Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Truth Month - July 2024 - Day 31 - Celebrate Truth, All the Time. All the Time, Celebrate Truth


Truth Month - July 2024

Day 31 -  Celebrate Truth, All the Time.  All the Time, Celebrate Truth

It is not currently popular to stand for the truth.  Relativism reigns and new destructive philosophies such as CRT, DEI, and radical social justice vie for dominance against traditional values.  Words are redefined to win arguments and influence morality without firing a shot.  Feelings and desires are now said to define reality, and rights are granted and revoked as the powerful find useful.  "My truth" and "my lived experience" carry far more weight than inconvenient objective truths.

All is not lost, but it all starts with YOU.  Don't give in to redefinitions of truth and what is good/evil.  Question their assumptions and ask them how they justify their claims, or how they came to their conclusions.  Refuse to use their language and the Orwellian Newspeak they use. 

I would encourage everyone to not just embrace real truth for a limited time, but rather to incorporate it into your core values and promote it daily.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Truth Month - July 2024 - Day 30 - Before passing judgment, be sure to apply the same standard to yourself


Truth Month - July 2024

Day 30 - Before passing judgment, be sure to apply the same standard to yourself

A common misconception among non-Christians, and even many church goers, is that we are commanded to never judge others.  Aren't we all just supposed to love and accept everyone as they are?  Well, that is not really what Jesus taught at all.

Here is what he actually said, 

1 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.  (Matt. 7:1-5)

In context, it sure sounds like he actually expected us to make judgements, but called his followers to not be hypocritical about it.  Scripture is filled with examples and admonitions to make spiritual judgements about many things.  The actions and beliefs of others are fair game.  Of course, this is not a license to seek and destroy people's lives by pointing out every flaw one can find, regardless of how that will affect them.  The Bible is also very clear that we need to correct, rebuke, and teach others in such a way as to build them up or to restore them to fellowship.  It is never to be done to intentionally harm someone or to just win an argument.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 29 Jul 2024 - No-border Czar


No-border Czar

An official person asked to securely open the border and to encourage migrants to freely enter the country.  But no one has ever been formerly known as the Border Czar, since Big Brother has never burdened anyone with that title.  To do so would imply that they were actually responsible for securing the border that is securely not being secured.  

Newspeak Dictionary (Recent) (A-L) (M-Z)

Truth Month - July 2024 - Day 29 - Work is good and the norm for all people


Truth Month - July 2024

Day 29 - Work is good and the norm for all people

Work is good!  While sometimes people experience hard times and need help, they should not be provided a comfortable hammock.  The assistance they get should not incentivize them to stop looking for work and to be comfortable enough to coast through life on handouts.  In fact, that is actually very harmful in the long run.  A permanent welfare state actually does not help them up and out of their situations.

Charity without expectations often begins a descending life spiral.  It has been said that "A hand up beats a handout."  While there are real exceptions where someone is no longer able to work, or when working would be a detriment to themselves or their families, the general rule should be that work is good and is expected.  This has been known for a long time, as the generous early church shows

For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "If a man will not work, he shall not eat."  We hear that some among you are idle. They are not busy; they are busybodies. Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the bread they eat.  2 Thes. 3:10-12 

Now obviously that is not meant to be mean or unfair, but rather acknowledges that work is actually for the good of all.  So why is it hard for our progressive society to have the same expectation?  Surely it is not that some people find it politically advantageous to perpetuate the welfare state?!  Or is it in service to a radical view of equity and social justice?  So far, it seems like it is currently a growth industry.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Truth Month - July 2024 - Day 28 - A life raft cannot save everyone. You cannot help others if yours sinks.


Truth Month - July 2024

Day 28 - A life raft cannot save everyone.  You cannot help others if yours sinks

A life raft has a maximum capacity.  If that capacity is exceeded, it will sink and all of those who trusted in being saved go down too.  In a titanic life and death situation, hard choices may have to be made so that some survive.  Perhaps the noble will sacrifice their spots, or real leaders will prioritize who is most deserving.  It is not an easy position to be in for all involved.  

In some sense, countries are like life rafts in a world of hardships and challenges.  Sometimes countries are struck by disasters, they have failed leadership, or injustices happen through wars or persecutions.  Other countries have prepared or been blessed with good fortune, and can provide assistance.  But resources are never unlimited.  

