples and enslaved minorities.

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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 13 Jun 2024



Unwarranted pride in America, indistinguishable from nationalism or White supremacy, because it values loyalty to country, and to everything that it means, over unified fealty to socialist liberalism as revealed by the Ministry of Truth.

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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 12 Jun 2024


Socially Transition

Children questioning their gender need to be protected and affirmed in chosen gender changes, for their best interest.  Unless otherwise assured of their full affirmation, teachers should shield transitioning children from negative influences like non-affirming parents, groups, or religions.  Those adopting new pronouns, changing names, dressing with alternative sexual expression, or using different facilities should expect to be treated as they envision. 

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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 11 Jun 2024


Resistance Journalism

Embedded reporters and operatives of Ministry of Truth outlets are critical to promoting the viewpoints of freedom fighters.  Activities include guard duty, intelligence gathering, POV graphic images, generating unverifiable injury and death stats, playing hide and seek with civilian clothing disguises, hiding weapons caches in schools and bedrooms, and residential hostage management.

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Monday, June 10, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 10 Jun 2024


Convicted Felon

Justice-impacted political insurrectionist who has been duly investigated, charged, prosecuted, and convicted by a jury serving at the pleasure of a judge seeking only to ensure an equitable outcome.  This proves that no one is above the law and that justice was served by the Ministry of Love.  

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Saturday, June 8, 2024

The Woke Values Hierarchy


Values Hierarchy of the Ministry of Truth

These are the most important things to the Ministry of Truth, from top to bottom.

  → My Truth - All truth is relative to individuals or to a culture, and purpose in life is solely what you make of it.  One's subjective, lived experiences trump all other values and arguments.  It is an offensive sin to attack or challenge someone's beliefs.

  → Power - The only way to impose your will on the unwilling and ignorant.  It is rightly used to destroy privilege.

  → Sexual Freedom - A consequence free right, which shall not be abridged for any reason, with no limits to personal expression or the free exercise thereof.  Traditional gender roles and family structures are to be shunned.

  → The Struggle - Working to oppose oppression in all its forms, including lack of opportunity, resources, equity, and diversity.  Injustice must be forcefully opposed by jihad and passion in order to overthrow the current system.

  → Anti-Racism - All the ills in the world are due to the inherent evil of people of non-color and their actions.

  → Justice - Everyone should be treated fairly, but some need more fairness than others.

  → Information - Speech and media need to be strictly monitored and controlled to prevent falsehoods from spreading.

  → Crime - Activity due solely to injustice and lack of resources, and it should never be punished or policed because they would do better if they were not oppressed.

  → Environmentalism - The physical world must be protected from the abuses of humanity at any cost.  Worship and reverence to Mother Earth is encouraged.

  → Education - From the youngest age possible, all people must be taught to value right-thinking. 

  → Protest - An important way of inciting change.  But it must be squashed immediately if it promotes thought-crimes or insurrectionist rebellion against Big Brother.

  → Freedom - The selfish view that you alone can control your life and decisions without supervision by those who know what is best for you.

  → Marriage - A traditional view that is obsolete and must be transformed or abolished, as it no longer serves a value role in society.

  → Traditional Values - Progress must always take precedence over ignorant past superstitions imposed by archaic culture and patriarchy. 

  → Rights - No such thing unless granted by the government, which promises free bread and circuses for all.

  → Objective Truth - Since it doesn't actually exist, it is an obsolete construct of White supremacy and religion that has been used to oppress people.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 07 Jun 2024


Alternate ID

Accepted form of non-citizen identification for those unable to provide official Ministry of Love documents which are required for safe travel, dining, voting (optional), risk-free societal participation, or access to public accommodations.  These include arrest warrants, deportation orders, library cards, or Blockbuster video memberships.

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Thursday, June 6, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 06 Jun 2024



Middle East freedom fighters and supporters can no more be anti-semitic, than non-whites can be racists.  According to Critical Truth Theory, those who oppose the oppressors are fully justified in taking extreme actions in pursuit of freedom and equity.

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Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 05 Jun 2024


MDM Space

Misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation (or other terms of art) must be purged from public information spaces, as it can bring security risks to the mission of government agencies.  This applies to all "false" information, as determined by the Ministry of Truth, that is intentionally or inadvertently injected into the information environment.  The Ministry of Love, as representatives of Big Brother, ultimately has the authority to police people’s online speech and content.

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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 04 Jun 2024


Equal Rights Amendment Plus

Legislative act (ERA+) to enshrine equity and fundamental rights (e.g. reproductive freedom and gender affirmation).  This allows the State to replace uninformed parents in giving consent and aid to minors considering life-changing decisions and actions about gender and sexuality (tattoos and aspirin excluded, of course).  Together we must stand to protect these fundamental rights from infringement by extremists: access to gender-affirming care and surgeries, puberty blockers, necessary life-saving surgeries, equitable access to sports and private spaces, and, of course, unrestricted abortion rights.  Proponents claim that the ERA+ is needed now precisely because of "the extremists who would scapegoat children for political gain and the dangers their culture wars are creating in our communities."

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Monday, June 3, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 01 Jun 2024



Support for the antisemitic pro-Hamas student protests is widespread, most recently from Hamas and Palestinian leaders.  This widespread support has come from elites such as college presidents, Big Brother and his supporters, dozens of faith leaders, civil rights and progressive groups, anarchists, sexual freedom activists, and even mullahs in Islamic regimes.  

Note: Even the brutal Russian president has chosen to endorse Big Brother over his evil political opponent. 

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