The first duty of the leaders of a country is to their people, not to all the peoples and countries of the world.  As in the lifeboat example, any given country should first provide for its own people, and only then see about helping others.  Maybe some individuals will choose to sacrifice their places or resources, but it should not be forced upon them.  It is not just to force people to involuntarily provide sanctuary to a mass influx, knowing that it will ultimately harm or doom their way of life.  Yes, it is also foolish.

We can apply this analogy to the massive influx of illegal immigrants who cross into countries without permission.  Many countries allow for immigration in a controlled manner, especially when it will be a benefit to all.  These legal immigrants are motivated and skilled to become productive members of society, and not a drain.  Countries even provide for limited numbers of refugees, at times.  But just as a life raft can only save so many people, countries are also so limited.  

Overwhelmed borders result in numbers of illegal immigrants that swamp the social safety nets of countries.  They have often become a drain, and also fail to assimilate into the existing culture.  There is also an evident attitude of entitlement and lack of gratitude toward the country they invaded.  Many Western countries are experiencing the influx of literally millions of people with fundamentally different values and religions, who rather than desiring to assimilate, want to replace or possess.  Some of these countries are in danger of sinking, or becoming unrecognizable to the citizens who sacrificed to build it.  Is it right to take needed resources away from existing needy (the poor, homeless, veterans, children,... ) and give that away to those who have come uninvited?  Would it not be better to encourage them to build or fix their own life rafts, rather than to sink those of others?

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Truth Month - July 2024 - Day 27 - It is our duty to protect the weak and those who cannot help themselves


Truth Month - July 2024

Day 27 - It is our duty to protect the weak and those who cannot help themselves

To most people, it seems obvious that we should help others when we have the means and opportunity.  Because of that, our societal structure attempts to help those in need.  Our police and military are formally charged with providing safety and security by enforcing our laws and discouraging lawlessness.  Charity and welfare are two different types of assistance that our society uses to provide resources to the needy.  In addition, we all have a personal responsibility to assist with both within our spheres of influence and to our means and ability.

Police serve as protectors as well as deterrents to crime.  It is unfortunate that, in the name of social justice, there is a current trend to defund or eliminate law enforcement, often where crime is the highest.  In actuality, we need to protect the weak and innocent from rampant crime, even when it is being committed by those who may need help too.  Likewise, our military is meant to protect us from external threats to our nation's security.  They need to be efficiently funded and trained to be adequate deterrents to foreign threats.  However, when they are handicapped by political leaders to not finish their missions, or their focus is on DEI initiatives, we all become less safe and the mission as protectors fails.  

Welfare is mainly government assistance and its primary mission should be to help people during their lows, and then to help them find proactive ways to take care of themselves and their families.  It should never be a permanent situation that destroys their souls and motivation to work. Likewise charity, which comes from voluntary contributions, is used for helping people.  Sometimes the lines blur and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) do the actual work of distributing taxpayer provided funds.  It is my observation that true charities tend to do a better job of helping people up because they truly care about the recipients and have a responsibility to manage the funds they have received from donors and in accord with their values.  Welfare systems, especially in our modern times, often are more focused on equity and social justice, than on truly solving problems, and just become self-perpetuating organizations funded by the government.  

Government and charitable organizations are not always the first or best actors to really help people in need.  Often the people we meet, work with, socialize with, or live with are in the best position to help and/or be helped.  Authentic relationships allow us to see past facades and into other's lives.  Sometimes that will result in giving financial help or providing resources, but often it is more important to provide companionship, friendship, counseling, or spiritual guidance.  

Friday, July 26, 2024

Truth Month - July 2024 - Day 26 - It is wrong to take the life of innocent human beings


Truth Month - July 2024

Day 26 - It is wrong to take the life of innocent human beings

Without proper justification, it is clearly wrong to take the life of innocent human beings.  Our moral intuitions should universally agree on that.  Yes, this post specifically is going to address abortion, aka "women's reproductive rights".  I doubt there are many who would be bold enough to argue that the baby in the womb is not innocent, so the real question we should ask ourselves is whether there are actually sufficient justifications for taking the life of the unborn?

One way to evaluate this is to use the SLED test.

  • Size - Does size make a difference in the value of a human being?  Are short people of less value than tall ones (as the 70's Randy Newman song suggests)?  Children are smaller than adults, but clearly we don't treat them as having less value.  So how is size a justification for declaring the unborn to be less valuable? 

  • Level of Development - Compare the following: children, teens, mature adults, and the elderly.  Are any of these more valuable humans than others?  On this basis, who has less justification to live?  There is a continuous process of development of a fertilized egg up through birth and beyond.  At exactly what point then does the developing human become endowed with value that it didn't have moments before?

  • Environment - Does a person's location determine their worth?  Is a baby on one side of the birth canal worth less than one on the other?  Is a human less valuable if they are trapped in a cave vs. on the beach?  Are the homeless less valuable than those sitting in mansions?  It seems obvious that the answer should be "no".    

  • Degree of Dependency - Should a person's dependency matter?  Is a person on life support, or needing a wheelchair, less of a person than someone who can do physical labor and provide for themselves?  Does needing medication for mental health issues make someone less worthy of having a place in society, even to the extent of removing them from it?  What if it costs too much to care for them?  Is that really a good reason for "termination"?

But perhaps carrying a baby would be an inconvenience, limit career options, or cost too much to raise.  What if the baby will be unwanted, abused, or a reminder of tragic circumstances?  Or it infringes on my lifestyle or sexual freedom or ….?   I'd suggest taking a step back and asking yourself if those reasons would ever justify harming or killing another person.  Just asking for millions of innocents.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Truth Month - July 2024 - Day 25 - Justice is supposed to be fairly applied - blind to status and impartial in judgment


Truth Month - July 2024

Day 25 - Justice is supposed to be fairly applied - blind to status and impartial in judgment

The well-known image of Lady Justice shows her with a blindfold covering her eyes and holding a scale.  The expectation is that justice will be weighed fairly and applied in the same way to everyone regardless of their status, character, or wealth.  When justice is not uniformly applied, then confidence is lost in fair outcomes.  This applies both to the wealthy as well as to the poor, to those in power and to those who are not, and to those of high reputation as well as to those with a criminal past.

It should be distressing to all when we see that this is not the case.  

  • When protestors of disfavored movements are targeted with extreme charges and sentences, while favored groups who burned and looted businesses, for example, are not even charged

  • When political leaders are targeted with "unique" interpretations of laws that have rarely/never been prosecuted before or applied in this manner just to "get" someone

  • When violent criminals are either not arrested or immediately released because they are poor/oppressed and are not even required to post bail

  • When disproportionate fines are levied against individuals, especially who can't afford to defend themselves against either the government or corporations with deep pockets

  • When judges appear to be biased in favor of certain cultural or political agendas and prejudicially rule consistently against one side

  • When judges limit the free speech of one party, but does not gag the other, in the name of safety and fairness

  • When judges have clear conflicts of interest and known biases, but refuse to admit it and recuse themselves

  • When the political party in power weaponizes the full power of the government to find crimes against their opponents

  • When judges effectively make laws by fiat instead of properly interpreting existing ones as intended

  • When justices refuse to "get involved" in controversial cases that might result in them losing popularity at social gatherings

When this happens, confidence in the integrity of the courts is diminished and lost.  Lady Justice should not tip the scales to achieve predetermined outcomes of equity, social justice, and discrimination at the expense of truth, real justice, and the laws of our constitutional republic.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Truth Month - July 2024 - Day 24 - God became a human - Humans cannot ever become gods


Truth Month - July 2024

Day 24 - God became a human.  Humans cannot ever become gods.

One truth that seems obvious is that men are not gods, nor are they angels.  We certainly don't act like it is even a remote possibility most of the time.  Philosophically, God is uncaused, necessary, and who is the greatest conceivable being.  He is all powerful, all knowing, all good, omnipresent, immaterial, self-existent, and eternal.  God is the creator of everything that has ever come into existence, including all intelligent beings.

A consequence of this is that there cannot be multiple gods, since there can be only a single greatest being.  One cannot rightly be called "God" by being a lesser version of the one true God.  Yes, human beings have a lot of pride and ambition, but any religion that claims to allow men to ascend to godhood is mistaken, at best, or leading people to worship false gods, at worst. 

However, we have an offer on the table.  We can accept His invitation to become children of God by being grafted into His family through Jesus Christ, who was the embodiment of God as a man.             

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Ooh ... A Venn Diagram


Here's a fun "unofficial" Venn Diagram of the 2024 Presidential race. 

Just remember, Kamala is fond of saying I Love Venn Diagrams  

Truth Month - July 2024 - Day 23 - God has revealed Himself to us. Our attempts to make our own religions are doomed to fail.


Truth Month - July 2024

Day 23 - God has revealed Himself to us.  Our attempts to make our own religions are doomed to fail.

Most religions have a focus on experiencing the divine or becoming one with God.  Human beings have an inherent spirituality and we have sometimes been labeled homo religiosus.  We all are drawn to questions of life’s ultimate meaning and purpose, even those professing atheism.  Why are there so many different religions and spiritual practices?  It may be because most religions are based on people trying to reach or appease their gods.  Religions have evolved as practitioners try new and different ways to experience the divine.  It is not surprising that we have floundered on our own efforts.

However, there is one major religion that makes a far different claim.  Christianity claims that there is only one true God, and that this God desired a relationship with His creation.  So He chose to reveal Himself to them in multiple ways, sometimes called General and Special Revelation.  General Revelation is available to all men through the created world.  The apostle Paul stated that this is one way that God reveals knowledge, through human experience, history, creation, and conscience.  In other words, all people naturally know something about God's existence, His power, His character, and His nature.  In addition, Special Revelation was given directly to men of God and through His Son, Jesus.  Special Revelation communicates direct, clear information about the nature of God and His expectations on us.  Jesus was the ultimate revelation, as the God who became man and lived among us.  He taught us how to live, he gave his life for us, and he proved his authority by rising from the dead.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 22 Jul 2024 - Assassination Denier


Assassination Denier

The Ministry of Truth is adamant that no such thing is possible, since it was obviously staged.  Claims of close calls without a dead body are just fake news.  Clearly fake blood, faked deaths, and lack of panic prove this was a false flag event by opponents of Big Brother.  There also is no motive, since media, political, and legal assassinations have already proven effective at stopping or slowing the opposition from destroying our country, … right ?!? 

Newspeak Dictionary (Recent) (A-L) (M-Z)

Truth Month - July 2024 - Day 22 - We must live in the real world that God created, governed by His rules and laws


Truth Month - July 2024

Day 22 - We must live in the real world that God created, governed by His rules and laws.

Children have fantastic imaginations.  They can envision worlds where they can fly, fight dragons, or be someone else.  We all need escape now and then, and usually it is healthy as long as we realize that it is actually unreal.  Interacting with the real world as Superman will end badly. 

We live in a physical world governed by fixed laws of nature.  We have to eat, drink, have shelter, and clothing.  We are social creatures and look for relational connections with others and even with nature.  But the real world is potentially a dangerous place too.  Disasters happen, health can fail, or we can be harmed by the actions of others.  We do our best to protect ourselves, our families, and our well-being.  

We ignore the reality of the rules and laws of this world at our peril.  We must live in the world as it is, even if we want it to be otherwise or even if we believe it to be different from reality.  We can spend like we're rich, even if we are not.  We can treat others badly and expect to receive love in return.  We can deny that we have a disease and refuse treatment.  We can act as if we have a body biologically different from the one we were born in and even try to change it.  We can believe that we can steal without consequences.  We can live our lives as if there will never be an end or an ultimate accounting for our actions.  There are innumerable ways we can deceive ourselves, but eventually we will suffer the consequences of ignoring reality and embracing our fantasies.  

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Truth Month - July 2024 - Day 21 - People and institutions may fail us but God never will


Truth Month - July 2024

Day 21 - People and institutions may fail us, but God never will

We are only human!  Part of the human experience is that we are not perfect.  We all make mistakes, rebel against authority, and selfishly chase our own agendas.  This is called sin and it can be against others, ourselves, and even God.  

There are few people, if any, who have not been failed by others.  In families, social groups, work, or even the church, we all have had bad experiences (e.g. hurt feelings, rejection, broken trust, abuse, etc.)  It actually is not that surprising, since any group of people you are involved with has at least one imperfect person – yourself!  Yes, it happens, but how we respond is up to us.  Forgiveness is healthy for all parties.  While that doesn't mean we shouldn't remove ourselves from dangerous situations, there is always the hope of reconciliation.  

The one thing that we can trust, though, is that God will never fail us.  God has a perfect track record of keeping His promises.  He promises that if we accept His free gift of salvation through Jesus, that we will get a clean slate and become a new creation spiritually.  Does He promise a trouble-free and prosperous life?  No, but He does promise to walk beside us all the way to the end.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Truth Month - July 2024 - Day 20 - Men are not Women. Women are not Men. Your gender was assigned at conception.


Truth Month - July 2024

Day 20 - Men are not Women.  Women are not Men.  Your gender was assigned at conception.

Until very recently, if you announced, "It's a boy … or a girl.  We'll have to wait and see until they tell us", you would have been met with comments like, "What?!?" or "Hah, very funny, now really is it a boy or a girl?".  The universal experience of human biology is that we are sexual beings at our core, from our genetics to the normal development of our bodies.  Sure, there have been various ways that people have lived out their feelings and desires, sometimes rebelling against established norms.  But up until recently, it was never a question of the reality of a person's male or female nature, regardless of their actions or wishes.

That has radically changed very recently in the long history of humanity.  Despite overwhelming scientific evidence that there are just two human sexes, and that each individual is one or the other from their conception, now we are told that we must accept that men can change into women, and vice versa.  Now this is not based on some futuristic advanced technology, but rather is based solely on the stated feelings of an individual.  If a male claims to be a woman, then they are, and society has no right to say otherwise!  This is not dependent upon their appearance, biology, sexual preferences, or physical development.  Nope, we just have to fall in line and accept them into society as they desire, even if it presents challenges to the privacy, rights, fairness, and safety of others.  This sure sounds like the tyranny of the minority. 

One might ask, why those who claim to "follow the science" religiously are now promoting a clearly non-scientific position.  Could it be that they are pushing a social agenda to radically change our culture and to destroy the foundations of the traditional family so that they can replace it with a new system of beliefs?  Believe it or not!    

Friday, July 19, 2024

Truth Month - July 2024 - Day 19 - Families are key. From the beginning of time, they were designed to be the primary source of moral teaching and discipline.


Truth Month - July 2024

Day 19 - Families are key.  From the beginning of time, they were designed to be the primary source of moral teaching and discipline.

As far back in history as we can see, the family unit has been the core of human existence.  Primarily this is due to the fact that men and women come together and create children, who often look like copies of their parents.  Human nature recognizes that we need to nurture and raise these younglings to be productive members of the family and culture.  

We are in the midst of a social experiment in America.  Single parenthood and absent fatherhood is on the rise, especially in poor minority communities.  Unsurprisingly, we have seen dramatic rises in crime, drug use, prostitution, abortion, homelessness, and general unrest.  The best indicators of success in our country are to 

  1. Get and hold a job 

  2. Graduate HS 

  3. Don't have kids before marriage

All of these things become harder without good family examples.

Children need the influence and examples of strong male and female role models in their daily lives to grow in character, develop discipline, and learn by example.  Children thrive best in a home where there are both fathers and mothers.  This is not meant to denigrate the efforts of single moms or other family situations, who often do amazing jobs in hard circumstances.  Nevertheless, that is not the ideal family situation for raising good children with strong moral training and who are prepared to be productive members of society.  Reliance on street peers and gangs as replacement parents doesn't provide the necessary support to properly develop character.   

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Truth Month - July 2024 - Day 18 - Good and Evil both exist. Fight for good. Resist evil. (Ethics - Do the greater good)


Truth Month - July 2024

Day 18 - Good and Evil both exist. Fight for good. Resist evil. (Ethics - Do the greater good)

A principle in ethics is "Choose to do the greater good."  Sometimes this is recast as "Choose the lesser of two evils."  Regardless, our responsibility is to first identify good and evil, and then to work toward the former and against the latter.  

For most people, it is obvious that some form of evil exists.  But what defines evil and does it actually exist?  For real evil to exist, there must be an objective standard by which to judge it.  Relativism has a hard time with calling anything evil, since it is just the subjective opinion of the individual, group, or culture.  An individual may even belong to different groups with different moral standards.  Take this example, “Terrorists like to kill people; I like to save them."  Now who’s to say which is better… and more importantly how does the relativist make a determination that is more than just their preference or opinion?  Perhaps they just deny that objective standards exist by which to determine right and wrong, truth and falsehood.

In reality, we can't define good and evil on our own, but we can recognize it because we have a moral intuition that is built into our nature.  We know in our core that evil is real, and that it is something to be opposed and fought.  There is a way to ground morality, and that is in the morally perfect Creator who is the standard.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 17 Jul 2024 - Slippery Slope


Slippery Slope

Unsafe locations for Secret Service (SS) snipers, since they might fall off and be injured (per their leader).  Given the safety factors, no potential assassin would be willing to take such a risk either, so the location must be secure.  Besides, securing such a rooftop would be a provocative act, potentially sliding into more violence because of the threat of guns.  The SS is tasked with primarily protecting Big Brother and his administration from all threats, whether political, media-based, or physical. 
Note: Given resource constraints, greasing the roof was considered too much hassle.

Newspeak Dictionary (Recent) (A-L) (M-Z)

Truth Month - July 2024 - Day 17 - Our worth as human beings is not based on external characteristics, what we can give society, our development level, or any conferred status, but on our intrinsic value as creatures made in God's image.


Truth Month - July 2024

Day 17 - Our worth as human beings is not based on external characteristics, what we can give society, our development level, or any conferred status, but on our intrinsic value as creatures made in God's image.

Why are human beings valuable?   Is it based on power, title, or influence?  Does my personal self-image determine what I can contribute?  Are babies worth more/less than people in their prime?

From the dawn of civilization, it has been recognized that it is wrong to intentionally kill an innocent human being.  However, the definition of human being has been more fluid.  In some cultures, killing and eating a captured enemy was appropriate.  Some have viewed women or minorities as property to be owned or treated as objects.  Others have been okay with abandoning or killing the old, the infirm, or inconvenient members of their society.  Infanticide of the unwanted and killing of the unborn are allowed by others.  In all these cases, the humanity of the subject was viewed as less than others, thereby justifying their treatment.  

Should the value of a human being be determined by subjective factors?  The Christian worldview holds that all people are made in the Image of God, and hence have fundamental value and dignity.  This worth is not dependent upon their station in life, their level of development or dependency on others, what they can contribute to society, or any other mental or physical characteristics (see S.L.E.D.)  It is solely based on the fact that we bear the likeness of God, and that is reason enough.   

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Truth Month - July 2024 - Day 16 - True Tolerance allows for different viewpoints, and does not suppress others


Truth Month - July 2024

Day 16 - True Tolerance allows for different viewpoints, and does not suppress others

What does it mean to be "tolerant"?  Frequently there are claims that  

  • You are just spreading hate speech.

  • You are unenlightened and uninformed if you don’t agree with us about gay rights.

  • You are denying people their rights by restricting marriage to 1 man + 1 woman.  

  • You are intolerant of others' beliefs if you say Jesus is the only way to heaven.

  • Just because you believe that abortion is wrong, is no reason to deny my rights.  Why are you so intolerant?

  • You just want to demean people and deny them dignity.  You must be a bigot if you want to oppress someone who is just born that way.

  • Bigots should be punished and publicly exposed.

The relativist is quick to declare the other person intolerant or bigoted.  But what they actually are saying is that you must agree or you will be labeled as intolerant, hateful, and bigoted.  However, true tolerance requires differences of opinion or practice to be held, while respecting the person (but not necessarily the idea).  You really can't tolerate people who share your views! 

Classic tolerance means that the views of others should be permitted to be expressed, and thus we can allow for different beliefs without saying that the person is bad just because they hold them.  On the other hand, it is expected that views and positions can be fairly challenged.  Banning speech, shouting down college speakers, or canceling people over their beliefs is not tolerance, but is rather viewpoint discrimination.

TLDR Summary

  • Tolerate persons in all circumstances by giving them respect and courtesy even when their ideas are false, silly, or even offensive.

  • Tolerate (allow) behavior that is moral and consistent with the common good.

  • Tolerate (embrace/believe) ideas that are sound. 

“Love must be sincere.  Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.  Be devoted to one another in brotherly love.  Honor one another above yourselves… Bless those who persecute you… Live in harmony with one another…”  Romans 12:9-21

Monday, July 15, 2024

Ministry of Truth Daily Update - 15 Jul 2024 - Political Violence


Political Violence

Big Brother and the Ministry of Truth strongly decry actions taken against current government institutions or its officials.  However, meaningful (and mostly peaceful) protests, hyperbolic incitement to action, symbolic destruction of unapproved history, and inflammatory rhetoric are tacitly encouraged and protected for those supporting progressive causes.  BB's power must be shielded from usurpers, by any means necessary, since the enemies of democracy are evil, dangerous, existential threats to the planet, and authoritarian dictators who will destroy our country if allowed to take power.  Remember, our honored leader told us, "It’s time to put [the former dictator] in a bullseye."

Newspeak Dictionary (Recent) (A-L) (M-Z)